Lou Dobbs calls Condoleeza Rice a Cotton picker

Feb 12, 2008

Lou Dobbs called Condoleeza Rice a cotton (blank) and he's getting away with it.

What connotations in regards to politics does the word cotton have?
Is cotton (blank) a term for "ridiculous politicians"?

I'm being sarcastic in giving him the benefit of the doubt.


The irony is that if he truly felt we as a nation could talk about race in such a candid and direct way he shouldn't have to change his thought processmid-sentence like that. He knew as he said it, he would get flack for the comment.

[sarcasm]What a genius[/sarcasm]

BTW the thread title is deceiving. He said "These politicians", not "Condoleza".
i could care less what lou dobbs calls condoleeza.

do i agree with lou dobbs? no, but condoleeza has been horrible and she deserves a little heat.
You know I never connected "Cotton Pickin" with black folks until recently cuz I always heard it on cartoons when I was younger. Just unfortunatethat he said it when he was talkin about Condaleeza. The looks on his face was like "Oh crap"
He was about to refer to politicians who try to be a "moderator on the issue of race" in saying "...not a single one of these cotton pickin'politicians [should be a moderator on the issue of race]..." when he caught himself and changed it up. The irony being, of course, that two seconds beforehe said how people don't like to speak on race because of fear of having what they say be used against them and then he almost refers to Condi and otherpoliticians as "cotton pickin'." Jack #%%.
Originally Posted by knightngale


now I know why he is always talking about the mexican border
His wife is "Mexican".

I'm not excusing what he said, but I don't believe he's a racist either.
I'm more pissed off with the guy talkin' about how "racial friendly" America is----

I think he was aiming for a comparison to other countries.

He got all angry and let his true side show.
he was going to say "cotton pickin'"

Dobbs realized who he was talking about, and caught himself...

It's just another way to say "dag gum"...it bit outdated, but I can see how some people would take it out of context
Wow you can tell hes racist. Just the way he spoke about the topic, made me beleive he was racist.
Originally Posted by Basketballsavant

Interesting considering whom he is married to.

What does that have to do with anything? Because he's married to a Mexican woman means he isn't capable of contempt towards Mexicans or people whobelong to other ethnic and racial groups? No.
Originally Posted by Stylin On Yuku

Links? Examples? I don't watch his show.

Umm.. A link to the video is posted in the First post. It's in green so sort of difficult to see at first glance.
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