
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Anyone planning to buy, hold off for a while. There are rumors that new Pros and Airs are coming out at some point in Q2 (April-June). The Pros are apparently going to look more like the current Airs, and the 15-inch Pro may have an HD screen.

My body is so, so ready.

I've been waiting myself. I've been having my best buy card handy and clear to buy the new MacBook Pro.
Originally Posted by blasdiaz

Originally Posted by Rocky437

I'm rolling with this. Asus > 

Nice . Team Asus 
i3, 2.2 GHz, 64 bit, 500 GB, $330.  Team Asus
Any cons to owning a refurbished one? My PC dell just took a dump. Now I need another computer for the kids.
I've always been a pc user, but recently bought a 13 in mbp. I really don't see anything special about macs, maybe I need to give a some more time bc I've only had it for a week now. But yeah nothing amazing has happened lol. Oh and it's very different from PC, I'm still not use to the setup.
Originally Posted by djaward

Any cons to owning a refurbished one? My PC dell just took a dump. Now I need another computer for the kids.

Absolutely not.  Refurbs come w/ a warranty and you can buy Applecare for them.  And if you're getting one for the kids, buying a refurb makes even more point in spending full retail to have a kid drop it or spill something on it.  
I have a 2008 MB, paid retail. I think it was worth it. The interface and overall usability is what keeps me. The design, etc. is nice but being able to swap between programs, spaces, etc. from a simple swipe of fingers is very convenient. You could say it's dependable, too, since it has lasted me this long and hasn't really lost much speed despite me not taking very good care of it. I can't compare it to more modern PC's because I've been using Apple for years, but I like what I've got in the Macbook.
Copied from Official Mac Thread


I'm an objective guy and I go by facts and functionality, not emotion and frilly !$%. I'm in school for an advertising degree. I have always owned a PC but have never been averse to Apple and Macs. I must say that I can't stand the stans that say their life is so much better because they have a Mac and that I'm less of a person for not owning one (heard it before). I own an iPad and have enjoyed my iPods throughout the years.

My question:
I am going to need to upgrade to a new computer by probably next fall and I am looking at all my options, Macs and PCs alike. Can you guys provide me functional reasons for why I should purchase an MPB. !$% like "It just works" and "It's just better" aren't anything without good reasons behind them. If "it just works" explain to me why it just works and why I should spend a pretty significant amount of $$ for a MPB when I can get comparable machines for less.

I'm not here to argue or flame, just want some real, practical answers and reasons why you gentlemen (and ladies) own Macs.

Thanks in advance.
Anybody have a Macbook Air? I'm thinking about getting an 11' one and wanted some suggestions. I know the pro is more advanced but I honestly just need it for schoolwork, internet, watch stuff on Hulu and that kind of stuff. Also does it come with Word and Powerpoint? I like everything about it but need more info from people who actually own one or has
Originally Posted by Tom Robinson

Anybody have a Macbook Air? I'm thinking about getting an 11' one and wanted some suggestions. I know the pro is more advanced but I honestly just need it for schoolwork, internet, watch stuff on Hulu and that kind of stuff. Also does it come with Word and Powerpoint? I like everything about it but need more info from people who actually own one or has

It doesn't come with Word and Powerpoint but you can buy the software from Apple. I would just use OpenOffice instead.
I love my MBP.
Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Copied from Official Mac Thread


I'm an objective guy and I go by facts and functionality, not emotion and frilly !$%. I'm in school for an advertising degree. I have always owned a PC but have never been averse to Apple and Macs. I must say that I can't stand the stans that say their life is so much better because they have a Mac and that I'm less of a person for not owning one (heard it before). I own an iPad and have enjoyed my iPods throughout the years.

My question:
I am going to need to upgrade to a new computer by probably next fall and I am looking at all my options, Macs and PCs alike. Can you guys provide me functional reasons for why I should purchase an MPB. !$% like "It just works" and "It's just better" aren't anything without good reasons behind them. If "it just works" explain to me why it just works and why I should spend a pretty significant amount of $$ for a MPB when I can get comparable machines for less.

I'm not here to argue or flame, just want some real, practical answers and reasons why you gentlemen (and ladies) own Macs.

Thanks in advance.
In all seriousness, word cannot describe why or how because everyone's experience is different. The only way to find out is to try it yourself. Your mac will become a part of your life.
Originally Posted by JT AIR JT

Originally Posted by Tom Robinson

Anybody have a Macbook Air? I'm thinking about getting an 11' one and wanted some suggestions. I know the pro is more advanced but I honestly just need it for schoolwork, internet, watch stuff on Hulu and that kind of stuff. Also does it come with Word and Powerpoint? I like everything about it but need more info from people who actually own one or has

It doesn't come with Word and Powerpoint but you can buy the software from Apple. I would just use OpenOffice instead.
I love my MBP.
I'm looking through their website now and clicked on the buy laptop for students option and just saw that a MBP would be $1100, $100 bucks cheaper than usual for the 13 inch. Does MBP come with Word or Powerpoint? Those are important if I need it for schoolwork. My girl has a MBP and I love it whenever I'm using so i'm considering the pro or the air. I'm not looking to shell out too much on one because I probably won't fully use everything it has to offer so i'm looking at the cheapest of the two. I've had a PC before and it was super slow, always catching a virus and other problems. Which one would you suggest?
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

lets be real tho...

the only reason why you people say ur macs dont mess up is because your brain subconsciously tells u to take good care of it, since they are pretty and expensive, you cant help but put effort to maintain it. At the same time the less attractive PC laptop gets no love. I never see people buy a protective case for their pc laptops but i see a lot of people buy cases for their macs.
Well, non Apple products get refreshed so often that it would be considered a waste to keep making protective cases for every single other model out there. I believe this discussion is more about reliability in general, software and hardware-wise.
If the heart of macbook truly lies in the OS, then from that standpoint all laptops are pretty much the same. I think that if one were to buy a spec'd laptop at a comparable price to a macbook, then get OS Lion running with no hiccups, we would all be happy. I still want a macbook just so I don't have to deal with all that mess though.
Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by Rocky437


I'm rolling with this. Asus > 
Thats not portable. Looks too heavy. 
I have the G73 from two or three years ago. It is MASSIVE. For the pice ($1400) it came with a lot though. Mine came with a backpack, gaming mouse, blu-ray, i7, 8gb ram, 1tb hd, 1 gb ATI 5870 graphics card, and an LED screen. No whey would I use it as a portable laptop though, it's a desktop replacement.
I wish they made black anodized Macbook Pros...

Anyways, I'm looking into getting a laptop for college. My main uses are music, internet, and media creation (I'll be doing work with the Adobe Suite and Microsoft Office). Ideally I want the laptop to be 13-14".

Any suggestions?
Originally Posted by ItzJono

buy one if u can..supposedly theyre refreshing them sometime soon lol

I know they're releasing the new OS update over the summer so if I do decide to get one, I'll wait for the updated models. Just trying to see what my other options are though
macs are way behind in its technology. the price to performance is not justified imo. good thing about macs is that you get the software included
buy on ebay or craigslist. It's amazing how many people dump APPLE after falling for the HYPE. This is coming from a MB owner. I got it for free so I can't complain.

I will say OSX>Windows though.
well i bet the people that spent all that money on a macbook havent spent it on a pc. if you spent that amount of money on a pc then it would be a powerful machine. i paid less than $1000 for my custom built pc. and its pretty much on or above a macbook pro. if youre thinking about buying a mac, and investing that much money in a laptop, then look on some other pc websites and build your own.

like BrotherForReal said, people are falling for the hype. remember when few people owned macs? now more and more people have them. one of my boys has one and he doesnt like it that much. he isnt tech savvy at all and he said the UI was weird as hell for him. and arent macs supposed to be simple to use? im not bashing mac or apple, as i have an iphone, os x lion has some good features such as the gestures but i can say that im happy i built my own powerful pc for less then half the price of a macbook
Originally Posted by Coolidge Effect

the only reason why i buy mac


save your arguments. NOthing beats that.

your only reason is a lie though.

I need a new battery for my 09
13in MB. where can I cop for the low online?
Originally Posted by vell23

Originally Posted by kiendienn

3 years and no problems

my HP fried itself within a year and a half

my vaio, i dont even want to talk about it

Hmm your vaio what happened to it I have one now
My Vaio motherboard crashed in 6months them my hard drive crased in 1yr, a week after the warranty expired
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