LOST SEASON 6 -- 2 years later...is anyone else still mad?

Mar 8, 2010
I just got reminded of this, because Jack just got a DUI in real life.

Nothing I've seen on TV outside of NY sports pain has ever made me as consistently angry and disappointed as the final season of Lost.

The answers they gave, were lame stalling methods. The answers they didn't had them ignoring more than half of the series that came before.
I remember thinking, alright...I'm gonna rewatch the whole damn thing this summer, once it's over. Then not being able to even hear about the show.

I remember the greatest ending to a TV episode I thought I ever saw.

When they said The Others, I got shivers. I remember getting hyped, just finding out who's perspective the next ep was gonna be from. I can't think of another show that I'd rewatch the new episode a couple times before the next one. There was so much to get pulled in by. The Tailies, Rousseau, her daughter
, Jack's dad, Walt's ability, Michael before they took Walt, Sawyer's nicknames, Sayid's bad-assness, crazy @@% Locke, the guns, the food, the Hatch, Mr. Eko, Hurley episodes, Jin & Sun, Henry Gale/%@%#!@# Benjamin Linus, them recreating the crash and the airport, Desmond being that dude, The Constant, somehow making me like Charlie, them apologizing for the 3rd season with that incredible 3rd season finale, the winnebago, the girls in the Swan, "not Penny's boat," Juliette
, Keamy, the boat, Alex, Mr. Smiley, the island wheel, when things whent bat-*!+# crazy in the 5th season...loving the show when it's just Sawyer and Juliette, the time jumps, the history of Dharma Initiative, Daniel Farraday, Miles, Charlotte, the bomb, the guy from the Dharma videos, everything.

I'll take it all, all the way to that last shot of season 5 that was absolutely perfect. I'll just pretend that's where it all ended.

What about you guys?
Anyone still salty like me?
 Anyone liked it?
Does it fit more now that some time's gone by?
Or is this still the Star Wars prequels of television?
Ain't eem mad, it was an overall great ride. It was a letdown because i thought season 3 opened the door to what was gonna be an awesome finale, but still one the greatest shows of all time.
I was salty after it ended. I watched EVERY episode for the 6 seasons the show ran. There were way too many questions left unanswered and looking back on it everybody being "dead" was a cop out.
Yup, I have 0 desire to watch any Lost episode ever again. The first season had me HOOKED. I skipped class for days just to watch every episode (I started watching in 2010)
I made friends solely because we liked the show in college. It will forever hold a place in my heart. But it lost steam toward the end. Still doesn't take away from the fact that it was groundbreaking, especially for network television. Agree with the earlier point. I've watches the Sopranos series multiple times. I've watched The Wire series multiple times. I'll never rewatch a Lost ep, though.
one of the best shows ever but they made it seem like the audience was smarter than the writers with that finale.
last season was a piece of crap
shame on the damon and damon

good ride, HORRIBLE HORRIBLE ending
JJ Abrams is lucky that Fringe has a small, loyal following because the rest of his shows since then have flopped. 4-5 years ago I'd see one of his upcoming projects and get excited but now, I'm like 
This is ironic that I finished watching the entire series last week. And I was mad at how it ended. I was just hoping there was one more episode to explain it all.
What the hell did the numbers mean? How were they living in the real world and were on that plane heading back to the real world? What happened when they got back?

What did the numbers mean?
at this post coming up I guess you seen my post in the fringe thread huh

$*!# this show

Yea I said it #dosomething
The hell happened to Jack? The show really carried over to real life!!! Its all true!! Its a curse!

But I wonder what's good with Kate? I woulda devastated her reproductive organs.
I don't even remember how it ended, it was that much of a letdown.

I realized how weird the show was and how foolish I sounded when I described it to other people.

I still wouldn't take back my 5+ years of watching it though

Penny and Desmond storyline >
I was never that mad to begin with when it ended the way it did. Just disappointed. Show was so great that the hype for it started surpassing the show itself and with that ending ppl felt shafted. Thing is I felt cheated during the writer's strike when we found out next season what they had planned for S4 if it had it's full 20+ eps.

Still felt ppl were fools to fall in love with that dumb two worlds theory to explain these other world flashes that were going on in S6.

The whole we all end up dying eventually thing to end it was lame though, especially when the creators said they always had the ending in mind from the beginning. Seemed they just went hard  on "See you in another life brotha."

Still one of my fav shows hands down. Seasons 1-4 are pure greatness. Desmond, Locke, Ben, Farraday, Hurley, Juliette
Thats the dude from Lost??!! Wow he looks terrible only 2 yrs later damn..
That can't Jack
I'm still pissed the eff off about the series finale.. I would be even more mad if I waited 8 years for that. Thankfully, I watched the first 5 seasons over the span of 3 months.
I'm with you 100% OP. It was like watching the Knicks win 75 games in the regular season only to have them get swept in the finals. The ending was that bad. I can't even enjoy going back and watching the episodes I liked. Such a letdown.
Originally Posted by throwback1718

This is ironic that I finished watching the entire series last week. And I was mad at how it ended. I was just hoping there was one more episode to explain it all.
What the hell did the numbers mean? How were they living in the real world and were on that plane heading back to the real world? What happened when they got back?

What did the numbers mean?

Really? Each of the numbers represented one of the possible chosen ones to be the protector of the island. There was a whole episode on it where they found their names in the cave with the specific number next to it. Also, when they plugged their number into the lighthouse as a degree (I think) it actually allowed them to look at their lives. It's how they found out Jacob had been watching them their entire life.

Everything was real. Characters really did go back to society and then back to the island again. Ben and his people really could leave and come back whenever they wanted. When they took off in that plane in the final, they really took off in a plane to go back to society.

I liked the bonus clip where Hurley and Ben went to Walt about him coming back to the island with them.

We don't know what happened in the lives of the ones who survived the final episode.

The show ended with everyone who couldn't move on, meeting up in a purgatory like place after they died.

Walt wasn't dead that's why he wasn't there.
Mr. Eko moved on as he died happy.
Mike's spirit was trapped on the island.

They answered a lot dude.
This show consumed a lot of my life for 6 years. Although the ending was not ideal, it still ended in typical "Lost" fashion (aka...more questions than answers) which I think was to be expected. I'm not going to complain, not many shows can hold my interest for 1 season, let alone 6. I cannot believe it's been 2 years.
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