Lupe - Dumb it Down Video, Am I late?

have yall heard "hit em up" yet by 2pac? i heard he goes at biggie hella hard.

west coaaaaast
I just realized that I picked up the album like last week and ithas been out for a minute. Anyway the video was kind of lame, i dont really know what i expected, but thats one of my favorite tracks on the album.
Ya'll heard about this Moses character? He supposedly split the ocean into two!
As the election campaign of 1992 began, the incumbent President, George Bush, held a commanding lead in the polls, over any and all potential rivals. Bush had been the Commander- In -Chief presiding over the most decisive American military victory since World War II, the Gulf War.

Most of the leading democratic candidates declined to run. After a long primary process Bill Clinton, the then governor of Arkansas, was selected as the Democratic candidate.

From the time of the Democratic convention, Governor Clinton obtained a commanding lead in the polls over Bush. Bush's campaign was hobbled by troubled economy. The campaign revolved primarily around economic issues. The end of the cold war, which the Republicans took credit for, perversely worked against them. No longer could they use the issue of "Do you trust the Democrats to stand up to the Russians" against them. The third party candidacy of Ross Perot was a true wild card in the campaign. Perot, a self made billionaire, ran a one-issue campaign - deficit reduction. Early polls showed him to be ahead, but initial indecision on whether to enter the race resulted in his losing much of his early support.

Clinton's image of youth convinced enough voters looking for change to vote for the first time in a decade for a Democrat, thus sealing his victory.
Can't wait to see what he's gonna do in office
^I can see u being banned some time in the very near future. The video matches the concept of the song, but they sould have done so much more withthis...smh...oh well
I've done nothing wrong. If I were to be banned for saying that this video sucks fat nuts I'd sue Method Man.

- Tical.
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