Local NYC board backs plan to build mosque near Ground Zero

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If we had any brains we'd build these things everywhere....times square, penn station, grand central, ground zero, near the statue of liberty, etc.  Then you have no need to worry about them bombing that stuff.

I dont know whether i like this or not. has a little hint of racism but makes alot of sense.
I personally do not agree with the fundamentals of Islam but that's just me. I would not mind however a Mosquy situated near ground zero, but I do not get what is the point of building it? To show that we care? To show that we want to make peace? No one has given a full explanation why.
Im all with religious freedom and I embrace most cultures. Im even taking Arabic this coming semester in college. That being said I dont really see the need for a Mosque. Yes proponents for the mosque will argue that this will allow muslims to be seen in a better light since the terrorists attacks. But as we can see...its making things worse. Moreover, this whole "Islamic hatred" thing is happening everywhere (France banning the veil). But I guess we can start somewhere...I just dont see things changing overnight with the building of a mosque
I personally do not agree with the fundamentals of Islam but that's just me. I would not mind however a Mosquy situated near ground zero, but I do not get what is the point of building it? To show that we care? To show that we want to make peace? No one has given a full explanation why.

From the Cordoba house website:

Cordoba House is a Muslim-led project which will build a world-class facility that promotes tolerance, reflecting the rich diversity of New York City. The center will be community-driven, serving as a platform for inter-community gatherings and cooperation at all levels, providing a space for all New Yorkers to enjoy.

This proposed project is about promoting integration, tolerance of difference and community cohesion through arts and culture. Cordoba House will provide a place where individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, will find a center of learning, art and culture; and most importantly, a center guided by Islamic values in their truest form - compassion, generosity, and respect for all.

The site will contain tremendous amounts of resources that otherwise would not exist in Lower Manhattan; a 500-seat auditorium, swimming pool, art exhibition spaces, bookstores, restaurants - all these services would form a cultural nexus for a region of New York City that, as it continues to grow, requires the sort of hub that Cordoba House will provide.

See, people think it's just a mosque- it's not. It's a community center for all different races and cultures to come to the same place. It's actually a brilliant idea.

proponents for the mosque will argue that this will allow muslims to be seen in a better light since the terrorists attacks. But as we can see...its making things worse

In my opinion, I think that this kind of thing is necessary. As tensions continue to rise, if Muslims are to just sit back and not do anything, it will only get worse. The Cordoba House has sparked controversy even though the sole goal and purpose is to improve relations. Eventually, those who are against the mosque will see it is inevitable, and then they will be forced to look at themselves. Self awareness of their prejudice is the first step towards recovery, and that is what I think is great about this issue. Right now things are bad, but in the long run this mosque will have done MUCH good for Western-Muslim relations, long before it's fully established.
My whole question is, why do they have to open it on Sept 11th? Cant they do it on the 10th or 12th or something?
^^since when did they say it would be opened on 9/11?

[h1]Ground Zero Mosque: Are We Digging a Hole in the Soul of America?
Islam did not attack the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, sick and twisted men did, who not only hijacked four airplanes but also hijacked a religion. Let us not stereotype the over one billion Muslims around the world because of the evil acts of a few. A decision like this one, to support or not support the construction of this center, defines who we are as a nation. It's at the essence of our values, our freedom of expression, freedom of religion and religious tolerance.
if i were the war policy makers in this country id give these people the sweet death they so desire, its time for a intelligence cleanse in this world
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

closet conservative bashing thread?
a.k.a almost every NT political thread.
i've got no problem if someone wants to build a mosque, the people who attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims. 

there must be another location in NYC to build it at, having it that close is asking for people to assume its a dig at the people who died.

whether some who are helping fund it are or not, accusations are going to happen. 
Ground Zero Mosque APPEAL: Conservative Law Firm Will Fight Go-Ahead Vote

(RNS) A conservative religious law firm plans to appeal a decision that grants a green light for the construction of an Islamic community center two blocks from Ground Zero.

The Washington-based American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) opposes the construction of the Cordoba House in lower Manhattan because the building currently at the site "stands as an iconic part of the cultural and historical fabric of America."

The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission on Tuesday (Aug. 3) voted unanimously not to grant historic status to the site, eliminating a key hurdle that allows planning and construction to go forward.

The ACLJ, which represents a retired New York City firefighter, called the vote "deeply offensive," adding that they are "poised to file legal action on behalf of our client to challenge this flawed decision and put a stop to this project."

Tension has mounted in recent weeks regarding what critics call the "Ground Zero Mosque," while proponents say it will not be a mosque and that it is not at Ground Zero.

As Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, CEO of the Cordoba Initiative, told Reuters, the future project will be a community center -- which includes a prayer hall -- modeled after the YMCA.
Story continues below

The ACLJ, however, said in a press release that the vote ignores "the fact that this is a historic and hallowed site that should not be destroyed to build an Islamic mosque."

In a July 20 letter submitted to the Landmarks Preservation Commission, the ACLJ said its opposition "is not based upon fear, hostility or prejudice, but rather the unique architectural and historical characteristics of the building and the public's interest in preserving the history of the September 11th events."

Rauf, in a statement, thanked the commission for its "careful and thoughtful consideration," saying he was grateful to them and local elected officials for "their commitment to the democratic and constitutional ideals we all hold dear and which the community center we hope to create on the site will honor."

The joint statement from the New York Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU praised the decision for "promoting our nation's core values and not letting bias get in the way of the rule of law."
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

you know.. I didn't know this until I read some of hte comments in a story about this.... but there's ALREADY a mosque there.
they just want to rebuild a new community center and a new mosque
Are you sure?  I thought it was a Burlington Coat Factory?
I wanted to make sure...so I did some googling


It's an unlikely sanctuary, the room filling quietly with worshippers. It might be a deserted trading floor or a hastily thrown-up sound stage—the industrial carpeting running wide and clean and a little unrelenting, the matted electric cords and walls that don't quite reach the ceiling. There's a sketchlike quality of impermanence that might be any of a thousand anonymous spaces downtown, filling according to invisible rhythms, empty one minute, crowded the next.

It's in part because of all this or maybe despite it that when Haroon Moghul, a tall doctoral student with an easy laugh, launches into the Friday afternoon sermon, the words, "We seek refuge and sanctuary," take on sudden weight.

The Financial District building that recently sprung to the center of national debate, several raucous city meetings and one twice-rejected, ominously intoned National Republican Trust-sponsored ad—"They want to build a monstrous 13-story mosque at Ground Zero"—has, for close to a year now, been the space where hundreds of Muslims gather quietly to read from the Koran and to pray.
Originally Posted by zichardruniga

if i were the war policy makers in this country id give these people the sweet death they so desire, its time for a intelligence cleanse in this world

quoted for irony
The only reason this is a problem is because the people who are always *****ing about the most mundane and unimportant, irrelevant situations are the people lacking a sense of critical thinking and reasoning..

There is no problem because people want to build a Mosque.. The reason there is a problem is because of a lack of critical thinking by those opposed.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

If we had any brains we'd build these things everywhere....times square, penn station, grand central, ground zero, near the statue of liberty, etc.  Then you have no need to worry about them bombing that stuff.

I say we burn down all churches, temples,mosques and other religious places of worship. Who's with me?
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by HOVKid

If we had any brains we'd build these things everywhere....times square, penn station, grand central, ground zero, near the statue of liberty, etc.  Then you have no need to worry about them bombing that stuff.
I can't even argue against this. Damn. Not saying all Muslims are terrorists, but keeping them at arms reach makes things easier to monitor.

You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Originally Posted by outbackbob24

I say we burn down all churches, temples,mosques and other religious places of worship. Who's with me?

No, because that would make me no different from violent religious fanatics.
but there's ALREADY a mosque there.,,,,,they just want to rebuild a new community center and a new mosque

That's the thing that most people didn't or even still chose to not understand.  It's already there, they just want to expand and build a new mosque.  There is truly NOTHING for anyone to be up in arms about.

the people who attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims. 
See this is the type of statement that is moving us backwards instead of forward.  Instead of saying the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims, you should say that the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme terrorists, or terriorists.  Them being muslim really has nothing to do with it. 
Essential1 wrote:

Extremist Muslims do Terrorist attacks = The Muslim faith is bad
Extremist Christians do terrorist attacks = sweep it under the rug and Christianity is great.

The ignorence of Americans allows for this white supremecy to prevail...

The Islamic faith was demonized for something we can't even prove they were responsible for, Americans just don't like to think, those buildings were clearly blown up, but for some reason no one wants to look into that any further, and when you do you get pegged a "conspiracy theorist", but the evidence clearly shows, what appears to have happened that day was infact NOT what occured... Nowhere near it...

They used that +@@+ to demonize the Islamic faith, but when the "Christians" kidnapped my ancestors brought them over here, built the walls on what we now know as Wall street only to be killed and burried under, and the wall to serve as a supermarket of source for sales of Africans, but the same people who will argue against this Mosque won't complain about the treatment of blacks, or even keeping the name if a place with a such a disgusting history...

They demonize the Islamic faith, they demonized my ancestors so no one would feel compassion for the conditions they forced to live in, now they're demonizing the "illegal immigrants" and turning the everyday American against them as if there some type of enemy to their way of life...

Its a shame that people still feed into these blatant acts...

If they wanna build a mosque, let em... Who cares, orginized religion is a waste of time and energy ANYway... But if it makes them sleep better, I'm all for it...
Deuce King wrote:

the people who attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims. 
See this is the type of statement that is moving us backwards instead of forward.  Instead of saying the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims, you should say that the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme terrorists, or terriorists.  Them being muslim really has nothing to do with it. 

Actually them being Muslim does have something to do with it. The original statement is correct. The people that attacked the United States on 9/11 were Muslim, and they were terrorists. However they do not represent the Muslim world as a whole. They are an extremely small percentage of the one billion Muslims across the globe. They're basically no more than a few thousand radicalized individuals who interpret Islam differently than the majority of the Muslim world and use it to carry out an agenda. 
Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise

Essential1 wrote:

Extremist Muslims do Terrorist attacks = The Muslim faith is bad
Extremist Christians do terrorist attacks = sweep it under the rug and Christianity is great.
The ignorence of Americans allows for this white supremecy to prevail...

The Islamic faith was demonized for something we can't even prove they were responsible for, Americans just don't like to think, those buildings were clearly blown up, but for some reason no one wants to look into that any further, and when you do you get pegged a "conspiracy theorist", but the evidence clearly shows, what appears to have happened that day was infact NOT what occured... Nowhere near it...

They used that +@@+ to demonize the Islamic faith, but when the "Christians" kidnapped my ancestors brought them over here, built the walls on what we now know as Wall street only to be killed and burried under, and the wall to serve as a supermarket of source for sales of Africans, but the same people who will argue against this Mosque won't complain about the treatment of blacks, or even keeping the name if a place with a such a disgusting history...

They demonize the Islamic faith, they demonized my ancestors so no one would feel compassion for the conditions they forced to live in, now they're demonizing the "illegal immigrants" and turning the everyday American against them as if there some type of enemy to their way of life...

Its a shame that people still feed into these blatant acts...

If they wanna build a mosque, let em... Who cares, orginized religion is a waste of time and energy ANYway... But if it makes them sleep better, I'm all for it...

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