Mac Responds to Vista Ads

the initial release of vista did suck balls. its somewhat known that microsoft released vista based on a deadline rather than a completion of the product andthat the alpha version of it was released. there were 26000 known bugs on vista when it was released so thats why there has been a bunch of upgrades after theinitial release. vista has been pretty damaging to microsoft since it truly was a junk product that they released rivaling windows millenium. but i will saywhen windows 7 comes out it should shut some people up *****ing about vista.
I liken MAC's commercial about Microsoft spending more on Money than fixing their problem is like McCain not talking about the issues but rather trying toattack Obama's past when he was 8 years old..
Originally Posted by The Harlem Shake

Originally Posted by theyhatinonme

Originally Posted by SGS MM

lol ... seriously ... who is winning this war?
seems to me that Mac started the AD war!

Exactly. Mac is hypocritical for saying that MS spends too much on advertising when Mac started all these ads to begin with. Looks like Mac is using Karl Rove campain tactics.

YA but Mac has an operating system good enough to back it up.
I don't mess with macs so whenever I am forced to use their OS I hate it. If I learned how to use it I might like it who knows. But Vistaworks fine I haven't had any problems with it. When it first cam out the main problems was that there were not enough drivers made yet. Now allcompainies have vista drivers so everything is good.
All windows needs is a computer that can run wondows and mac OS and they would have no competition..
Originally Posted by RATxAxTAT

Can't you run Windows on Macs?

i see u got the new avy^ im creating one right now. Thanx Lincey

On Topic tho, Macs FTW, running Windows on Mac FTW

Also, Pharrell owns a gold iPhone.Got Damn it Must be 2 sides
If ANY one Major Government Agency decides to revamp and replace ALL it's PCs with MACs... you can cancel Christmas cause everyone else will follow suitand thus MAC will become to the new go to.

This is the only reason PC came to be now.

All agencies started migrating to it long ago, and everyone who was familiar with PC bought one for their home. Hence the Home PC boom....
^truth, I've found that people who aren't really computer handy own macs, you can do SOOOOOO much with PC, you cant do crap with macs, sure macs looknice, like i said, they're for people who get them for simple reasons and want to look trendy, real comp heads go with PCs tho, we were raised on thesystem. EFF MAC
huge problem with macs is that it is not affordable at all to most people...spend 1200+ for a macbook or buy a pc laptop that start's at about 500...themacbooks will have better components than a pc starting at 500 of course but if u want to go with specs a pc with macbook like specs can be had for wayyycheaper than a mac...with pc companies starting to build little pretty laptops of their own and apple still not budging on their prices i dont see a goodfuture for this company even with all the hype
I love that ad.

It's true. If Windows had put aside more into actually fixing Vista then we'd hear less complaints. As it stands, they are already bringing a new OS tomarket (Windows 7) roughly 2 & a 1/2 years after their latest (Vista).

XP launched in 01 and only JUST stopped being shipped. As a matter of fact, you can actually still get XP with a new pc.

So it basically asks the question.... what exactly was Vista for??

If W7 is building on Vista and basically will be Vista 2.0, then why didn't they just fine tune it and wait to release a FINISHED product?

Oh that's right... to bang their customers in the head. Vista is nothing more than a huge public beta with the REAL OS (W7) finally arriving in'09-'10.

For the record, I'm running Vista and it's definitely better than when it first came out (no more driver issues, less lock-ups, etc). But really,beyond the better security, there isn't anything that it does THAT much better than XP.... IMO.
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