Macy's Problems... advice?

May 3, 2005
Worked for them since July 2007 and up until about March/April, was working 40 hour weeks. As you know, retail took a huge hit, so my hours were cut, and thencut to almost nothing, until my manager told me there wasn't going to be much more work for awhile. The last time I actually worked a schedule there was inAugust. I kept receiving a discount up until last month's bill when I realized my benefit (single, one benefit) was cut. I just got hired at a new job, andused my manager as a reference, but never formally quit. My current job is only part time, so I told him that if hours were available, to call me cause I canwork afternoons. In the US, it is against the law to fire or lay off an employee without telling them either vocally in person or in a letter. I never receivedanything.

I'm going tomorrow to the HR dept to talk to them. I have been advised to be patient and tell them that I understand the law and my rights as an employee.Suing them is a possibility, but I would settle for a severance or something to that effect. I don't think they need any bad publicity. What should I do?
What do you want to sue them for? You have a new job don't you? Do you want to formally tell you you've been layed off?
i dont even see what the problem is. you werent getting any hours at Macy's, now you have a new job. And you're upset because Macy's took away yourbenefit.

if you try to sue, you will get laughed at
Do u really think u can sue Macy's, really Macy's, come on now get that option out of your head right now real talk
Originally Posted by ericberry14

i dont even see what the problem is. you werent getting any hours at Macy's, now you have a new job. And you're upset because Macy's took away your benefit.

if you try to sue, you will get laughed at
you really have nothing to sue about
sue them?

c'mon dude, you aren't getting anything from them and a judge will laugh in your face as a lawyer collects like $3000 of your money

people always trying to get something for free
he's upset because they took his employee benefit away from him without giving him any notice that he was let go. I'm not too familiar with this but Idon't think they can let you go without giving you notice. Maybe they took the employee discount away from employees who don't work x number of hours.But yes your best solution would be to talk to them and find out what's going on. Not sure about suing. In these times ... military FTW!
lol sue them they will tell u to gtfohwtbs.. but what are u complaning about u got a new job
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Suing them is a possibility, but I would settle for a severance or something to that effect. I don't think they need any bad publicity. What should I do?

You have a point. Expect an offer from their lawyers once they see this thread.
Maybe they took the employee discount away from employees who don't work x number of hours.
When it comes to store discounts, it is a privilege not a right. Which means, save your money, because you don't have a case. Now if youwere getting health/dental/vision benefits and they were cut off without notice (Especially if you were in an accident/incident where you needed them), theyare liable. However, an employee discount. They could cut that off even if you are still working there.

Most likely they will use the sentence above, you didn't work an x amount of hours to qualify for the employee discount. Technically, you are probablystill in the system as an employee, they just cut off your discount because you haven't worked since the Summer.

Move on, you don't have a case.
You don't seem to have a reason to really sue. Just be grateful you have a new job and keep it moving.
It's against the law to not inform someone of being let go. That's my case. Suing was just an option. Yes, I may have a job, but it's not payingextremely well, it is only part time, and I depended on my discount to provide christmas presents. When I discovered it had been removed, it stunned me. I hadnot been working a full work week for over 6 months, but still received the discount. I just want to find out why it was cut and if I have been let go. If theylet me go without informing me, they have broken the law. For THAT, a judge will not "laugh in my face". They have broken the law by doing that.

I'm glad I have this job (in a school, so we're on winter break), but I was really hoping to get some hours over break from Macy's.
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

It's against the law to not inform someone of being let go. That's my case. Suing was just an option. Yes, I may have a job, but it's not paying extremely well, it is only part time, and I depended on my discount to provide christmas presents. When I discovered it had been removed, it stunned me. I had not been working a full work week for over 6 months, but still received the discount. I just want to find out why it was cut and if I have been let go. If they let me go without informing me, they have broken the law. For THAT, a judge will not "laugh in my face". They have broken the law by doing that.

I'm glad I have this job (in a school, so we're on winter break), but I was really hoping to get some hours over break from Macy's.
so what are you suing for
consequential damages?
hardly, the discount they gave you is not consideration, its a gift. they are not obligated to give you anything
Are you sure you were never scheduled to work and they took you not showing up as a sign that you quit? I cant imagine not working for 6 months and stillthinking you have a job.
No, my department was visuals, so it was kinda-sorta flexible. I had a weird schedule during the school year, but when I would come back, it was the normal 40hour 7 to 3 schedule. My whole argument is that NO ONE told me I was laid off or fired. I didn't stop showing up, my manager said there were no hours forthem to give. Never were the words uttered... you're going to be let go... or we can't keep you on board due to budget cuts. Just one day, my benefitswere cut, and that was it. Whether or not that means I was fired or not remains to be seen. If I were to actually sue them (which I probably won't), itwould be for just breaking the law by not informing me of my firing. It cannot be labeled as "failure to show up". I just want some answers because Idepended on that discount and on the slight chance I might get a few hours before I go back to my main job.
thing is...if you were laid off.. you could have filed for unemployment too..
instead...they kept you dangling...and now you're not eligible for unemployment benefits anymore.


I'd at least call up your former manager and ask what the deal is
you guys must not know much about bad publicity. regardless of how small it is. he will walk out with something.
^^ nah its a buyers market right now, employers aren't going to bend over for anyone, especially for this weak stuff.
If a law was broken wouldn't you be pressing charges rather than suing, especially in this case. Just call them up and find out the situation, but get thissuing, nonsense out of your head.
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