LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by vector23

If Jacob wasn't in the cabin in season 4, who told Locke to move the island?
Dude who was with Jacob at the beginning.


He had to have the island moved to create the loop hole!!!!! Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That'd make sense but if that really was never Jacob and like he was never chillin up in there I'd like a nice little it was Jack, Desmond, etc. theories to pop up again.

The problem I'm having is if fake Locke is against Jacob, does that mean the island is against him as well? If not how did fake Locke know how to tell Richard to tell the past real Locke that he'd have to die, etc.? Then again if you're able to posses or create a fake Locke body knowing the future isn't really out of your power.

The next thing is Christian. Who's side is he really on? If it's not Jacob Locke was taking orders from the other side from the get go and he was gettin dreams from the island that were correlating with it since S3. Then again whoever that dude who wants to kill Jacob he may have the power to send those messages in dreams and have you believe it to be the island.

Right now I'm thinking the island is letting these two powers Jacob and that other guy fight for supremacy, which has been going on for centuries of not longer.
Christian is definitely the Devil (I'm just going to call him that). Err, he's inhabited by the devil.

Locke has been manipulated from the get go. I'm willing to bet he was healed by the "island", which was really just the Devil working. The Devilgot Locke to believe in the "island". Showed him smokey, and Locke was hooked. He played Locke into turning the wheel so that the loophole would getcreated, so he could kill Jacob.

The island isn't anything. It has no powers. It's Jacob and Devil dude doing all of the island's biddings.
THEORY: The flash was a flash to go back in time. The crew goes back to Jacob's timeline with the Black Rock and everything. "They'recoming". The season will explain all of the origins of the monster, statue, etc.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

damn eric you a hard headed mofo

they didnt change a damn thing

how many times they have to tell you wat happened happened

the fact that chang STILL lost his hand should help you see that
now that makes perfect sense to me...

so this is the theory we're going with... its explained here
[h3]Novikov self-consistency principle[/h3]
See the Novikov self-consistency principle and Kip S. Thorne for one view on how backwards time travel could be possible without a danger of paradoxes. According to this hypothesis, the only possible timelines are those which are entirely self-consistent, so that anything a time traveler does in the past must have been part of history all along, and the time traveler can never do anything to prevent the trip back in time from being made since this would represent an inconsistency. In laymen's terms, this is often called destiny, and it is sometimes unpopular because it contradicts the "common sense" notion that people choose their own fates.

that also follows in line with the whole destiny theme that the writers are toying with...
Closely related but distinct is the notion of the time line as self-healing. The time-traveler's actions are like throwing a stone in a large lake; the ripples spread, but are soon swamped by the effect of the existing waves. For instance, a time traveler could assassinate a politician who led his country into a disastrous war, but the politician's followers would then use his murder as a pretext for the war, and the emotional effect of that would cancel out the loss of the politician's charisma. Or the traveler could prevent a car crash from killing a loved one, only to have the loved one killed by a mugger, or fall down the stairs, choke on a meal, killed by a stray bullet, etc. In the 2002 film The Time Machine, this scenario is shown where the main character builds a time machine to save his girlfriend who got killed by a robber, yet she still dies, only from a car crash instead. In some stories it is only the event that precipitated the time traveler's decision to travel back in time that cannot be substantially changed, in others all attempted changes will be "healed" in this way, and in still others the universe can heal most changes but not sufficiently drastic ones. This is also the explanation advanced by the Doctor Who role-playing game, which supposes that Time is like a stream; you can dam it, divert it, or block it, but the overall direction it is headed will resume after a period of conflict.
this also helps me understand how it can work possibly
[h3]Timeline protection hypothesis[/h3]
The timeline protection hypothesis posits that a time traveller would be incapable of causing a paradox, as the natural continuity of the timeline would cause any such interaction to fail. For example, he would appear in the wrong place (or fail to go anywhere at all), various twists of fate would conspire to impede him, or his actions would instead be responsible for the history he remembers.

A similar theory states that time travel may in fact be a factor in making the universe the way it is today; actions of time travelers are responsible for the present situation. Alternatively, any time traveller would take the utmost care in avoiding such paradoxes, inspired by the fear of the damage they could cause.

The animated television series Futurama shows a more lighthearted side of the paradox. In the episode "Roswell That Ends Well", the main character, Philip J. Fry, travels back in time with his friends to 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. Remembering that his grandfather works at the base, and told that killing the man would nullify his own existence, Fry becomes obsessed with protecting him. Fry's efforts prove counterproductive: he locks the man in a shack to protect him, failing to realize that an atomic bomb is being tested on the grounds. When he doesn't disappear, he assumes that the man could not have been his grandfather and thus proceeds to sleep with and impregnate his grandmother, thereby becoming his own grandfather.

maybe im just thinking about this too deeply
I don't really think we need spoiler tags at this point...

I guess I do like the theory of the bomb blowing is really a flash through time. That doesn't really explain why Richard said he saw all of them die whenSun asked if he had ever seen those people before.
Originally Posted by angelzdope

Originally Posted by bns1201


The flash was another jump through time....and not the bomb going off??????
interesting theory.
That's exactly what it was. I mean I can see ppl still thinking the bomb went off and they're dead cuz they got fooled by Jack'sdestiny talk and Dan's sudden revelation on time travel but I think the bomb set off the flash. I mean how many flashes have we've seen since S2now.Anyway though there's no asuridty that they're back in 2007.

Also another thing pointing to no paradox like the creators themselves have said is the Daniel/Eloise loop and his death.

Didn't Dan say some time earlier this season that time isn't linear but technically simultaneous? or am I just channeling my inner DocManhattan?

I almost forgot
@ Rose & Bernard on their hippy steez all we need is love, who cares if we die. I guess the writers done killed off the rest of the red shirtsthough. James talkin to them like he was only looking for them
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

When Hurley got out of jail, he was given some money (paid for Kate's lunchbox), a candybar (given to Jack), and a ballpoint pen (given to Sawyer).

I have no theory on it whatsoever but just a small observation

I'm posting this again because everyone obviously missed it.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I don't really think we need spoiler tags at this point...

I guess I do like the theory of the bomb blowing is really a flash through time. That doesn't really explain why Richard said he saw all of them die when Sun asked if he had ever seen those people before.
even if the bomb did go off... how would richard have seen them die if he was going back to his camp?

Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

THEORY: The flash was a flash to go back in time. The crew goes back to Jacob's timeline with the Black Rock and everything. "They're coming". The season will explain all of the origins of the monster, statue, etc.

i also like this theory... coupled with the "they're coming" it seems to make a whole bunch of sense to me...
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I don't really think we need spoiler tags at this point...

I guess I do like the theory of the bomb blowing is really a flash through time. That doesn't really explain why Richard said he saw all of them die when Sun asked if he had ever seen those people before.
maybe they did flash through time, richard saw the chaos at the site, and just presumed them dead.
Originally Posted by JinKazama

that was complete garbage...
That ending sucked
What are you guys talking about that was probably one of the best Lost episodes ever (with the exception of Juliet's flip flopping and Jack doing this all for Kate
). Don't you see what's happening...

Spoiler [+]
The guy at the beach in the opening scene...the guy John saw in the cabin...Jack's father...Christian Sheppard....SAME MAN!
- The guy in the opening scene got off the island decades maybe centuries ago all with the intention of one day finding a way to kill Jacob, cause Jacob keeps bringing people to the island.
- Knows that he himself cannot kill jacob but someone both "human" and changed by the island
- gets off the island somehow, gets to Jack's dad and convinces him to kill himself cause he knows the Oceanic flight will be the next people brought to the island
- comes back in Jack's Dad's body
- realizes Ben is the loophole cause he was "changed" as a child
- Plays John like a fiddle convinces him to kill himself so he can assume his body (that explains what he told Richard)
- manipulates Ben the "transformed" island native
- gets Ben to Kill Jacob

- Jacob sees all this coming amasses his army...Kate, Jack, Hurley, James, Sayid, Blondie, Jin, Sun
- The "incident" brings them all back to the present at the foot of the statue
- Jacob killed, Fake John comes out with Ben
- 70's losties return and then...


awesome episode

P.S. - Anybody else figure out that Adam and Eve are Eleanor and her husband

That makes a lot of sense.
Spoiler [+]
But who's Eleanor? You mean Rose, right?

It makes sense. By saving Ben, Jacob has to make him special/different. One consequence of this change was that now Ben is able to kill Jacob.
I think Bernard and Rose are the two bodies we see in a cave in the very beginning. Also, a lot of people saying that Chang's arm is the sign that nothinghappened. If thats so, then that means the entire incident didn't hurt anyone, and I think it changed the time period they were in. Because, after theyfound this pocket of energy, and this "incident" occurred, that is why they have the hatch and the button, to control it? So, basically nothinghappened except they changed time periods. Now, what I want to know is how to kate and jacks journey tie in with Ben, Locke, Jacob, and Christian. And isAaron's mom, i forgot her name, gone forever?
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

When Hurley got out of jail, he was given some money (paid for Kate's lunchbox), a candybar (given to Jack), and a ballpoint pen (given to Sawyer).

I have no theory on it whatsoever but just a small observation
I'm posting this again because everyone obviously missed it.

Well i'll be.
But who's Eleanor? You mean Rose, right?
Yep. Sorry. Mind moving faster than fingers...

It makes sense. By saving Ben, Jacob has to make him special/different.
Exactly...you see...

Spoiler [+]
By healing Ben, he elevated him to something like a "God" so to speak, giving him the ability to kill him. Ala, the loophole. His nemesis could not kill Jacob because they are the Yin and the Yang, Good and Evil, Black and White. But someone who lived in both "worlds" so to speak could eliminate one or the other.

Basically lost is based in biblical principles, the battle between good and evil, free will....Ben is Adam, he disobeyed and was cast out of the garden of Eden, only to finally return and kill his father. Next season will be the new testament and the rapture.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

When Hurley got out of jail, he was given some money (paid for Kate's lunchbox), a candybar (given to Jack), and a ballpoint pen (given to Sawyer).

I have no theory on it whatsoever but just a small observation
I'm posting this again because everyone obviously missed it.

And the guitar he had given to Charlie?!
Now that everybody's talking about the show... that season finale was awsome!!! I didn't care for the ending at first , but def changed my mind in justa short period.

A LOT of question's to ponder until next season....I gotta put my kids to bed before my wife gets home (she'd kill me if she knew I let them stay upthis late during the week, therefore causing me to miss S6), but I can't wait to read this thread tomorrow.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by CasperJr

if that bomb didnt blow up then maybe they have to blow it up

i think that the bomb part of the story is over & done with
if we go with the idea that the bomb didnt blow then your crazy if you think they focused so hard on that bomb to just do nothing with it
Originally Posted by vector23

Was Jacob good or bad? Jacob was the one who brought the Black Rock to the Island.

after eating a sandwhich, i thought about this.

I think Jacob is good. His friend is bad. The island is special and Jacob wanted to bring people to the island brought (the black rock), Jacob think thatpeople can be good if "given a little push" However his friend feels like people are bad and shouldnt be able to get on the island. They both areright.

Jacob finds the good in people while his friend feels that people are selfish. Jacob gave ben a choice, and all ben kept doing was asking about "me, me,me" and jacob's response was "you" not about other people.

Jacob then brings the Losties to the island and these are good people, because given a little push and direction they start thinking about other people.

I dont know if i articulated that well or if it even made sense.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by vector23

If Jacob wasn't in the cabin in season 4, who told Locke to move the island?
Dude who was with Jacob at the beginning.


He had to have the island moved to create the loop hole!!!!! Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That'd make sense but if that really was never Jacob and like he was never chillin up in there I'd like a nice little it was Jack, Desmond, etc. theories to pop up again.

The problem I'm having is if fake Locke is against Jacob, does that mean the island is against him as well? If not how did fake Locke know how to tell Richard to tell the past real Locke that he'd have to die, etc.? Then again if you're able to posses or create a fake Locke body knowing the future isn't really out of your power.

The next thing is Christian. Who's side is he really on? If it's not Jacob Locke was taking orders from the other side from the get go and he was gettin dreams from the island that were correlating with it since S3. Then again whoever that dude who wants to kill Jacob he may have the power to send those messages in dreams and have you believe it to be the island.

Right now I'm thinking the island is letting these two powers Jacob and that other guy fight for supremacy, which has been going on for centuries of not longer.
Christian is definitely the Devil (I'm just going to call him that). Err, he's inhabited by the devil.

Locke has been manipulated from the get go. I'm willing to bet he was healed by the "island", which was really just the Devil working. The Devil got Locke to believe in the "island". Showed him smokey, and Locke was hooked. He played Locke into turning the wheel so that the loophole would get created, so he could kill Jacob.

The island isn't anything. It has no powers. It's Jacob and Devil dude doing all of the island's biddings.
The problem with that is then Smokey is a free agent working for both sides. IMO there's no way Smokey didn't know that wasn't thereal John Locke. So Smokey's in league with the other side. If that's the case Smokey an agent for the other side was still letting all of Jacob'sfollowers a.k.a. the Others live on the island.

Here's something to ponder what if the Locke we think is fake is the REAL John Locke? What if the Locke we've been seeing from S1-S5; The Life &Death Of Jeremy Bentham was the fake John Locke? Meh just throwing shh out there cuz nothing is explaining the other Locke body to me right now unless thewriters is bringing cloning in to this or the other Locke is a Locke from the future.

Then there's one good possibility that this fake Locke = Smokey. I mean when Locke went to get the rope for Ben, Smokey started judging Ben. WhenSmokey/Alex disappeared Locke appeared shortly after
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

When Hurley got out of jail, he was given some money (paid for Kate's lunchbox), a candybar (given to Jack), and a ballpoint pen (given to Sawyer).

I have no theory on it whatsoever but just a small observation
I'm posting this again because everyone obviously missed it.
And the guitar he had given to Charlie?!

Oh snap! What does it mean though? I think it means Hurley is actually the important one. Vozzek said that last week.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by CasperJr

if that bomb didnt blow up then maybe they have to blow it up

i think that the bomb part of the story is over & done with
if we go with the idea that the bomb didnt blow then your crazy if you think they focused so hard on that bomb to just do nothing with it
they didnt focus on the bomb that hard...

but just think about how that white flash we saw was the exact same as the white light when they were jumping through time... just something of notice
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by vector23

If Jacob wasn't in the cabin in season 4, who told Locke to move the island?
Dude who was with Jacob at the beginning.


He had to have the island moved to create the loop hole!!!!! Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That'd make sense but if that really was never Jacob and like he was never chillin up in there I'd like a nice little it was Jack, Desmond, etc. theories to pop up again.

The problem I'm having is if fake Locke is against Jacob, does that mean the island is against him as well? If not how did fake Locke know how to tell Richard to tell the past real Locke that he'd have to die, etc.? Then again if you're able to posses or create a fake Locke body knowing the future isn't really out of your power.

The next thing is Christian. Who's side is he really on? If it's not Jacob Locke was taking orders from the other side from the get go and he was gettin dreams from the island that were correlating with it since S3. Then again whoever that dude who wants to kill Jacob he may have the power to send those messages in dreams and have you believe it to be the island.

Right now I'm thinking the island is letting these two powers Jacob and that other guy fight for supremacy, which has been going on for centuries of not longer.
Christian is definitely the Devil (I'm just going to call him that). Err, he's inhabited by the devil.

Locke has been manipulated from the get go. I'm willing to bet he was healed by the "island", which was really just the Devil working. The Devil got Locke to believe in the "island". Showed him smokey, and Locke was hooked. He played Locke into turning the wheel so that the loophole would get created, so he could kill Jacob.

The island isn't anything. It has no powers. It's Jacob and Devil dude doing all of the island's biddings.
The problem with that is then Smokey is a free agent working for both sides. IMO there's no way Smokey didn't know that wasn't the real John Locke. So Smokey's in league with the other side. If that's the case Smokey an agent for the other side was still letting all of Jacob's followers a.k.a. the Others live on the island.

Here's something to ponder what if the Locke we think is fake is the REAL John Locke? What if the Locke we've been seeing from S1-S5; The Life & Death Of Jeremy Bentham was the fake John Locke? Meh just throwing shh out there cuz nothing is explaining the other Locke body to me right now unless the writers is bringing cloning in to this or the other Locke is a Locke from the future.

Then there's one good possibility that this fake Locke = Smokey. I mean when Locke went to get the rope for Ben, Smokey started judging Ben. When Smokey/Alex disappeared Locke appeared shortly after
Very good points. I'm really not sure. But I lean toward Smokey being bad. And he doesn't judge people to determine if they are good ornot. He judges them to see if they can help him (the Devil).
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