Lying about age *PICS ON PAGE 2*

I lied to a girl when I was on vacation once in Florida. Told her I was 18 when I was really 16.
She was 19 at the time.

There was a little group of teenage kids that would meet up and drink wine coolers, and Smirnoff on the tennis court when the lights went out after 10.
(They were all staying at the same timeshare I was at)

I noticed them the first day I got there, but didn't introduce myself. The next night I met one of them shooting hoops, and he invited me to come to the tennis courts after the lights went out. I snuck out of my room where I was staying wit my family.

I show up to the tennis court at like 11:30ish, because I was waiting for my parents to pass out. When I get there everything is chill, and It's just different groups of kids on vacation meeting up to drink and hang out. Everybody was between the ages of 16-19 if I had to make a guess.
So the first night I just drank a couple and talked amongst the group. Then went home, when everyone else went in (around 2am.)

Next night i was out there, the dude I was shooting hoops wit (around my age) says, "hey man, my sister thinks your cute, and she wants u to talk to her" I was actually blown away, cuz she was very pretty, and a lot older than me. I end up talking to her like 20 mins later, and she's talking to me about family and where she's from. Then she ask me my age, and I instantly lied without thinkin and said 18. We talked for a while, then we all called it a night at (2am)

On night 3 I end up back at the tennis courts. Same routine as usual. At the end of this night the girl ask if I wanna come back to her room... At first I'm terrified, because I know she is there wit her family. But she keeps assuring me it's good, at that her and her brother share a room that connects to their parents room, and she can lock it from her side. I end up going, to her room, and she started kissing me and going down on me, and vice versa. She wanted to smash, but I wasn't prepared. I chilled for a lil while after and then dipped since it was hella late.

Night 4
I come prepared to the tennis court, and at the end of the night I go back to her room with her. We replayed night 3, and then I smashed twice that night. She told me it was her last night in town, and would be gone in the morning, so I stayed and ended up falling asleep on her couch bed. I didn't wake back up till the sun was up.

We said our good-byes and exchange phone numbers and addresses. Then I went to my timeshare to find my mom and dad awake, and wondering where the hell I'd been. I told them I was out having a good time with the other kids on vacation and ended up staying at ones apt. My parents weren't really trippin.

The next night I hit the tennis court and it wasn't the same. Some of the people I had been chillin wit were gone, she was gone, and vibe was different. 2 days later I flew back to Houston.

Sorry for the long story fellas, but the answer to your question is lie, if u can get away with it. I had one of the best times of my life on that vacation. It broke me out of a shell, and made me a new man. I had a 2 night stand with an adult at 16, and loved every minute of it. We stayed in touch for a couple years, but never saw each other again.


This sounds like something you'd see in a movie or in The Wonder Years.

Nice story though.
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