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How Many Games Do You Project The Lakers Will Win This Season?

  • 15-20

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  • 21-25

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  • 26-30

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  • 31-35

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  • 36-40

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  • 41-45

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 46-50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 51-55

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 56-73

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They Will Break the NBA Record with 74+ Wins

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The real question is is will Buss and Mitch actually fire Byron? Think about that

They believe the old school showtime fans love Byron and there will be a backlash because "Byron is family"

Also firing him is another indictment on their colossally poor hiring decisions - 3 straight bad hires

It will be interesting to see if they have the cajones to fire him

That introductory press conference with all the legends welcoming him, the hug with Jeanie, BS glowing about the organization and Dr Buss......and then SPLAT! fired after less than 2 seasons

I just don't see it
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Luke is at the top of my list, but that would mean Byron is here for at least most of the season.

Whoever it us has to have the guts to tell Kobe to reel it in.

Firing Byron is the first step but Kobe has to take a back seat (or get injured) in order for us to really see what this team can do.
I'll sign on for Luke but he would need a good lead assistant, and what lead assistant would sign on to assist some 35 year old first time head coach?
- Brooks runs the show overall
- Luke mentors underneath him
- Thibbs runs the defense
- MDA runs the offense

We become the first team to make a superteam of COACHES and run things the way an NFL team does.

Begin next dynasty. :smokin
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I want TIbbs, and then dantoni as his assistant to run the offence
That would be a dream come true!
But as much as I would love that I think that would be way too much ego for one room. There would be no back down between coaches.
That would be nice tho. Mike D could reel in Thibs from running our players in the ground during practices. :smokin
[quote name="Maximus Meridius"]Thibbs + MDA = Kobe playing 42 minutes a game

:lol:[/quote]Lettuce be cereal, Kobe's going to play however much he wants. :lol:

Unless your name is Phil, you are at his mercy regarding his usage.
No way MDA is taking an assistant job anywhere

[quote name="Maximus Meridius"]Thibbs + MDA = Kobe playing 42 minutes a game

Lettuce be cereal, Kobe's going to play however much he wants. :lol:

Unless your name is Phil, you are at his mercy regarding his usage.[/quote]

True on both of these. :lol:

I would say get Kevin Ollie. We are in a serious rebuilding stage so we might as well go young.
Why the hell is Luke Waltons name being brought up?! Don't tell me it's because he's coaching a stacked GS squad lol
@BaxterHolmes Lakers coach Byron Scott on his 0-4 team: "It’s going to turn [around]. I don’t know when, but it’s going to turn."

Byron literally thinks this is a Disney movie.
@billoram An interesting thing Byron Scott said today regarding winning vs. development. In games he's trying to win, dev comes in practice. Quotes TK
@billoram Scott: "I’m not always thinking about necessarily developing them, I’m always thinking about trying to win."
@billoram Scott: "The development part comes secondary to that, but in practice and everything is where you really work on the development part."
Barf barf barf. :x
In practice? :lol:

This is an NBA head coach that played in the NBA, and he believes development comes in practice? :lol:

I thought Mike Brown was the worst coach I'd ever seen. Boy was I wrong.
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