Make-A-Wish transforms SF into Gotham City for kid with Leukemia (official video post #123)

  • 10:30 a.m.:  Miles will rescue a damsel in distress tied up across the Hyde Street cable car line on the 1900 block of Hyde  between Green and Union Streets in North Beach.
  • 11 a.m.:  Miles will catch up with his nemesis as he attempts to rob a downtown bank vault at 550 Montgomery Street.
  • 12:45 p.m.:  While Miles is eating lunch at Burger Bar in the Union Square Macy's, a villain will kidnap Lou Seal on the plaza below and escape in a convertible.
  • 1 p.m.:  Miles, as Batkid, arrives at AT&T Park on the plaza at Third and King Streets, where he'll apprehend the villain and free Lou Seal.
  • 2 p.m.:  In a massive celebration outside San Francisco City Hall, Mayor Ed Lee will give Miles a key to the city and congratulate him on a job well done.
love these heartwarming stories in the face of sadness; a little good goes a long way especially for the parents who will always remember this assuming the worst happens
Man I'd love to work for the Make A Wish Foundation.

Hope he has a ton of fun and gets a bit of enjoyment in his unfortunate life.
I want to play a goon.

I'd let the kid apprehend me. Might even throw in a free shot to the nuts.
 the level of love humans can display when coming together for others leaves me sometimes in awe 
This is cool. My friends just passed away because of leukemia, definitely a good look.

Wish I could be there.
Just a heads up for Bay Area people that this thing is today. I might go downtown during lunch just to check it out.
The events I'm able to attend aren't very spectator friendly. :smh:

Busy during the keys to the city ceremony.
Just a heads up for Bay Area people that this thing is today. I might go downtown during lunch just to check it out.
I wish I lived closer to SF. If you do go, maybe you can update how it was? I hope he has a wonderful time
I work downtown but I literally only have an hour to kill. I think my best chance is to see it at Union Square but there really is only a quick appearance by the kid and some flash mob.

Here is the full breakdown for people:

The city, along with hundreds of volunteers will be granting the wish of 5-year-old Miles to be Batman. In his daily life, Miles is battling a very real foe in the form of leukemia. He loves superheroes and for one day in November, he will get to be Batman and save Gotham from the evil Penguin.

They plan on having hundreds of volunteers and donors collected to cheer and thank little Batman and a great opportunity to make one little boy’s wish come true. Hat tip: SFist

San Francisco Turns Into Gotham City | Make A WishMake A Wish Day: SF Becomes Gotham City for Miles
Friday, November 15, 2013 | 12:45-2 pm
Union Square or San Francisco City Hall

>> RSVP to Cheer at City Hall
- Bring hand-made signs of encouragement like “Thank you, Batkid!”

>> RSVP for a Flashmob at Union Square: Join the Official Make-A-Wish Flashmob (Noon to 1 pm)

Catch the action as Miles becomes Batkid in one of several different locations around the city, and cheer him on as he fights crime and battles villains.

Here’s how you can participate:

12:45 pm: Union Square – Look on as a flashmob warns Batkid that Mr. P has kidnapped Lou Seal and see them speed away from Union Square. Please note that Union Square has the ice rink and the Christmas tree, so it’s not going to be as spectator friendly as was originally hoped.
2 pm: A massive celebration at City Hall at 2 pm as SF Mayor, Ed Lee, and the Police Chief present Miles with a key to the city and congratulates him on a job well done. This is the best place for spectators to come cheer as they can handle the crowds.

San Francisco Turns Into Gotham City | Make A WishFull Schedule

10:30 am: Watch him rescue a damsel in distress, who is tied up across the Hyde Street cable car line | Russian Hill – 1900 block of Hyde Street between Green and Union streets - Small location – We’re told it is not very spectator-friendly.
11 am: See him catch his nemesis as he attempts to rob a vault | Financial District - 550 Montgomery Street near Clay – Small location – We’re told it is not very spectator-friendly.
12:45 pm: See a villain kidnap Lou Seal and drive off being chased by Miles | Union Square – Good for spectators
Read all about it: The San Francisco Chronicle will be passing out 1,000 copies of a special-edition “Gotham City Chronicle” in Union Square with a special story written by Clark Kent and Lois Lane. We’re pretty sure copies will be free, but bring along a bit of cash, just in case.
1 pm: Watch as Batkid arrives at AT&T Park at 3rd and King side to apprehend the villain and free Lou Seal. | AT&T Park - We’re told this is not very spectator-friendly.
2 pm: Join in a massive celebration at City Hall at 2 pm as SF Mayor Ed Lee gives Miles the key to the city and congratulates him on a job well done. | City Hall – Polk between McAllister and Grove – Best place for spectators

For whoever is trying to attend... please bring a camera and post pics!

That would be dope if Christian Bale got wind of this and showed up unexpectedly (or as a surprise). :wow:
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  • 10:30 a.m.:
     Miles will rescue a damsel in distress tied up across the Hyde Street cable car line on the 
    1900 block of Hyde
     between Green and Union Streets in North Beach.
  • 11 a.m.:
     Miles will catch up with his nemesis as he attempts to rob a downtown bank vault at 
    550 Montgomery Street
  • 12:45 p.m.:
     While Miles is eating lunch at Burger Bar in the Union Square Macy's, a villain will kidnap Lou Seal on the plaza below and escape in a convertible.

  • 1 p.m.:
     Miles, as Batkid, arrives at AT&T Park on the plaza at Third and King Streets, where he'll apprehend the villain and free Lou Seal.

  • 2 p.m.:
     In a massive celebration outside San Francisco City Hall, Mayor Ed Lee will give Miles a key to the city and congratulate him on a job well done.

man all of that is gonna wear this little boy out. My goodness. funny things about kids and make believe games...they change their mind and want to do something else real quick. just hope halfway through, lil man doesnt decide he's had enough lol.
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