LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I'm so lost..how could that have been Rousseau.
We're not 100% sure, but that's the most obvious explanation. Rousseau's group was French. Remember the looping distress call she made in the first season. This also means we should find out what happens to the rest of her crew (insert throat slashing smiley here). Jin has been floating in the ocean moving through time with the islanders whilst floating on his raft.
that's just wrong. the tanker was not in the radius of the island, and i hope ur not trying to say that the explosion blasted Jin into the radius of the island & he has survived the explosion & has been floating at see for several days.

EDIT: now this trick sun is going to try to kill Ben & #%$@ everything up.

EDIT: what the hell, this N Jin survived a tanker explosion & was blasted into the island's time travel radius & he aint die. Not to mention that he survived several days at see without any food or water & been floating on a raft this whole time.

next week's episode looks like its gonna be crazy tho
You do realize that you're watching a show about a group of people that survived a terrifying plane crash, and some of whom are now jumpingthrough time.

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I'm so lost..how could that have been Rousseau.
We're not 100% sure, but that's the most obvious explanation. Rousseau's group was French. Remember the looping distress call she made in the first season. This also means we should find out what happens to the rest of her crew (insert throat slashing smiley here). Jin has been floating in the ocean moving through time with the islanders whilst floating on his raft.
that's just wrong. the tanker was not in the radius of the island, and i hope ur not trying to say that the explosion blasted Jin into the radius of the island & he has survived the explosion & has been floating at see for several days.

EDIT: now this trick sun is going to try to kill Ben & #%$@ everything up.

EDIT: what the hell, this N Jin survived a tanker explosion & was blasted into the island's time travel radius & he aint die. Not to mention that he survived several days at see without any food or water & been floating on a raft this whole time.

next week's episode looks like its gonna be crazy tho

once again is anything a surprise we have seen amny of times were faith wont let you kill yourself until your job is fulfilled
damn Rousseau is tripping me out.
Definitely liked a lot of what I saw, but raised a lot more questions for me.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I'm so lost..how could that have been Rousseau.
We're not 100% sure, but that's the most obvious explanation. Rousseau's group was French. Remember the looping distress call she made in the first season. This also means we should find out what happens to the rest of her crew (insert throat slashing smiley here). Jin has been floating in the ocean moving through time with the islanders whilst floating on his raft.
that's just wrong. the tanker was not in the radius of the island, and i hope ur not trying to say that the explosion blasted Jin into the radius of the island & he has survived the explosion & has been floating at see for several days.

EDIT: now this trick sun is going to try to kill Ben & #%$@ everything up.

EDIT: what the hell, this N Jin survived a tanker explosion & was blasted into the island's time travel radius & he aint die. Not to mention that he survived several days at see without any food or water & been floating on a raft this whole time.

next week's episode looks like its gonna be crazy tho

once again is anything a surprise we have seen amny of times were faith wont let you kill yourself until your job is fulfilled
true !*%$
Remember what Faraday said when Sawyer was asking him what was going on in an episode earlier. It's either the island moving through time or its them.Maybe now it's the island moving through time where Rousseu and the island in her time or before she gets on it is now in the present.

best thing I could think of.
[h1]Danielle Rousseau[/h1] [h3]From Lostpedia[/h3]
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Danielle Rousseau
Portrayed by Mira Furlan

Portrayed by [[{{{Actor1}}}]] and [[{{{Actor2}}}]]

First seen


Last seen

"Something Nice Back Home"

Appeared in


Mentioned in


Centric episode(s)



Danielle Rousseau

Also known as




Date of birth


Date of death

27 December 2004






In Australia...


On the plane...


On the island...

...as part of a scientific expedition which crashed there

Family members

Alexandra - Daughter
Robert - Ex-Boyfriend




S1 - S2 - S3 - MP - S4 - S5 - S6


Danielle Rousseau was a woman presumed by most of the Island's other inhabitants to be of French origin. She claimed to have arrived on the Island with a science team in 1988. She was the mother of Alex. While she, Alex, and Karl were traveling to the Temple, they were ambushed by Keamy and his team. Both Rousseau and Karl were shot dead. ("Meet Kevin Johnson"). Her body was found by Miles as he, Sawyer and Claire were going back to the beach. ("Something Nice Back Home")
http:// [h2]Before encountering the survivors[/h2]
Rousseau maintained she was a member of a six-person science expedition operating in the Pacific along with her lover Robert. The two were very much in love, and Rousseau carried in her possession a music box he had once given to her. At this point in time, Danielle was seven months pregnant.

The ship was three days out of Tahiti when it picked up a transmission during the night. It was a voice repeating the numbers and they changed course to investigate. The instruments malfunctioned and a storm with strange sounds occurred. The ship slammed into rocks and ran aground with the hull breached beyond repair, so the expedition made a shelter. There is some evidence from Rousseau's map to suggest that the camp was actually the second camp made on the Island with the first being closer to the point where the ship ran aground.

The team continued to search for the transmission source. After several weeks, they reached the Dark Territory and Montand lost his arm at some point. In the area near the Black Rock they found the radio tower. From her story, this would seem to have been about six weeks after their arrival on the island. When revealed, the radio tower turned out to not be located anywhere near the Black Rock.

On the way back from the Black Rock, there was an as yet unexplained encounter. Danielle mysteriously says "It was them. They were the carriers. The Others." She believes that the other members of the team contracted the sickness from the Others. She later claimed that at least up to the time she had met Sayid, she had never seen one of the Others but only heard them as whispers in the jungle. Because of this, there is no way to know if what she calls the Others are the same as the people who now live at the Barracks.

After returning to the shelter, some of the team continued to search for the meaning of the numbers while they waited for rescue. This is likely the partial source for what is known as Rousseau's map. But then she says the sickness came. She says the sickness took them one after the other. She eventually killed Robert who she claimed was sick by first removing the firing pin from his gun and engaging him in a confrontation where she shot him dead.

Rousseau explained her motivations for killing the other members of the team as follows: "I had no choice. They were already lost. What would have happened if we were rescued? I couldn't let that happen. I won't."

She claims that after her team was all dead, she went back to the radio tower and changed the transmission three days before giving birth. The message left at the radio tower is not totally consistent with her story. The radio tower message suggests that another person (Brennan) was alive and had taken some keys. She also says that "it [or he] killed them all" and that "it [or he] was outside her location when she was recording her message." The message could either suggest another cause of death for her team or that the "them" she speaks of is someone other than her team.

Rousseau claims that three days later she delivered her baby alone, which she named Alexandra. She says that she was together with the baby for a week before she saw a pillar of black smoke about five kilometers inland and on that night, her child was taken from her. She says the baby was taken by the Others but she also has said that she had never seen one of them at that time and only knew them as whispers.

Rousseau continued living on the Island for over 16 years, before meeting Sayid after he was caught in a trap. At some point during their stay on the island, either Rousseau or other members of the French team attempted to map parts of the island. Rousseau is familiar with the "Monster" but for unexplained reasons calls it the security system.

Danielle claims that she has survived so long because of her policy of avoiding encounters with the various inhabitants of the island. ("Enter 77") This however is inconsistent with her torture of Sayid for information.

Her story is inconsistent in that she had to have been on the island prior to the Purge. The Dharma Initiative was active on the island until December 19, 1992, the day which the Purge occurred. This means that Danielle cohabited the island with the Dharma Initiative for about 4 years. It's also not explained how she survived the toxic gas attack that struck the island when The Others destroyed DHARMA.
Not really an amazing episode, but it looks like it sets up next week nicely.

I want to know the deal with the other airlines water bottle being there, and also who the people that were shooting at Locke and co. were.

I think the "reveal" at the end was for the casual watcher, not us, because we knew as soon as we heard French.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Not to mention that he survived several days at see without any food or water & been floating on a raft this whole time.
The island wasn't done with him yet...

several times in the show a character has flown/floated away from the island only to end up back there and have no idea how.

Hell look at the crash. I have no idea where people are coming up with this "out of the radius of the island" business
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Not to mention that he survived several days at see without any food or water & been floating on a raft this whole time.
The island wasn't done with him yet...
several times in the show a character has flown/floated away from the island only to end up back there and have no idea how.

Hell look at the crash. I have no idea where people are coming up with this "out of the radius of the island" business

Daniel said something along the lines of "I guess we were still within the radius" when the flash happened for the group that was inthe little motorboat. (Him, Frogurt)

Jin would have had to be within that radius as well to be pulled with the island. Its possible he was blasted into it because when the explosion happened helooked like he flew quite a ways. Or maybe he didn't even need to go that far to be within the radius, because we don't know how wide it was anyway.

Edit: Also, I think its clear that Miles and Charlotte have been on the island forquite a while, maybe when they were much younger. When Daniel said that he thought the effects of the time jumping were caused by who has more exposureto the island, and Miles said "Then why haven't they got them yet, I just got here." and Daniel responded something like "Are you absolutelysure of that?" it was obvious they were born there or something of that nature.
Or maybe he didn't even need to go that far to be within the radius, because we don't know how wide it was anyway.

there you go cuz we kno theres a 2nd island we have no idea how far that is i remember them looking back to the main island and it looked prettydamn far for it to be as big as it is

that and the boat couldnt get any closer so maybe the boat was right at the line just didnt make it in
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Not to mention that he survived several days at see without any food or water & been floating on a raft this whole time.
The island wasn't done with him yet...
several times in the show a character has flown/floated away from the island only to end up back there and have no idea how.

Hell look at the crash. I have no idea where people are coming up with this "out of the radius of the island" business
Daniel said something along the lines of "I guess we were still within the radius" when the flash happened for the group that was in the little motorboat. (Him, Frogurt)

Jin would have had to be within that radius as well to be pulled with the island. Its possible he was blasted into it because when the explosion happened he looked like he flew quite a ways. Or maybe he didn't even need to go that far to be within the radius, because we don't know how wide it was anyway.

also we know Desmond left the island and sailed for days in the opposite direction and his boat ended up right back there.

it's been established that the island "draws" whoever it wants to it. so if Jin jumped off the tanker and landed in the water (or survived theblast some other way) what's so off about the island just pulling him back along currents etc.

he wouldn't have even have had to be therefor the island's initial jump. it could have just reappeared once he was in range, assuming that is anissue, and pulled him along with one of the later jumps in time.
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Or maybe he didn't even need to go that far to be within the radius, because we don't know how wide it was anyway.
there you go cuz we kno theres a 2nd island we have no idea how far that is i remember them looking back to the main island and it looked pretty damn far for it to be as big as it is

that and the boat couldnt get any closer so maybe the boat was right at the line just didnt make it in

good theory about Jin's proximity to the 2nd island
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Not to mention that he survived several days at see without any food or water & been floating on a raft this whole time.
The island wasn't done with him yet...
several times in the show a character has flown/floated away from the island only to end up back there and have no idea how.

Hell look at the crash. I have no idea where people are coming up with this "out of the radius of the island" business
Daniel said something along the lines of "I guess we were still within the radius" when the flash happened for the group that was in the little motorboat. (Him, Frogurt)

Jin would have had to be within that radius as well to be pulled with the island. Its possible he was blasted into it because when the explosion happened he looked like he flew quite a ways. Or maybe he didn't even need to go that far to be within the radius, because we don't know how wide it was anyway.
also we know Desmond left the island and sailed for days in the opposite direction and his boat ended up right back there.

it's been established that the island "draws" whoever it wants to it. so if Jin jumped off the tanker and landed in the water (or survived the blast some other way) what's so off about the island just pulling him back along currents etc.

he wouldn't have even have had to be therefor the island's initial jump. it could have just reappeared once he was in range, assuming that is an issue, and pulled him along with one of the later jumps in time.

Thats because of the bearing issue. Remember how everything had to come in on a specific bearing or things would get screwed up? I think the samegoes for leaving as well. Just like when Ben told Michael to leave on a specific one.

I don't think the island reappeared in the same place either, remember they moved the island. If it did reappear in the same spot, then they could simplyjust sit and wait for it to pop back up to get back to it. But instead they have Hawking looking for it.
Rousseau from back then could get it
, it was only a matter of time until she came up. I was really on the fence with if Jin was gonna come back or not. Iunderstand what people are questioning about the radius because the chopper was closing too the island than the freighter but remember when Ben moved theIsland, the freighter also disappeared too, the radius maybe ground/sea level for all we know. If not it does make sense and I'm not surprised that hefloated to the Island, well one of them for that matter. You can go w/o food for days, water not so much but he was also knocked out.
Soon as i seen dude slump in the ocean i already knew what time it was

the Jin/Roussou convo may have took a bowel movement on the black horse theory however, anyone got a season/episode references to the first roussou jin hookup?
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