Man eats dog while on spice

Is he related to krux?

Man what the hell is weed doing to you guys... when I smoked it just made me horny, hungry, and sleepy :smh:
I saw this a while back in the local news.

But damn, Dude got so hungry smoking that crap that he ate a dog, Are you kidding me? :stoneface: :x :x :x :smh:
Anybody who goes crazy on synthetic weed already has mental issues.

I've never tried it, but I've smoked enough real weed to know anyone who bugs out on it has no business using and should be seeing a shrink.
only reason people smoke this crap is because their on probation. still i saw my boy get high as hell off it and he never ate a dog. i think dude is just crazy.
Tried this before. Worst decision ever. Had me hallucinating and see things. Felt like a 3min walk was hours long. And suicidal thoughts. Nvr again. I remember I made a thread about it on nt wen it happen. I was feeling like real life was a dream for like a month.. Thinking I was dead..also wen I Hit it, iremember seeing some guy shooting at the car I was in.. Crap is crazy. Stick with real weed
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The one time I tried K2, I went to pee behind a warehouse and thought a man was waiting there for me. I was shook. But then I realized it was just a wooden pallet. :smh: :lol:

These synthetic substances should not be sold to just about anyone who wants to try to get a high, and maybe we should consider adding marijuana to that discussion. I think we should be implementing some sort of regulation in the form of a physician's consent before being allowed to purchase any mind-altering substance, such as synthetic spice and marijuana.

A person's mental health is never questioned when these substances are bought, only after consumption is the question ever raised. Shouldn't we be trying to educate and prevent people from harming themselves? I don't think we need to criminalize anything, I just want more people to have informed decisions before trying drugs.
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