Losing a dog you have grown up with... Feels Bad Man

My family bought a pug about 9 years ago. She was getting old so arthritis was kicking in along with other health problems and she needed to go to the vet more and more.
One day I wake up and my step-dad tells me that he had to cut his losses and give the dog away to a shelter or something. I really don't know what he did but I never got to say
goodbye or nothing and I dont even know what happened to her.

feels real bad
"It's God's turn to walk him now"
had a rottweiler since i was three. he was around for 14 years. passed 2 years ago, loved him to death. he taught my other rotti everything. .the bond between a dog and its owner is amazing. still miss him to this day
that Oden video gets me crying every single time, no matter what.

8th grade, my dog champy had some stomach infection and we had to put him down. That whole day at school I had forgotten about him going to the vet (didn't know he would be put down.) I got home and my dad told me. Worst feeling of my life. We needed to do it, he had been falling down the stairs and getting worse the last months. The vet said he was in an extreme amount of pain, but not once did he show it. My mom said it was because he didn't want to frighten us. Mom was with him when he got put down, said he stared at her and kissed her one last time, he looked real peaceful.

I fear the day my current dog goes.
sorry for your loss OP...it's like losing a member of the family. I don't think I'll get any pets of my own for that very reason.
Missed my childhood dog when I was younger, had to get rid of it when we moved overseas.

Got to get my daughter one sometime soon.
We had our dog for 15 years and out him to sleep this past summer. It was a lot to take in. We were all hysterical for weeks. My brother was telling us that when the dog went in the car he put his head on my brothers lap and the dog started crying. It was like her knew. It was def a tough time. Dogs are amazing.

We're very lucky to have those types of relationships in our life!
Lost our family dog a year ago. We had him for about 14 years. I watched them put him down, one of the saddest days of my life and I will never forget that feeling. But I am glad that he didn't leave this world alone, me and my pops were with him. It hurt so much and we haven't gotten another dog, and I don't know if I would be able to get another dog again. Sorry for your loss, you gave your dog a life full of love.
I had to put my dog of 10 years to sleep last year. He started having seizures & he was also disoriented. He couldn't hold his head up, when you called his name he tried to find you but he couldn't. It was sad to see. He had gotten sick about a year before but he pulled through. I knew it was time to put him to down when he wondered into the street & just laid there because he didn't know where he was & couldn't move luckily he didn't get hit. I cried & I still think about him to this day.
sorry that your dog died

had a dog that was a few years older than me, so i grew up with it as a family member
it was put to sleep when i was in high school, maybe around your age now, so it lived very long
this was almost 20 years ago

i still think about that dog from time to time
what a good dog it was
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

that Oden video gets me crying every single time, no matter what.

8th grade, my dog champy had some stomach infection and we had to put him down. That whole day at school I had forgotten about him going to the vet (didn't know he would be put down.) I got home and my dad told me. Worst feeling of my life. We needed to do it, he had been falling down the stairs and getting worse the last months. The vet said he was in an extreme amount of pain, but not once did he show it. My mom said it was because he didn't want to frighten us. Mom was with him when he got put down, said he stared at her and kissed her one last time, he looked real peaceful.

I fear the day my current dog goes.
 Got me feeling a little weak...
Originally Posted by Simba King

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] reminds me of this when these type of post come up....[/color]

After seeing this the first time, I can never watch it all the way through
.  I still remember having to put down my dog 2 summers ago due to cancer, still have her in my heart though
.  Time will help you out OP...
I won't watch that video because I know I wouldn't make it through it. But also, why would you want to film that? I'm assuming it is a video before they put their dog to sleep. That is the last possible memory I would want to have.
Feelsbadman. I was with my childhood dog has he took his last breath. I was young, wish I took better care of him.
My dog is 17 years old.  Limited sight and hearing, but his heart and everything is solid and still has energy.  I appreciate every time I get to pet him.

Hope you are doing okay.
Originally Posted by Still1Rise

So my 1st childhood dog of 15 years passed away yesterday. His health was slowly declining over the years. But the past 2 days he started to have multiple seizures and became very disoriented. (Not knowing me or my parents, falling into walls, trouble seeing/hearing, hips going out)
. Very hard to watch. My parents decided to put him down. I couldnt bare to watch that tho. I cant say I'm a fan of that choice. But its a hard decision anyway you look at it. He did enjoy a long quality life and taught my younger dog all that he knows. 
From him I have learned that love needs no words.

Any of you had a similar experience?
sorry about your lose op
   my childhood pup is still going strong i dnt even want to imagine how it feels
Originally Posted by Simba King

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] reminds me of this when these type of post come up....[/color]
I legit shed a tear yo.
 I hope my dog never has to get put down or anything. I love her way too much to lose her.
^^That's terrible.
The Oden video got to me, balled out can't lie. Reminded me of when they had to put my 14 year old collie to sleep about 7 years ago. A sad day, but it's true, they do serve a purpose in this life, "All Dogs Go to Heaven." My current dog is 8 years old, really don't want to see that day come.
Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

had a brown doberman, spent the night at a friends house for the weekend my mom (schizophrenic)
purposely let's my dog out of the house during the blizzard of the century with a record breaking 4feet.

i come home to find his body frozen to the ground (still alive),
i took him in the house while she refused to give me a ride to the vet

..he died in my arms wrapped in a blanket tounge frozen couldn't even close his mouth.
as someone stated before he taught love can be express with out words me and him
had that.


Your Mom just beat out George Jung's Mom from the movie Blow as biggest %%#@% of a mother that ever lived.
Originally Posted by I3


We're very lucky to have those types of relationships in our life!
I started to feel a little better when I thought about it like this.

Also thanks to everyone for responding with positive vibes.

I hope everyone's dog(s) live a long and healthy life.
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