Longhorn Center kicked off football team for calling Obama a "N*gger"

what doesnt make sense is that the University of Texas football is made up of mostly african american's. THis dude is just plain stupid.
watch dude still end up at OU or LSU or some other southern town . If he can play, someone will look past his transgressions.
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

punish the guy, but dont kick him off the team....smfh

forget that %%%% .

someone is finally taking a strong stand against ignorance. big time props to mack.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Ah southern america rednecks.

You are dumb enough to not only THINK like that, but then also actually post that on your personal page you deserve to spend the next X amount of years living with the consequences (which he will).


props to mack brown
that's harsh but it's making a stand.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

This was taken way too seriously.

I wonder how many black people would still be on the team if McCain won and all of their status' said "This stupid cracker just won, @#$ him"

I'm half black and I don't care who uses the word.
You're a *$#@%%# joke
Originally Posted by manamazing55

Originally Posted by Freshsince1982


Racisims still alive
yep, 95% of black people wouldnt vote for a white candidate
how do you figure when this was the 1st black president. are you saying prior to this election 95% of African Americans didn''t vote?

and this was harsh, but you have to understand everything behind it. You're on a team FULL of black dudes. It don't get no dumber than that. Hewould surely F up the team chemistry. and the N bomb just has wayyyy too much history behind it. Even if someone said [saltine], it doesn't hit as hard. It don't justify it by any means, but real spit, I grew up around nothin but "urban" black folks (or whatever you want to call it..hood, ghetto,whatever) all my life, and though that word is used, it aint even really used commonly till white folks start actin racist and ignorant.
Originally Posted by manamazing55

Originally Posted by Freshsince1982


Racisims still alive
yep, 95% of black people wouldnt vote for a white candidate
what the hell are you talking about 100% of blks voted for a white guy last election
freaking ******
It was pretty insane to see the status messages of some of my "friends" on facebook, very shocking
I dont use facebook, but most college kids dont know what the hell is going on in the world anyway. Id take any message with a grain of salt, err ignorance
very ignorant statement by the dude. nice job to mack brown for the actions he took. there is no place for something like that.
I'm surprised Mack went so far as to kick him off the team. Good for him and Texas. Didn't think most college coaches had the stones to kick acontributor off. Then again, Mack's job is pretty secure but I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt.
They did the right thing to kick him off the team. Giving hiim a "time out" for that kind of behavior off the field isn't good enough. Releasinghim will hopefully make him look within himself enough to change his ideologies.
I really respect Mack Brown for this move. You have to show that this type of stuff will not be tolerated under any circumstance, and he did just that.
atthis kid though.
Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

This was taken way too seriously.

I wonder how many black people would still be on the team if McCain won and all of their status' said "This stupid cracker just won, @#$ him"

I'm half black and I don't care who uses the word.
Lmao.... racism and bigotry is wrong no matter what your color is

and if your black or any race for that matter and you dont mind people saying N*gger .....you truly are lost....
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