Lupe To Appear On The O'Reilly Factor Tonight.

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Lupe kept it classy, I like that.
at least o'reilly wasn't as much as a **** as usual
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

I'm a big lupe fan...but he has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to politics. 
Bill wouldn't have invited him on if he did, Lupe actually had some points. The war WAS about Bin Laden. When we couldn't find him it became an "operation" he just didn't have the facts to back his talking points.
I think you mean Bill wouldn't have him on if he "didn't." but that's neither here nor there....And Bill doesn't care about what Lupe knows. Bill and his staff saw an opportunity to grab a demographic that he doesn't normally reach so he had Lupe on. More than politics, this is about ratings. This is fox news. They aren't out there looking for intelligent arguments. 
Bill's a moron, but Lupe made him look pretty smart. You can't just say #@@* without backing any of it up with facts.

Agreed. I love Lupe, probably my favorite rapper of all time pre-Lasers 
, but he had no facts to back his arguments... sorta disappointing 
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

I'm a big lupe fan...but he has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to politics. 
Bill wouldn't have invited him on if he did, Lupe actually had some points. The war WAS about Bin Laden. When we couldn't find him it became an "operation" he just didn't have the facts to back his talking points.
I think you mean Bill wouldn't have him on if he "didn't." but that's neither here nor there....And Bill doesn't care about what Lupe knows. Bill and his staff saw an opportunity to grab a demographic that he doesn't normally reach so he had Lupe on. More than politics, this is about ratings. This is fox news. They aren't out there looking for intelligent arguments. 
Bill's a moron, but Lupe made him look pretty smart. You can't just say #@@* without backing any of it up with facts.
No, Bill would not have Lupe on if he knew what he was talking about. I said it right the first time.
Lol @ Bill having Lupe on to reach a demographic. DO YOU KNOW FOXES RATINGS? 

Bill is brilliant, but keep calling him a moron, and he might magically become one. 
Lupe thinks he knows more than he does, he should of stayed his *#% home. Bill is a douche, hate that guy.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Bill wouldn't have invited him on if he did, Lupe actually had some points. The war WAS about Bin Laden. When we couldn't find him it became an "operation" he just didn't have the facts to back his talking points.
I think you mean Bill wouldn't have him on if he "didn't." but that's neither here nor there....And Bill doesn't care about what Lupe knows. Bill and his staff saw an opportunity to grab a demographic that he doesn't normally reach so he had Lupe on. More than politics, this is about ratings. This is fox news. They aren't out there looking for intelligent arguments. 
Bill's a moron, but Lupe made him look pretty smart. You can't just say #@@* without backing any of it up with facts.
No, Bill would not have Lupe on if he knew what he was talking about. I said it right the first time.
Lol @ Bill having Lupe on to reach a demographic. DO YOU KNOW FOXES RATINGS? 

Bill is brilliant, but keep calling him a moron, and he might magically become one. 

You contradict yourself immediately by saying Bill wouldn't have Lupe on if he knew what he was talking about, and then say Lupe made good points.

Wait, because fox has high ratings they aren't trying to reach new demographics and get higher ratings? Very poor logic. I'm laughing at you but I will keep the emoticons out of our discussion.
Bill is brilliant? Who else is brilliant? Glenn Beck? Sarah Palin? Larry the Cable Guy? AMERICUH!!! !!$* YEAH!!!!!
Contradiction? I said Lupe had good points, but no facts. I already said why. Lupe looked like an idiot because of this, any wiki scholar can make good points, but to back them up with substance takes intellect, and actually reading. Something I am sure lupe loves to do....

As far as the ratings, Bill brought Lupe on to appeal to their demographics. Fox brings on rappers like him and Cam'ron that rarely have nothing to add to any debate of substance so they can claim they are fair and balanced.

Bill is brilliant at many things, first being debate, second being entertainer. If half of NT didn't have their foot up their %%%, they would realize that he gets a rise out of his guests and it makes for great television. Again this is coming from an admitted Liberal (myself) and someone who rarely agrees with his points.

Lol @ his show needing any demographic, especially the one that finds Lupe appealing.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Contradiction? I said Lupe had good points, but no facts. I already said why. Lupe looked like an idiot because of this, any wiki scholar can make good points, but to back them up with substance takes intellect, and actually reading. Something I am sure most entertainers love to do....

As far as the ratings, Bill brought Lupe on to appeal to their demographics. Fox brings on rappers like him and Cam'ron that rarely have nothing to add to any debate of substance so they can claim they are fair and balanced.

Bill is brilliant at many things, first being debate, second being entertainer. If half of NT didn't have their foot up their %%%, they would realize that he gets a rise out of his guests and it makes for great television. Again this is coming from an admitted Liberal (myself) and someone who rarely agrees with his points.

Lol @ his show needing any demographic, especially the one that finds Lupe appealing.

You contradicted yourself again. How can someone have good points, but no facts? 

I think the expression is "have their HEAD up their %%%." Not have their foot up their %%%. How would having a foot up your %%% make it difficult to realize something? But I digress....

What do you mean "Lol @ his show needing any demographic?" Every show needs demographics. The networks are always looking to expand. Even the demo that follows Lupe. That is what determines ad sales. I've worked in TV for major networks. Demographics are everything. And networks always put pressure on a show to expand it's audience. No one said they need it but the people at fox don't want ratings sitting idle. 
Sometimes when lupe gets to talk, I just change. It...

That $!#%+ be kicking some left field stuff.

With that being said...

#1stand15 revenge of the nerds....

Smh @ me even wasting keystrokes. lesson learned. If you worked in television you should know that lupe fans will never watch fox on a consistent basis. So if their intent is what you claim, it would be a mistake in a pretty flawless marketing history.
It wasn't that bad

Lupe did his thing, but he can't be cutting people off when they talking, gotta keep that thought in his head when its his turn to speak...

Overall it wasn't bad at all.

When you coming at Bill, you gotta have your facts and patience on deck!
%#$* was a waste of time. i wouldnt mind watching the complete interview if its available. the amount of cuts fox did on it makes it look like it was possible that lupe was doing work in the debate but who knows.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by rashi

Bill should take a long walk off a short cliff. I hate this douche.

This Harvard educated moron didn't even know who John Maynard Keynes was when John Stossel asked him. How are you a journalist for as many years as he is, Harvard educated and NOT know who Keynes or what Keynesian Economics is.

Nothing but a NeoCon mouthpiece.

I don't understand how bombing civilians in foreign nations is like Bill says, "nobel". Do we has that much disregard for human life?
You can hate on O'Reilly all you want, but he is smarter than you think.
Perfect example: On tonights show, he rips Jon Stewart for the same exact thing he does - Cater to his audience, and then has the audacity to call himself a journalist. 

I mean the liberal in me fumes that people actually buy his bs, but the human side of me takes notes to how he does his work. He is brilliant at what he does.
John Stewart's show is on....comedy central right?
Originally Posted by jm2000

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by rashi

Bill should take a long walk off a short cliff. I hate this douche.

This Harvard educated moron didn't even know who John Maynard Keynes was when John Stossel asked him. How are you a journalist for as many years as he is, Harvard educated and NOT know who Keynes or what Keynesian Economics is.

Nothing but a NeoCon mouthpiece.

I don't understand how bombing civilians in foreign nations is like Bill says, "nobel". Do we has that much disregard for human life?
You can hate on O'Reilly all you want, but he is smarter than you think.
Perfect example: On tonights show, he rips Jon Stewart for the same exact thing he does - Cater to his audience, and then has the audacity to call himself a journalist. 

I mean the liberal in me fumes that people actually buy his bs, but the human side of me takes notes to how he does his work. He is brilliant at what he does.
John Stewart's show is on....comedy central right?
and whenever John Stewart gets called out on something, whats his response...? I'm a comedian, not a journalist....He's a joke too.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Smh @ me even wasting keystrokes. lesson learned. If you worked in television you should know that lupe fans will never watch fox on a consistent basis. So if their intent is what you claim, it would be a mistake in a pretty flawless marketing history.  
They aren't trying to get ALL of Lupe's fans to watch the show, no one said that. They are trying to expand. They stand to gain more by having a young black man on the show than the run-of-the-mill white conservative. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?....Flawless marketing history? What the #%$% are you talking about?

At first I thought you were misinformed. Now I can see you just have no clue at what you are talking about. Thanks for trying I guess.
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