Looks aside, what do you look for in a girl?

Oct 31, 2004
For me it's how a girl carries herself.  If she's classy, intelligent, witty and with a good sense of humor it goes a long way with me.  I'm not at all interested in women with a hostile attitude ("I only meet jerks") toward men.

I'm interested in hearing what NT goes for....
true companion and the polar opposite of myself that lets me know when i'm not on point.
Knows how to dress
Not too clingy
Can cook
can't think of anything else atm
pretty much the same as you.
i also like a nerdy girl and don't care for ones that party a lot
Things in common with me, inner beauty, confident with themselves and not insecure, funny, nice smile, always down for anything

The normal stuff I'm not too picky
does she have a pedigree?
who are her parents?
which prep/college did she go too?
where does she spend her summers?
strength and composure
compassion, loyalty and sincerity
witty and open sense of humor
50% homebody, 50% spontaneous & adventurous
Laid back.
Can tell good jokes.
Doesn't party every weekend.
Isn't clingy.
Intelligent, but also has her ditsy moments.
Can cook a good steak.

Good personality
Chicks that don't like to party every weekend
Goal oriented
nice feet *shrugs*
Sense of humor
Someone who doesn't have an annoying voice
A good personality
Doesn't wear 5 pounds of makeup everyday
Communication is #1. If a female is unreachable or only reaches you on her time, no dice. Wrap.
Please have goals...but don't ever be comfortable with normalcy. I'm always looking for ways to better myself...financially, physically, mentally. I would hope she is too.
Open-minded. I cringe at females who stay in their safe zone...never willing to take risks and go outside of their boundary.
Sense of humor. Enough said...
Someone who can't be defined as White or Black or whatever race. What I mean by that...will want to do things that all races would enjoy.
Considerate. Intelligent. Conversational. Opinionated.
1/2 Tomboy, 1/2 Prissy.
1/2 Homebody. 1/2 Adventurous.
And a cot damn freak...
Smart- A girl who could hold a conversation and could tell me something that I don't know.
Adventurous- A girl who is willing to do things outside of the norm, no matter how ridiculous. The whole, "if you do it, I'll do it" mentality.
Open Minded- Not afraid to admit she's wrong.
Strong- Willing to tell me no, not many girls are able to say this nowadays. Makes me work for things more than I should and knows exactly when to finally give in to make it that much sweeter.
Ambitious- I have very high expectations of myself but she has to strive to be something in life and not rely on my accomplishments to get by.
Playful- Knows how to take and make jokes. Play fighting, joking around with eachother, etc.
Sensitive- Not afraid to let me in. Not afraid to seem vulnerable. Not afraid to let me help when it's needed.
Understanding- I wanna see her as much as possible, but that's exactly what it says, possible. I have friends, school and am on a baseball scholarship. She has to understand priorities.
Ride or Die- She has to be willing to get through the rough patches. The extended periods of time of not seeing eachother, the unavoidable fights, any unexpected complications.
Trustworthy- People are gonna talk, the question is, are you gonna listen? I'm gonna be honest with you and expect the same in return. Don't jump to any conclusions without asking me first.
Confident- She has to know she's beautiful because if she wasn't, I wouldn't be with her.
Loving- Knowing how to cater to a man and his needs. Doesn't throw the word "love" around and only says it when she really thinks she means it.
Caring- Wants to know where I am and how/what I'm doing not because she wants to catch me in a lie but because she cares about my well being.

This is in no particular order.
A female who has a great personality.

But other then that, I want a woman who is passionate about her career.
She can be a waitress for all I care, but if she's truly passionate about it, that is a turn on for me.
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