Man mauled and loses leg after jumping in tiger's den at the Bronx Zoo


May 31, 2006
[h1]Man critically injured after jumping into tiger den at Bronx Zoo  [/h1][h2]25-year-old man was taken to Jacobi Medical Center in serious condition after the incident[/h2]Comments (17)[h3]By Kerry Wills And Barry Paddock / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS[/h3][h5]Friday, September 21, 2012, 4:36 PM[/h5]

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[h4]Julie Larsen Maher/WCS[/h4][h4] [/h4]
Three Amur tiger cubs pictured with their mother in the Tiger Mountain exhibit at the Bronx Zoo.

An animal nut was mauled by a tiger at the Bronx Zoo Friday after he leapt from the monorail ride into the animal’s den in a crazed suicide attempt.

The 25-year-old, identified by sources as David Villalobos of Mahopac, N.Y., jumped from the popular Wild Asia Monorail about 3 p.m., officials said.

"Our emergency response staff immediately went to the site and used a CO2 fire extinguisher to move the tiger away from the person," Bronx Zoo Director Jim Breheny said in a statement.

"Once the tiger backed off, the man was instructed to roll under a hot wire to safety."

His lung was punctured and leg mauled, officials said. Doctors were trying to save his leg, sources said.

Villalobos remained conscious and was rushed to Jacobi Medical Center in critical condition.


"He's amazing and he loves everybody, " said the victim's sister, who declined to give her name. "I really don't know what happened. "

She said the family didn't know he was at the zoo today.

The tiger was a 12-year-old male.

On a Facebook page under the victim’s name, photos of tigers were posted in the last week, including one Thursday of a mother tiger licking her baby.

An image of foxes with the message, “We have more to fear from other people than from other animals” also was posted Thursday. Other posts promote a vegetarian diet.

Another image posted Thursday bears the message, “We need to stop being victims and living out of fear. We need to stop preparing for disaster, instead to anticipate a glorious future.”

With Joe Kemp

[email protected]

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Hopefully the tiger isn't put down because of this moron.
If you've ever had a house cat you would know that any BIG cat is to not be fugged with. Damn thats messed up none the less. 
Funny thing is, he was postng on his FB about respect for animals, but then he goes to kill himself by pissing them off.
and this is why animals get bad raps. how about you don't mess with them and they won't mess with you, wouldn't you get agitated if someone was doing the same to you?
Common sense should prevail in this case. Provoked attempt on (against) the tiger.

By the way, isn't the Bronx Zoo free admission on Wednesdays for all?
Saw one of those gore videos with an Indian guy that got too close to a tiger holding in India.....not pretty at all.

Those are some powerful killing machines.

Son is very lucky to be alive.
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I was on the Asia monorail last Saturday. Didn't even see Yuri, dude was creepin'. |I
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RAndom but I wish there was a breed of house cat/domesticated cat with the form of tigers/lions.
It seems as if the man was mentally unstable and might have had some issues... so if that's the case then hopefully he gets the help he needs.

However... if he's of sound mind and had some half baked idea to chill with the tigers like it's all good, then I'm glad the tiger got him.
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