Looks like Tyson Chandler fell outta the dressing better thread here on NT....

shows how much sheep's NTer are when it comes to fashion :lol: .Anything that out the norm get played until someone of higher status wears it
all of this...

NT's favorite lines...

"why are you worried about the next man's pocket"

"why are you worried what the next man's wear"

"if i had his money, i'd be doing it too"

"if kanye was doing it, yall'd be all over it"

"the same NTer that says __________ will be the same Nter that ____________"

it seems like these instances exclude anyone from having an opinion about anything.
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you do know this is inspired by an actual fashion trend occurring for a while now, right?
you do know this....right?
yeah and i also know that on NT, Kanye can do no wrong, and what other people get laughed at for wearing, Kanye would get praised for

Ok ok, we get it...NTers are fickle peoples. yes....butttt the only SUPER ultimate truth is this below:

You put this in the celebrity rocking heat thread, and switch the red boots w/ a pair of yeezy 2's, cats would be in there talkin' bout :pimp: :pimp:.

For real.

Alll the rest is lolz though. Glad to be back haha :smokin The horrendous photoshops are always the funniest. :rofl:

ps: Dressing Better thread does NOT contain any weak fools dressed anything near this. bruh please....:smh:
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I dont care what yall say... Those boots go hard. With the right pants I would totally rock them. I know Ill probably get clowned but... who makes them/where can I find a pair ?

The boots look mad tacky with shorts(as do all boots IMO) and that toga shirt thing looks like its from the ladies department.

... And forreal... fedoras look incredibly lame on 90% of dudes wearing them.

This is a perfect example of trying way too hard. Tysons gonna look back at this pic in 10 years and laugh his *** off.:lol:
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:pimp: :lol: needed some lulz. thread delivers.

someone get OGBobbyJohnson over here. this is an epic photoshop thread in the making...
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