LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

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jesus that is a huge picture....
Juliet looks better dirty...
Kate looks better clean...
I've been watching reruns on Sci Fi nightly and miss Shannon though...that was a tall glass of milk
Very solid episode tonight. Good find to whoever found the statue of Anibus...I was highly disappointed that they showed the statue for like four seconds andthen after the next flash none of the characters looked back to see if the statue was still there or gone. This leaves me wondering if the statue is stillaround in the late 70's.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Very solid episode tonight. Good find to whoever found the statue of Anibus...I was highly disappointed that they showed the statue for like four seconds and then after the next flash none of the characters looked back to see if the statue was still there or gone. This leaves me wondering if the statue is still around in the late 70's.

Probably just the foot.
She does but I couldn't find one that was big enough and not posted

Edit: Nvm


Yo Jack, you fcked up homie
When Horace, Sawyer and the lady were discussing Alpert wanting her husband's body... I just thought automatically that somehow Alpert represented the deadand he was their leader. I think the guys body represented him crossing over to their "dark side" with Alpert and the "hostiles" ratherthan just trading "one dead body for the two people that you shot" - deal.

Alpert did say that the sonic wave system did not keep them out and they could visit wherever they wanted. I think that Alpert and them all are dead. I wasleaning more towards the idea of Alpert being from the future, hence he hasn't aged in the 30 year span they've showed him in, but I don't thinkthat's the case because dude never has an idea of who people from the future are... Locke, Sawyer..

I don't know.. Just a thought while I was watching..

I hope we get an Alpert-centric episode soon. Dude is more interesting to me than Jacob.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

So were the Hostiles in violation of the truce by killing Paul?

Or whoever crosses the "line" is fair game?
I think it was because they crossed the line because you can see that they were a decent amount away from the barrier.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Ok...here are my thoughts so far....

1. Notice they made sure to state numerous times that Horace was "blowing trees out of the ground." I may be over-analyzing here, but Horace builds a cabin for someone pretty "special" and in his drunken state, he may have gotten a visit from said "special" person telling him to get started on his cabin........the "special" person is Jacob BTW.

2. I'd bet money that statue is Anubis, Egyptian god of death/the underworld. We are getting a LOT of Egyptian references here lately. The heiroglyphs, the statue, the ankh, Hurley's drawings... Can I get a toe count please?


3. Some things are messed up for me. Amy was married to Paul (the guy that the two others shot when Sawyer and crew walked up on them). Then she married Horace. But when they met with Ben's family in Oregon, Horace was married to Olivia. I dunno. I do know that Cuse and Lindelof said that Horace and Olivia are "very important" to the end game.

4. I find the struggle between the "others" and the Dharma Initiative to be pretty interesting. I can't wait til the next ep. so they can start revealing the things that Sawyer, Juliet, etc. have learned since being assimilated into the Dharma way of life.

As always....I'll add stuff as I think about it....
Ok...thought of a couple other things (nothing too important though).

5. I was impressed at how fast Sawyer threw together that story about the Black Rock together.

6. Did anybody else notice that this was the first time that we've seen Richard Alpert be "out of the loop"? He was obviously stunned by thecomments that Sawyer made during their conversation on the bench.
Great episode

Juliet > Kate

Sawyer's character was kind of annoying in the first season...

...but now, he's very interesting and a changed man. His conversation with Alpert was like
to me.

Alpert's character needs to be explained though...
6. Did anybody else notice that this was the first time that we've seen Richard Alpert be "out of the loop"? He was obviously stunned by the comments that Sawyer made during their conversation on the bench.
He looked pretty confused when Locke approached him in the past from the future a few episodes ago too.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Great episode

Juliet > Kate

Sawyer's character was kind of annoying in the first season...

...but now, he's very interesting and a changed man. His conversation with Alpert was like
to me.

Alpert's character needs to be explained though...
the mean, ahole character type>>>>>>>> the nice, loving character type...
damn juliet you looked beautiful tonight...

anyways i was so excited to see that anibus statue... my mouth dropped....

damn i cant wait to find out more about the egyptian influence in this island...

I love this show...
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Great episode

Juliet > Kate

Sawyer's character was kind of annoying in the first season...

...but now, he's very interesting and a changed man. His conversation with Alpert was like
to me.

Alpert's character needs to be explained though...
the mean, ahole character type>>>>>>>> the nice, loving character type...
It's called character development.

5. I was impressed at how fast Sawyer threw together that story about the Black Rock together.

Pisses me off how every Dharma/Other person is such a effing liar...Horace knew damn well what the Black Rock was.
I'm with my dude who thinks Alpert is death, and that's why dude never ages.

Alpert is aware of the time aspects of the island. I think it's more plausible that he has taken advantage of it.
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