Lupe-Dumb It Down>>>>>>>

^but Lupe isn't just trying to show off how deep he can spit.. he's also able to present it in a mainstream fashion.

i listened to some Lupe songs for ages just because i liked his flow and the beats, and only after a while would i actually try to break down everything he wassaying on the song.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Clipse version >


says the guy with clipse references in his s/n and sig.
I just personally believe a song is suppossed to have a purpose, just like essays should have a thesis and would lack validity w/o one. If Lu' is allowed to rap JUST for the sake of rapping, then I don't wanna hear any more gripes about Weezy and Gucci. Fair?
all three are some of my favorite artists

but The Cool has a thesis....collectively...
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Plan Beats

I guess what i should have said is:

"Hip-Hop songs needing a breakdown FTL"

Damn... you always have a way of saying what takes me a whole essay to explain. They prolly don't feel what we're on though
. Songs like Dumb it Down typically impress dumb people. Smart people don't feel the need to "get" the latest "smart song" as much as dumb people do. It seems kinda... "dumb", really
Then don't break it's the type of record you listen to over and over until and you always will catch something you never caught that'll make you.
But what's the point? So he made some 12-layered pun about pirates and... I dunno... leprechauns or some %%+#. What's to get? What do you gain once you unravel that BS? I'll take "He Say She Say", it's overly simplistic pronoun swaps, and it's universal perspective over ALL of The Cool.
Why does their have to be a point?
Because... like I already said :

It's cool to be "fantastic" but it better mean something. I hate pointless word wizardry. That's just as bad as people who talk just to hear their own voice. If all you're doing is stroking your own pride by seeing how randomly deep you can spit, you SUCK. Period.
I just personally believe a song is suppossed to have a purpose, just like essays should have a thesis and would lack validity w/o one. If Lu'is allowed to rap JUST for the sake of rapping, then I don't wanna hear any more gripes about Weezy and Gucci. Fair?
I def. get what you're saying Rilla, but I don't understand why you think lyrically flexing every now and then is so bad. Em does it. Jay does it.Hell, 95% of Weezy's career is based upon why can't Lu do it?

I'd argue with you about The Cool as a whole, but I have a feeling that %%*% would turn into dissertation-length posts from both of us
I did a Lupe Appreciaton post a couple of weeks ago, dont know where that got pushed back.. so of course he's appreciated.
The problem with todays society is that they are 2 lazy to thinK. They like simple lyrics.

Lupe is so complex that he has a lot of replay value.
The reason I hate Lupe. Cause his fans think theyre some sort of geniuses for deciphering his lines. the only thing worse than Lupe is Lupe fans
Originally Posted by BF Hoodrich

The reason I hate Lupe. Cause his fans think theyre some sort of geniuses for deciphering his lines. the only thing worse than Lupe is Lupe fans
You hate Lupe because of a fake stereotype you have on his fans?

Cool reason.

Anyway song is sick, Lupe is sick.
Really, this argument about Lupe being too lyrical is pretty stupid...and rather ignorant if you call yourself a fan of rap/hip-hop...

Every other artist KNOWS what they're think Jeezy knows he can't rap like Jay-Z? Hell yeah...but in knowing that they capture their ownaudiences with their own slang and presentation so it works in the same way it works for others...

I think the real point ya'll are alluding to is that

A. you're mad Lupe goes over your head

B. you're mad that you cant hear him in the club

C. you're mad that hes different.
About Dumb it Down....Lupe is basically saying how he's a beast and he's fly, right?

Song kinda reminds me of when you're a kid and you make up your own language. Of course no one's gonna understand it, doesn't mean you'resmart.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Originally Posted by Plan Beats

I guess what i should have said is:

"Hip-Hop songs needing a breakdown FTL"

Damn... you always have a way of saying what takes me a whole essay to explain. They prolly don't feel what we're on though
. Songs like Dumb it Down typically impress dumb people. Smart people don't feel the need to "get" the latest "smart song" as much as dumb people do. It seems kinda... "dumb", really
Then don't break it's the type of record you listen to over and over until and you always will catch something you never caught that'll make you.
But what's the point? So he made some 12-layered pun about pirates and... I dunno... leprechauns or some %%+#. What's to get? What do you gain once you unravel that BS? I'll take "He Say She Say", it's overly simplistic pronoun swaps, and it's universal perspective over ALL of The Cool.
Why does their have to be a point?
Because... like I already said :

It's cool to be "fantastic" but it better mean something. I hate pointless word wizardry. That's just as bad as people who talk just to hear their own voice. If all you're doing is stroking your own pride by seeing how randomly deep you can spit, you SUCK. Period.
I just personally believe a song is suppossed to have a purpose, just like essays should have a thesis and would lack validity w/o one. If Lu' is allowed to rap JUST for the sake of rapping, then I don't wanna hear any more gripes about Weezy and Gucci. Fair?

Not fair, because Lupe actually does it cleverly and in a way that's interesting. Although you've already said that you don't like him becausehe's too complex or whatever, I couldn't really follow you, and that's the reason that people do like him.
Originally Posted by Air Kalo

Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

The Clipse are harder than Lupe

im just saying
Harder as in what?

More street/hood appeal?

(Just wondering)

Yeah these type of arguments always get me...

Leave the street cred to some lames to validate...

focus on the music homie. and if you think the clipse are nicer on the mic than lupe, you might be...
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I HATE this song for the same reason I don't like the album. Sure, it's witty, creative, and thought provoking. It's also pretty pointless as a whole. Whereas the point of Food & Liquor was that every thing has a good and a bad side -- a yin and a yang, which everybody can see and relate to at various points in life, the point of The Cool was to delve entirely too deep into the mind of Lupe Fiasco. Most of The Cool is sci-fiction, which is a pretty corny place to take the art of rap IMO. To me, good music takes what's in the artist's mind and brings it out to the world to witness and connect to. It takes the imagination of the artist and puts it on display for others to discuss, analyze, etd. The Cool (and Dumb it Down specifically) do the reverse of that process. You have to take a step towards Lupe to connect to this album, cuz it damn sure ain't reaching out to you. I don't feel like walking through Lupe's head trying to figure out what's on his mind. You almost have to try to think like Lupe to like The Cool, but with F&L it's like Lupe was thinking like me; like most of us. And that is what artist's do IMO. So yeah, once again while I can appreciate the talent it takes to make songs like Dumb it Down and albums like the Cool, I just don't vibe with it at all. What good is it to make a song that has to be read in order to get it? I just wanna listen to my music and nod my head. I didn't ask for a homework assignment. Lupe pushed the envelope too far this time.
Very well said. I disagree with you, but well said.

I like the fact that Lupe makes me think. There are tons of other artists out there who I can throw on and instantly vibe with and know what they'retalking about. The fact that I have to break down Lupe's stuff and evrey time I listen and catch something new is a plus in my book.

But this is def one of my Fav Lupe songs. It's a toss up between this and "Failure"
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