LOL OMG! This is getting out of hand

Players shouldn't even smile after a TD from now on.
Naw for reals though, they need to chill with some of these fines. Let them have a LITTLE bitof fun at least.
I secretly suspect they fined him so black players wouldn't think they're unfairly being targeted for excessive celebrations fines. "See! We finedWelker too!!!"
Originally Posted by Frankie CALentino

I secretly suspect they fined him so black players wouldn't think they're unfairly being targeted for excessive celebrations fines. "See! We fined
Welker too!!!"

i certainly wouldn't be surprised if that was the true motive
You aren't allowed to go to ground unless it's in prayer. Welker should say that he's a pagan and praying to Khione.
I also thought this was MAD OD
i'll see if he had some fake snow in his uniform and threw it on the ground on some premeditated performance tip, but sonwas just celebrating.
Yea, Goodell is crazy, and so is david stern for trying to make the sport non contact.
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