Local NYC board backs plan to build mosque near Ground Zero

Originally Posted by Man E

Why does it have to be so close to ground zero though?

Let them build it anywhere except there.
I actually agree with you. Their is no Japanese Cultural center right next to Pearl Harbor is there? I think its insensitive to build a mosque where so many people lost family members and friends at to terrorists. As a Muslim myself I find myself questioning the people who decided to build the mosque there. I'm sure there are many other areas to build it, why put salt on old wounds?
Originally Posted by sam206

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Well im going to be the one that thinks this is nonsense. That is like letting a man beat up your mom and then let them live with you.

I would tell the Muslims to go &$^% themselves, but that is because to me Muslim countries do not amount to anything but oil. I am Russian and Armenian if it matters and my people are being killed by Chechen terrorists and were killed by Turks.

YOU can go *@+% yourself, you know.

I like how you're a close minded bigot yet you're "Russian and Armenian". Funny how if you're Armenian you risk being beaten up to death (literally) by Russian neo-nazi skinheads if you walk the streets of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

I am Bosnian and there is video evidence of Orthodox Christian Serbs systematically massacring 8.000 unarmed Muslim men and boys, but I don't hate every Serb.
well i never said I hate muslims, I have alot of muslim friends. Im just saying that they should build the mosque somewhere else. " I am Bosnian and there is video evidence of Orthodox Christian Serbs
systematically massacring 8.000 unarmed Muslim men and boys, but I don't
hate every Serb." You might not hate every serb, but you probably hate most like my bosnian friends. And as for me being able to walk around in Russia without getting beaten is a joke. I go to Moscow every summer to visit my family and I dont have one scratch from neo nazi. You are just an idiot that watches to much American TV that bashes on other countries.

I didn't say you're not able to "walk around in Russia without getting beaten". Just like you were statistically able to walk around in New York on September 11, 2001 and not get killed. But it is a fact that SOME Russians skinheads have killed SOME Armenians on the streets of Russia's big cities.

So if you weren't a hypocrite, shouldn't an Armenian see living with Russians as being like "letting a man beat up your mom and then let them live with you.", because some Russians have killed Armenians?
the decision these local board member made in NYC>>>>>> is a great step forward towards ending this ignant hate for all muslims

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Originally Posted by Man E

Why does it have to be so close to ground zero though?

Let them build it anywhere except there.
What's wrong with building it there?

I know why you feel the way that you do, but should you feel that way?
who wouldnt, were human. 911 was really devastating for NYCers

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Originally Posted by sam206

Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Well im going to be the one that thinks this is nonsense. That is like letting a man beat up your mom and then let them live with you.

I would tell the Muslims to go &$^% themselves, but that is because to me Muslim countries do not amount to anything but oil. I am Russian and Armenian if it matters and my people are being killed by Chechen terrorists and were killed by Turks.

YOU can go *@+% yourself, you know.

I like how you're a close minded bigot yet you're "Russian and Armenian". Funny how if you're Armenian you risk being beaten up to death (literally) by Russian neo-nazi skinheads if you walk the streets of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

I am Bosnian and there is video evidence of Orthodox Christian Serbs systematically massacring 8.000 unarmed Muslim men and boys, but I don't hate every Serb.
well i never said I hate muslims, I have alot of muslim friends. Im just saying that they should build the mosque somewhere else. " I am Bosnian and there is video evidence of Orthodox Christian Serbs
systematically massacring 8.000 unarmed Muslim men and boys, but I don't
hate every Serb." You might not hate every serb, but you probably hate most like my bosnian friends. And as for me being able to walk around in Russia without getting beaten is a joke. I go to Moscow every summer to visit my family and I dont have one scratch from neo nazi. You are just an idiot that watches to much American TV that bashes on other countries.

I didn't say you're not able to "walk around in Russia without getting beaten". Just like you were statistically able to walk around in New York on September 11, 2001 and not get killed. But it is a fact that SOME Russians skinheads have killed SOME Armenians on the streets of Russia's big cities.

So if you weren't a hypocrite, shouldn't an Armenian see living with Russians as being like "letting a man beat up your mom and then let them live with you.", because some Russians have killed Armenians?
What I was getting at was that there are barley any neo nazi killing unlike what the American news is imply. The american news is trying to show that the neo nazi killings are like a everyday thing. I know that even one killing is wrong but how are you going to stop people from thinking.
Putting a mosque next to were the world trade center used to be is like putting a memorial in Srebrenica for the Serb soldiers that killed innocent Bosnian
Originally Posted by devildog1776

9/11 was carried out by numerous global agencies to usher in the nwo's agenda....

Half of the so called hijackers confirmed that they were alive after the attacks....

Please stop believing the govts story on 9/11

Do some research
Here's where my issue is..you know, we don't but instead of imparting knowledge you come off like an elitist dbag (not saying that you are)

The general person doesn't want to do research, so they turn on the tv and watch the news like it's gospel

i want to write a condensed book to start spreading some of these truths cuz people will never know at this rate

the level of ignorance in America is absurd

edit: wow first time i've seen that vid..cleared a lot of stuff up for me

i was surprised how much truth was in the movie "W," stone really portrayed him like the ritard he is
I have nothing against the Islamic faith but do they really have to build a mosque near Ground Zero? It just seems...I don't know how to say it...forced.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Bush 9/11 Inaction from NewsFocus on Vimeo.

I will post my thoughts on this sensitive subjective decision once a few people watch this video I have just posted.

Peep his book...

Bush is seriously an idiot. I've seen that video before. His reactions/lies are all tangled up. I am not going to elaborate on this here and now, but what the US government has done is found it's entryway into the Middle East to rape Iraq of it's oil and Afghanistan of it's opium. Don't believe me? Look it up. Our brothers and sisters are being slaughtered out there for no reason whatsoever. You really think Bin Laden did this? How have we not caught him by now? What a crock of bull s---
. I've never noticed that upside down book.

The thing that gets me about the Bush Administration and 9/11 is that Bush and Cheney themselves did not want to testify under oath regarding 9/11. If you have nothing to hide, why not testify? Also, neither of them were willing to sit alone (without the presence of one another) in a room with the 9/11 commission to discuss the events. That tells you one thing. Both wanted to make their stories were straight..
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

. I've never noticed that upside down book.

The thing that gets me about the Bush Administration and 9/11 is that Bush and Cheney themselves did not want to testify under oath regarding 9/11. If you have nothing to hide, why not testify? Also, neither of them were willing to sit alone (without the presence of one another) in a room with the 9/11 commission to discuss the events. That tells you one thing. Both wanted to make their stories were straight..
Dude pulled some straight !#!@@ @@+! talmbout "I'll sit in a room wit em, but I won't testify"

#%*# you clown..
I love how there is sooooo much media scrutiny over pretty much every step Obama takes yet when all this was going on nobody was trying to do or say anything against what the white house said and if you did you were labeled unpatriotic or crazy.
Not all families are against the Islamic Center.


9/11 Family’s Group Announces Support for Islamic Cultural Center in Lower Manhattan
May 20th, 2010

New York – Today, September 11th Families for PeacefulTomorrows, a nationwide group founded by family members of those killedon 9/11 issued the following statement, which may be attributed totheir spokesperson, Donna Marsh O’Connor:

September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows strongly supportsefforts to bring an Islamic Cultural Center to lower Manhattan, nearthe Ground Zero site. We believe that welcoming the Center, which isintended to promote interfaith tolerance and respect, is consistentwith fundamental American values of freedom and justice for all.

We believe, too, that this building will serve as an emblem for therest of the world that Americans stand against violence, intoleranceand overt acts of racism and that we recognize that the evil acts of afew must never damn the innocent.

To arrange an interview with a member of September 11th Families forPeaceful Tomorrows, please contact David Lerner or Shonna Carter,Riptide Communications, 212-260-5000 ([email protected] or [email protected] ).

September11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows is an organization founded byfamily members of those killed on September 11, 2001. Currentlycomprised of over 200 families, the group advocates nonviolence andadherence to the rule of law in the pursuit of justice andaccountability.

Ground Zero Mosque Moves Forward After Landmark Vote

NEW YORK — A city commission on Tuesday denied landmark status to a building near the World Trade Center site, freeing a group to convert the property into an Islamic community center and mosque that has drawn national opposition.

The Landmarks Preservation Commission voted 9-0, saying the 152-year-old building blocks from the site of the Sept. 11 attacks wasn't special or distinctive enough to meet criteria to qualify as a landmark. Commissioners also said that other buildings from the era were better examples of the building's style.

National and New York politicians and the Anti-Defamation League have come out in recent weeks against plans for the mosque, saying it disrespects the memory of Sept. 11 victims. Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who also chairs the foundation building the Sept. 11 memorial, has defended plans for the mosque.

Several members of a crowd of 50 or 60 applauded, while others shouted "Shame!" as commission chairman Robert B. Tierney called for the vote. One opponent, Linda Rivera of Manhattan, held up a sign reading, "Don't glorify murders of 3,000. No 9/11 victory mosque."

Supporters of landmark status, including GOP gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio and some Sept. 11 family members, had argued that the building warranted landmark status because it was struck by airplane debris during the attacks.

But commissioner Christopher Moore noted that the debris hit a number of buildings.

"One cannot designate hundreds of buildings on that criteria alone," Moore said. "We do not landmark the sky."

The mosque would be part of an Islamic community center to be operated by a group called the Cordoba Initiative, which says the center will be a space for moderate Muslim voices.

Oz Sultan, the program coordinator for the proposed Islamic center, said last week that the building has been changed too much over the years to qualify as a landmark.
Story continues below

"I think a lot of the negativity we're getting is coming from people who are politically grandstanding," Sultan said. "We're completely open and transparent."

The Rev. Robert Chase, founding director of an interfaith group called Intersections, supported the project and called it "a really positive example of how we can move forward from 9/11."

Daisy Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, told The Wall Street Journal in Tuesday's editions that the center's board will include members of other religions and explore including an interfaith chapel at the center.

"We want to repair the breach and be at the front and center to start the healing," said Khan, a partner in the building and the wife of the cleric leading the effort.

But the Anti-Defamation League's national director, Abraham Foxman, said Khan's proposals fail to address the crux of opponents' criticism that erecting the mosque near ground zero is insensitive to 9/11 victims' families.

The Jewish organization came out against the mosque last week, saying "some legitimate questions have been raised" about the Cordoba Initiative's funding and possible ties with "groups whose ideologies stand in contradiction to our shared values."

The project also has drawn opposition from former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, among others.

Lazio attended Tuesday's hearing, saying he still had questions about funding sources and saying the national debate over the mosque had nothing to do with religion.

He said: "It's about this particular mosque called the Cordoba Mosque. It's about being at ground zero. It's about being spearheaded by an imam who has associated himself with radical Islamic causes and has made comments that should chill every single American, frankly."

The imam, Faisel Abdul Rauf, had refused to call the radical Palestinian group Hamas a terrorist organization, Lazio has said. Rauf also had said in a "60 Minutes" interview televised shortly after 9/11 that "United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened."
They have a right to build one wherever they wish, but what I'd like to know is where is this $$$ coming from?
Currently they aren't sure.

But many NY investors with deep pockets have expressed interest.

The place will contain restaurants, a swimming pool, book stores, art exhibitions, and other features attracting a lot of investors.
you know.. I didn't know this until I read some of hte comments in a story about this.... but there's ALREADY a mosque there.
they just want to rebuild a new community center and a new mosque
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you know.. I didn't know this until I read some of hte comments in a story about this.... but there's ALREADY a mosque there.
they just want to rebuild a new community center and a new mosque
word. I get the feeling that the media just loves to instigate conflict and cause division 
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you know.. I didn't know this until I read some of hte comments in a story about this.... but there's ALREADY a mosque there.
they just want to rebuild a new community center and a new mosque
Are you sure?  I thought it was a Burlington Coat Factory?
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