Make Periods bigger on Paper???

May 25, 2008
Would anyone happen to have the video that shows you how to make the periods bigger? Im in need of help, and for all the Nters that are going to start talking@!% about "why dont you just write more", start *****ing at me i dont care, im sorry im not as smart as you guys

Any help, Thanks
Just replace all of the periods to 14 font. (Go to "Find" and put in "." ; Under replace, put in "." and change font to 14.)

Do a few of the commas too if you're brave.
Originally Posted by ILovetheXIII

i used this many of times in HS

don't remember what it was called though
There is a youtube video on this but cant seem to find it
i think you click like edit replace in the first blank put a period in the second blank put a period and highlight it and the click the side arrow then go toformat font and change the font to 14 pt
If your paper is double spaced you need a period on every line or figure out the spacing in order to not make it look obvious.
I have also heard of this but forgot how it was done. I could have used this a couple days ago
but i already turned in my paper at the minimum
well make sure ur teacher isnt one of those spacing %%%@ cuz making the periods bigger makes the spacing bigger as well
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