Some lady lost one relative in the march disappearance and one relative in yesterdays murder. This is just sad
truthfully what happen to the plane was already explained a few pages back and the best answer as to what happen...... Terriost got ahold of a US secret weapon. They sold it to the chinessee I think. Chinessee tried to sneak it back to china on this plane but USA was on to them... So they basically hijack the plane to get the secret weapon...It all  make sense...

Here is the original post..Read it. It kind of makes sense now

Wow :eek
So did they ever find this plane ? im guessing not 

8 March

Flight 370 disappears after departing Kuala Lumpur at 00:41 MYT (16:41 UTC, 7 March). A search and rescue effort is launched in the South China Sea & Gulf of Thailand.[sup][281][/sup]

10 March

Malaysia's military announces that Flight 370 may have turned back and flew west towards Malaysia. The search is expanded to include the Strait of Malacca.[sup][67][/sup]

12 March

Malaysia announces that Flight 370 crossed the Malay Peninsula and was last spotted on military radar 200 nmi (370 km; 230 mi) northwest of Penang on Malaysia's west coast. The focus of the search is shifted to the Andaman Sea and Strait of Malacca.[sup][39][/sup][sup][282][/sup]

15 March

Officials announce that communications between Flight 370 and a communications satellite operated by Inmarsat indicate it continued to fly for several more hours and was along one of two corridors at the time of its last communication.[sup][283][/sup][sup][68][/sup]

18 March—28 April

Aerial search of the southern Indian Ocean, west of Australia, is conducted.[sup][284][/sup][sup][27][/sup]

24 March

Prime Minister of Malaysia announces that Flight 370 is presumed to have gone down in the southern Indian Ocean; Malaysia Airlines states to families that it assumes "beyond reasonable doubt" there are no survivors.[sup][285][/sup]The northern search corridor (northwest of Malaysia) and the northern half of the southern search corridor (the waters between Indonesia  and Australia) are definitively ruled out.[sup][286][/sup]

30 March

The Joint Agency Coordination Centre is created to coordinate the multinational search effort.[sup][287][/sup]

2−14 April

An intense effort by several vessels and aircraft-deployed sonobouys is made to detect underwater acoustic signals made by underwater locator beacons attached to the aircraft's data recorders. Several acoustic detections are made between 4-8 April.[sup][27][/sup]

14 April−28 May

A sonar survey of 860 km[sup]2[/sup]  (330 sq mi) of seafloor near the 4-8 April acoustic detections is conducted, yielding nil debris.[sup][27][/sup]

1 May

A preliminary report from Malaysia to the ICAO (dated 9 April 2014) is publicly released along with: copies of cargo manifest documents; audio recordings (and transcript) of communications between air traffic control and Flight 370; a log of actions taken by air traffic control (Kuala Lumpur ACC) in the hours after Flight 370 disappeared from their radar (01:38-06:14 MYT).[sup][25][/sup]

27 May

The data logs of satellite communications between Flight 370 and Inmarsat are released, following criticism over the way this data had been analyzed and skepticism of whether Flight 370 really ended in the southern Indian Ocean.[sup][288][/sup]


A bathymetric survey is conducted in the region to be searched.

26 June

Plans for the next phase of the search (the "underwater search") are announced to the public in-depth for the first time and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau releases a report[sup][27][/sup]  detailing the previous search efforts, analysis of satellite communications, methodology used to determine the new search area.[sup][289][/sup]


The underwater search begins 6 October and is expected to last up to 12 months. The search is conducted in areas where the bathymetric survey has been completed.[sup][290][/sup][sup][291][/sup]

8 October

Officials announce that the priority area to be searched is further south of the area identified in the June ATSB report.[sup][89][/sup]  The ATSB releases a report (a supplement to the June report) that details the methodology behind refinements to the analysis of satellite communications.[sup][30][/sup]
I haven't heard updates in months
Me either man i was just on yahoo checking out the top google searches for 2014 and seen this being one and thought to myself i have not heard anything in months its like everyone just forgot about it
I still think the pilot hijacked the plane and it got shot down by Malaysian military as it flew back over.
It hasnt even been a year yet. That other plane took 2 and they actually had an idea about where it crashed. I predict they'll find it within 4 years....
What plane?
Oh American News Media...
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