Do the DVDs and Blu Rays come with the enhanced versions that pop up all the facts and connections throughout the episodes?
Originally Posted by Much Respected

LA X = LA 10, meaning this is not the first time, nor the 2nd...

You gonna drop this on me, and everyone else, right now? You dont gotta let it be LAX as in LA International? Damn you. Damn you for making me think about this show even more. Damn you for making me realize that this may not actually be the 1st or 2nd time the Losties have gone down this path. I hate you, and hope that all the bad things in life happen to you and only you.

Dont worry, I dont hate you
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by Much Respected

LA X = LA 10, meaning this is not the first time, nor the 2nd...

You gonna drop this on me, and everyone else, right now? You dont gotta let it be LAX as in LA International? Damn you. Damn you for making me think about this show even more. Damn you for making me realize that this may not actually be the 1st or 2nd time the Losties have gone down this path. I hate you, and hope that all the bad things in life happen to you and only you.
.... But, for real, that has me thinking now.

I'm going to TRY and be done with any theories right now. There's just too many...variables.

And I'm sure there won't be a "cliff hanger" ending, so that's good. I have faith in the writers to give us a good ending, they haven't let us down so far, minus Nikki and Paulo for some (but I didn't really have a problem with that episode).

Would you all want mainly "happy" or "sad" ending? Happy like, they all get off the island, or sad as in they are stuck there, most get killed, etc.
Lost premier was up 12% from last year. 12 million viewers. Still falling short of the night's winner American Idol at 24 million viewers.
Originally Posted by Much Respected

LA X = LA 10, meaning this is not the first time, nor the 2nd...
The writers have already confirmed that LA_X was a typo but they left it like that because they knew it would drive us crazy.

And Sunday is a better day to end a show; more viewers (casual viewers too that want to see what happens), nothing really to compete with, more hype being that it's a weekend event, and more buzz the next day when people go back to work.
I think the X in LA X stands for the alternate time line or alternate world, Not the number 10.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by Much Respected

LA X = LA 10, meaning this is not the first time, nor the 2nd...
The writers have already confirmed that LA_X was a typo but they left it like that because they knew it would drive us crazy.

And Sunday is a better day toend a show;more viewers (casual viewers too that want to see what happens), nothing really to compete with, more hype being that it's a weekend event, and more buzz the next day whenpeople go back to work.
that was a good interview. They were definitely joking about LA X being a typo btw
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by DubA169

They were definitely joking about LA X being a typo btw

Even if they were I think it's funny that we're still talking about "LA X" referring to an alternate time-line like it's new information. Typo or not, it doesn't really make a difference anymore.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Kate and her damn horse. SMH.

no way in hell

anyone know how many episodes there are this season?
if jacob is dead can the black smoke monster use his body? or is it too burnt to use?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Kate and her damn horse. SMH.



Probably no official explanation but I found this article that as always makes you think...

[h1]'Light vs. Dark' in 'Lost': Kate's horse[/h1]
By Ryan McGee

Some of the entries in the "Light vs. Dark" series depict some of the most dramatic moments in "Lost"history. This isn't one of those entries. I'm not sure anyone answers"Kate's horse!" when asked about the show's most pressing mysteries orseminal moments. But not every possible interference by either Jacob orThe Man in Black can be full of Sturm und Drang.

Infact, one could argue that the more inconspicuous moments are equally,if nor more, important in the grand scheme of things. If every act ofinterference called attention to itself, they would be a lot lesseffective. Sometimes, a soft touch is needed, whether it be starting astubborn car or gently pushing an important character toward his or herultimate destiny. For every fever dream portending a dire fate, there'sa silent horse staring into your soul.

The Episode: "What Kate Did"

The Sequence:After arresting Kate in a transportation terminal in Tallahassee,Edward Mars drives her toward her arraignment. A black horse passes infront of their car during a dark, stormy night, causing Edward toswerve off the road and hit a pole. After a brief fight, Kate managesto escape, watching the black horse seem to acknowledge her beforereturning to the wilderness. On the Island, Kate sees the horsemultiple times. The appearance of the horse distresses her until Sawyeradmits he sees the horse as well. Kate slowly approaches the horse,pets it, and watches it return into the jungle.

The Case for Jacob:We know from "The Incident" that Jacob's had his eye on "Katie" forquite some time. Producing the horse in conjunction with Wayne's ghostinhabiting Sawyer's fever-racked body gives Kate the chance to confronther past in order to forgive herself. Given that Sawyer, another personvisited by Jacob as a child, can also see the horse gives furthercredence that Jacob had a hand in this.

The Case for The Man in Black:Come on, the horse is black! Case closed! OK, maybe we need to look abit closer. The Man in Black could have sent the horse as a way toremind Kate that she's in fact NOT good. This is why she kisses Jack:it's self-loathing as well as a way to touch something she perceives asnoble and moral. Destroying her self-worth would ensure that she wouldnot be able to reunite Claire and Aaron after their separation inSeason 4. Unfortunately for The Man in Black, Kate confronts her pastinstead of shrinking from it.

The Zap2it Opinion: I thinkthe former is more likely, but the latter more compelling. As we'll seewhen we get to Hurley's imaginary friend Dave, not all of The Man inBlack's overt attempts to corrupt future members of the Oceanic 6 workthe way that he wants. The horse's silent nature calls to mind Jacob'smethodology (a gentle push versus a hard shove), the insertion ofWayne's memories into Sawyer's body gives this round to The Man inBlack.
so this season has 17 episodes in total? Not bad but i was hoping for 20ish like the first 2 seasons
for real....look what this show, ONE EPISODE (well 2 i guess technically) is doing to us?!

, such rirdiculousness. STOP overanalyzing and wait til the next episode....the writers probably have a great laugh from this all...cuz really, a million and one theories and really all may b not even close.

damn u lost!!...but, just to throw it out there....Esau (man in black), is/was on the Black Rock.

dig that suckas!

...til next week! (again, ii think thefe should b a new thread for each episode man...this is gonna b ridonkuloussss/!) ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
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