Man beaten to death by police officers during arrest. Witness videos seized.

Hey, I am calm. Just stating how I feel. If we lived in any kind of just society maybe I'd feel differently but since we don't, I hope the pigs suffer a violent death in a street somewhere. *shrug*
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No matter if he did start that fight the the cop or not, they had NO right to beat him to death 

America is getting worse every day 
what happens if u refuse to turn over the video
I'd like to know this. I'd be the guy who says "no, it's my phone, I have rights, I am an American citizen, etc." and probably end up under some batons too. Citizen camera is one of the only things that can even halfway check these abuses of power.
I'd like to know this. I'd be the guy who says "no, it's my phone, I have rights, I am an American citizen, etc." and probably end up under some batons too. Citizen camera is one of the only things that can even halfway check these abuses of power.
what happens if u refuse to turn over the video
I'd like to know this. I'd be the guy who says "no, it's my phone, I have rights, I am an American citizen, etc." and probably end up under some batons too. Citizen camera is one of the only things that can even halfway check these abuses of power.

agreed or if it were me id be sending it to 5 of my boys like "just save this do not delete"...then id hand my phone over like oh sure here you go.
I am shocked, that our respectable, dependable, wonderful police would beat an unarmed man to death. Shocked, I tell ya.
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