Man doesn't do anything after a guy slaps his girl's phone out her hand on NYC Subway

None of that's necessary, only thing necessary is don't talk **** about someone unless you're ready to throw down cuz sometimes even if someone doesn't understand words they still get the gyst of you being disrespectful
Cant forget this too.
Lol at its a bums D not just a D but the bum part makes it over the top. Smh
Because clean D in yo mouth aint over the top? 

Y'all something else.
yah muhs be eating fast food and greasy pizza and complaining about a homeless man's D :lol:
Let go of the extreme machoism and pride man, it's not worth it. 

I don't know if I would have done what that dude did in the video lol but someone that crazy to do that, who knows what he's carrying. He could be strapped, or he could have the blade on him and you fight him over that, and one wrong move and boom, your jaw is broken or your throat is slit.

All because you couldn't swallow your pride and take your L.
Situation literally could have been avoided if the dude and chick never talked about him.

The only lesson to be learned here, mind your buisness.

I put on my headphones and just keep it pushing to my destination.
This is true.
The way a lot of dudes were talking in here about what they'd do will catch them charges landing them time in prison that'll have them have way more than 1 D in their mouth for years to come
How many of you have never had a street fight with a complete stranger?

It's not THAT crazy, especially in this situation. Anyone that disrespects you in public, not knowing who you are or what you're capable of, is dangerous/nuts and can potentially be carrying a deadly weapon, but sometimes your honor is worth risking it over.

Your body will heal. Let someone punk you and your self-esteem may not. Is it always worth it? No. But damn, being a man comes with risks.
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Bruh, having a street fight with complete strangers is completely crazy.

No if ands or buts.

Life not threatened? No need for me to get my hands dirty.
^^^^^ thats a completely different situation

Bruh, having a street fight with complete strangers is completely crazy.

No if ands or buts.

Life not threatened? No need for me to get my hands dirty.

so what does it take?

what if a complete stranger came up and slapped your momma in the face.

what level of noise does it take to wake your savage up?

you're not going to fight a complete stranger just because he's a complete stranger????

how much dissrespek does it take before you square up?
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How many of you have never had a street fight with a complete stranger?

It's not THAT crazy, especially in this situation. Anyone that disrespects you in public, not knowing who you are or what you're capable of, is dangerous/nuts and can potentially be carrying a deadly weapon, but sometimes your honor is worth risking it over.

Your body will heal. Let someone punk you and your self-esteem may not. Is it always worth it? No. But damn, being a man comes with risks.

In this particular situation, I agree cause he was messing with his girl, stole her phone, etc. You have to stick up for the people you're with even if it puts you in a bad situation.

But in all honesty, as far as disrespecting me, some crazy person on the train could call me a ***** to my face, curse me out, etc and I probably wouldn't even think about it soon as I left the train. Only way I'd fight a random person on the train is if they took something from me.
Like I said "sometimes" your honor is worth it. You can't fight everyone, but in this situation you can lose some blood or some respect. I'll lose blood over a dude assaulting my woman.
Thats a good scenario where you just take some cuts and bruises, you can lose your life or get seriously ****** up.  When I was at SXSW at the G-Unit showcase a few years back i seen a scenario like this where a guy was with his girl in the crowd and this short guy around 5'4'-5'5ish shoved the girl really hard out the way so he could get to the front.  It looked like she told her boyfriend to go talk to the short dude, boyfriend was about 5'11-6ft so he went up to try to punk the short dude.  Little did he know the short dude had 5 other goons with him and once he seen that he backed down real quick and was smart.  If he wanted to still stick with his pride how do you think that would've played out for him? 
At least he approached homie, saw he was outnumbered and THEN backed down. She really can't be mad at him unless she's trying to watch him die.

The part that needs to be hilighted is he stood up to the dude. Was a fight necessary when you're not JUST fighting the dude who did wrong? Nah.

That said I would've been tempted to catch dude slipping solo after the show.
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I don't know what I would do. 

But I know that masculinity/manhood stuff will get you killed. 

I happen to like life.
Dolo, crazy person yelling **** at me i'm likely ignoring it. Essentially threatening my lady though is in another realm.
In my opinion part of it is not doing a martial art. The reason being isn't about the fighting per se.

If you do a martial art (a pragmatic one, not one like capoiera) you have far less to prove and your girlfriend knows it as well. You would be more likely to walk away from this confrontation and her NOT think you're a ****.
Not gonna lie I've wanted to slap the phone out of some peoples hands myself. They' just sitting there glued to the screen looking all sheeple like while the world goes on around them. I've mostly wanted to do it to gentrifiers or yuppies who don't take their eyes off their phones
In certain situations all it takes to settle it is to flash the blickie. If they're carrying too then you might have to let them fly

"I got 2 guns, you got 2 guns, let's have a foursome"

-NT Logic
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