How about both.
Its weird none of the paasengers were on the phone at the time. Plane was boarded with over 250 people. You would think at least one would had been on the phone and if they were, the other party would had knew what was going on
man i think this plane got shot down by the military or something

Cool pic
if it got shot down, wouldnt their be debris?
It was stated if it was blown up at a high enough height, 30k feet I believe, debris would be too scattered.

The phone thing crossed my mind too. Everyone has a smartphone nowadays. I would love to see the activity logs of all cell phones on board vs the time of the disappearance.
The lack of ANY communication (smart phones) seems to support a mid-air catastrophe. Under pretty much any other circumstance (except for a massive loss of pressure due to a nosedive, and subsequent passenger blackout) someone can get a message out. Remember, even on 9/11, with old cell technology, passengers were able to make calls out after the pilots and crew had been incapacitated.
The lack of ANY communication (smart phones) seems to support a mid-air catastrophe. Under pretty much any other circumstance (except for a massive loss of pressure due to a nosedive, and subsequent passenger blackout) someone can get a message out. Remember, even on 9/11, with old cell technology, passengers were able to make calls out after the pilots and crew had been incapacitated.

Well, both of the planes for 9/11 were domestic flights, so the passengers were probably still able to connect to domestic cell towers. In this case, it's an international flight, so even if the passengers do have international roaming, they still need to have compatible cell towers nearby to make any communication.
Well, both of the planes for 9/11 were domestic flights, so the passengers were probably still able to connect to domestic cell towers. In this case, it's an international flight, so even if the passengers do have international roaming, they still need to have compatible cell towers nearby to make any communication.

That high off the 2001? That was a lifetime ago in terms of technology, and people could still make calls. Now, with on-board wi-fi (which a 777 is probably equipped with), somebody can get a message out. Somehow.
Well, both of the planes for 9/11 were domestic flights, so the passengers were probably still able to connect to domestic cell towers. In this case, it's an international flight, so even if the passengers do have international roaming, they still need to have compatible cell towers nearby to make any communication.

That high off the 2001? That was a lifetime ago in terms of technology, and people could still make calls. Now, with on-board wi-fi (which a 777 is probably equipped with), somebody can get a message out. Somehow.

that high off the ground? they were flying pretty low brah

the few minutes they were flying low could easily get service on a cell phone

at 38,000 feet? nah
The longer this goes on without answers, the more sinister it sounds. It is quite a mystery at the moment this isn't it? You couldn't make it up, it's like some plot out of The Twilight Zone or some other Sci-Fi series but this is real life and it's moments like this that the old adage 'truth is stranger than fiction' comes to my mind, the latest theory based on radar signalling info is that the plane may have turned back so the search is being widened, if it's going to be found, or if at least some definite clue will be found, it should be soon, I'd be very surprised if nothing turns up by the middle of next week.
Aren't those black boxes in planes designed to be indestructible? 8o

They're rugged but not invincible.

For my people that read, "Airframe" by Michael Crichton (writer of Jurassic Park) is a great novel that goes in depth about the airline industry and how planes work.

Except it's all stuff we already know. Plus, just like any conspiracy theorist, he conveniently leaves out facts (some quite important) to frame his case. Those transmitters on the black box and cockpit data recorder can be damaged, even if the boxes themselves are more or less impenetrable. That's what happened on that Air France flight. They were disabled on impact, and they didn't find them until two years later because of it. Then, they were able to piece it all together. Also, those transmitters can only be picked up if you're within a certain range of them. It's not like there's a special satellite that picks it up from outer space. So, they have to find traces of wreckage, then try and locate the black boxes.

Yes, debris from the airplane will float. We've seen it in every major water crash ever. Remember, the seats are flotation devices.

If the plane coasted, it could be anywhere with 120 miles. The guy thinks that just because it disappeared in one place, it absolutely has to have fallen right there. Clearly, that's not the case or they would have found it by now.

A missile? Pretty sure any missile launched in the world is being monitored by somebody. I don't need some crackpot to tell me that it would show up on radar. I will go ahead and assume someone is watching, and it'd leave a trail.

Then he goes into his dumb theory. Can't believe ya'll still fall for these nut jobs and their theories.
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Could the people that boarded with stolen passports (which I'm not sure how they did unless they look exactly like the person in the passport or switched out the pictures) knew the location of the black box and disabled it? Either that or the plane was hijacked and they turned off all communication signals?
Could the people that boarded with stolen passports (which I'm not sure how they did unless they look exactly like the person in the passport or switched out the pictures) knew the location of the black box and disabled it? Either that or the plane was hijacked and they turned off all communication signals?

You can't remove them. One is in the tail of the plane, the other is lodged in the cockpit and is inaccessible.

Even with communication signals turned off, you can still pick up a plane via other radar systems and/or satellite. A moving object in the sky is a moving object. You can track it, even if it's transponder is off. That's what's so crazy. It just disappeared.
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