Made is coming to my school...what should i be made into?

Oct 28, 2005
MTV made is supposed to be coming to my school sometime early spring.
and they are doing 3-5 minute interviews and accepting applications.
i've yet to decide if im going to apply.
maybe just for fun, but what are the odds that i'll get picked
if i do apply, i want it to be something good, im kinda overweight, but they've already had so many like that.
any good ideas?
Too easy, and I don't wanna get banned....
Do something you actually want to be made into.. no point in trying to be on the football team, or being in a talent show if you have no actual interest in it.
WHat are you interested? What does your weight hold you back on?? Whatever your answer is, that what you should be made to.
Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Do something you actually want to be made into.. no point in trying to be on the football team, or being in a talent show if you have no actual interest in it.

well im a senior...and i played football the last three years so i couldn't do that...
basketball has already started, and i just play in the rec league anyway
and i wouldn't want to be in the play or anything

i just want something different
If you want to be made into a field hockey player, I guarantee you they pick you.

Oh wait that's a fall sport... hmmm.

professional wrestler. There. THAT my friend, is gold.
a porn star? really though it should be something that interests you. if they pick you it is YOU who will be made into it not anyone else.
Isn't the purpose of the show to be made into something you REALLY want? If you're not really committed to anything why not give the chance to someonewho is....the new year has me thinking unselfishly (sp?)..
Originally Posted by djaward

WHat are you interested? What does your weight hold you back on?? Whatever your answer is, that what you should be made to.
weight doesn't really hold me just wouldn't hurt to drop 20-30 lbs
Originally Posted by ROCKIN MY XIII

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Do something you actually want to be made into.. no point in trying to be on the football team, or being in a talent show if you have no actual interest in it.

well im a senior...and i played football the last three years so i couldn't do that...
basketball has already started, and i just play in the rec league anyway
and i wouldn't want to be in the play or anything

i just want something different

Those were examples, not suggestions
Whatever you decide make sure you let them know you have a legion of internet supporters i.e. us. We can make you famous!!!
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