Man hospitalized after shoving an eel up his rectum.

Jul 21, 2012

A man in Southeastern China learned a valuable lesson the hard way…

Don't shove live animals up your butt!!

The man had to admit himself to a hospital after he tried to emulate a crazy porno he saw by sticking a live eel up his booty!

He rammed a 20-inch-long Asian swamp eel into his anus and obviously had to go to the hospital after it ate its way through his large intestine!!

That's like horror movie scary!

After going through all-night surgery to get it out, the man has survived and his still in the hospital recovering.

To add insult to injury, he may be facing animal cruelty charges!!

So the moral of the story is: Don't stick live animals up your butt!!!

So he shoved this eel up his rectum, and it ate through his intestines. As well as his colon, which the article left out. 
Think I've seen the video that inspired him. The girls used a bunch of really small eels, not one large one. Dummy.
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