Looks aside, what do you look for in a girl?

-Confident in herself and her beauty
-Intelligent AND has common sense
-Hilarious and able to take a joke
-Comfortable around my family
-Willing to compromise with me and meet me halfway on most things as I would for her
-not afraid to flaunt her sexuality around me
She needs to be really smart
Needs to know how to respect me
Have more girl friends than guy friends
Have an attitude that makes you smile more than it makes you mad.
stuff like that
everything everybody above me is saying
but the most important thing to me is HONESTY.
As long as she is telling the truth I'll be ok.
Good head on her shoulders
sense of humor (can shell out the jokes and take them too)
below 5'6' (im 6'3 Btw)
in shape, care about eating healthy, and working out. body doesnt have to be perfect, not chubby or heavy though
adventurous, during our relationship we are going to doing stuff normal couples dont.
likes comedy
likes to party sometimes
1. Well spoken.
2. Sense of Style
3. Sense of Humor, or at least, understand mine.
4. Athletic, healthy lifestyle.
5. Socially savvy but not too much.
intelligence for crying out loud
has to know how to cook
be able to drive a stick shift car
sense of humor
good hygiene
can hold a conversation (can talk about different topics)
good positive attitude
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

adventurous, during our relationship we are going to doing stuff normal couples dont.

Since I must say that I am the first one to say that I don't want my girl looking like a water buffalo, I will say that I one thing I will never waiver on is my principles when it comes to species with high estrogen levels. I have always had a false sense of confidence so talking isn't a problem with me, in fact I prefer the female talk my ears off. After all I have nothing to say to these flamingos half the time anyways. She also has to have a car, I am sick of these skallywags with no whip, or W2 form to their consumer history. Also, she can't be smarter than me, I don't want her knowing what I am thinking, and aside from that, when the woman is smarter the relationship fails. She also must have a relatively large wingspan as my offspring will be quite long in length. Also I look for her Mother to be cold, and for her to have lots of Guala. Of course I end up for settling for any chick who gives it up consistently, then rationalizing why she doesn't need to fit any of my requirements.
can cook
sense of style
sense of humor
her future(career/school)
good attitude, but not a pushover
-Listens to you just as much as you listen to her.
-Has her own goals in life.
-Not materialistic
good morals.

down to earth.

close with family

sense of humor

laid back

natural beauty

can hold a conversation and have opposing views without getting butt hurt about us not agreeing on things

can cook

trustworthy and honest
open mindedness to learning new thing and trying new experiences
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Since I must say that I am the first one to say that I don't want my girl looking like a water buffalo, I will say that I one thing I will never waiver on is my principles when it comes to species with high estrogen levels. I have always had a false sense of confidence so talking isn't a problem with me, in fact I prefer the female talk my ears off. After all I have nothing to say to these flamingos half the time anyways. She also has to have a car, I am sick of these skallywags with no whip, or W2 form to their consumer history. Also, she can't be smarter than me, I don't want her knowing what I am thinking, and aside from that, when the woman is smarter the relationship fails. She also must have a relatively large wingspan as my offspring will be quite long in length. Also I look for her Mother to be cold, and for her to have lots of Guala. Of course I end up for settling for any chick who gives it up consistently, then rationalizing why she doesn't need to fit any of my requirements.

- Faithful
- Great sense of humor
- Supportive
- Intelligent
- Has good morals

Everything my girl is. Happy to say she can cook and drive stick.
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