Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

I guess Superman gets most of the criticism as he is THE Superhero. People hold him in a totally different regard than the other superheroes.
Of course, and quite rightly so.

I'm not saying people aren't entitled to their opinions or to critique, just pointing it out that when it comes to Supes a lot of them chip in where they wouldn't necessarily do so with other characters ...just to do so -It's just par for the course of being top of the pile.
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I think he was talking about based on the source material the way Superman films has been scrutinized. I mean comics books change all the time but people always wants to stick to only what they know. Hell Superman was a jerk back then and a bit racist. :lol

Exactly the point of the article from CBR. We each have his/her own idea/version of what Superman should be. And it's pretty normal. It works the other way around as well, MoS was pretty much Nolan/Snyder/Goyer's idea version.

So technically, the "real" version of Supes should be the one his creator's made. And I believe that Schuster and Siegel's version was the one RFX was referring to :lol
I think he was talking about based on the source material the way Superman films has been scrutinized. I mean comics books change all the time but people always wants to stick to only what they know. Hell Superman was a jerk back then and a bit racist. :lol

Exactly the point of the article from CBR. We each have his/her own idea/version of what Superman should be. And it's pretty normal. It works the other way around as well, MoS was pretty much Nolan/Snyder/Goyer's idea version.

So technically, the "real" version of Supes should be the one his creator's made. And I believe that Schuster and Siegel's version was the one RFX was referring to :lol

but in this case, Superman is sorta like James bond. You cant deviate from the blue print that people know and accept. You can get away with it with Spiderman and sorta with batman. But alot of people really like the reeves donner version. Its just how it is. That doesnt mean that a great story cant be built around the character. This is where I think Returns failed. The superman was fine, the story sucked and lacked action.
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Well they actually deviated from the typical James Bond in Casino Royale, that is also like his origins story and he was more of a bad***** and much darker and troubled as he learned the ropes. He just showed signs of being that suave secret agent.

And I really do not think it is fair that they can't get away from the Reeves Superman because that is what they grew up with. I mean people are always complaining that he is too goody-goody, a big blue boy scout that can do no wrong and that he has too much power but when they deviate from that, then they still get flack? I mean do we really want to see a Donner remake with MoS?

I can see the arguments on both sides, trying not to be biased and all but I can also see where people just overreact and put ridiculous standards in this Superman film.
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I do like the og Superman and the subsequent sequel. They were solid, for that time I suppose.

But I am absolutely THRILLED with what MOS is and can be. And I think that's part of the missing piece, is we don't know where it can lead. Batman Begins was very good, solid, but it wasn't until Dark Knight that it elevated Begins. The natural progression, Batman is getting better, but the criminals he must face are getting wiser/stronger too. Any holes that might have been in Begins, can be filled in the sequel and so on.

MOS did all that damage and people are complaining about it, that very well could be the backdrop for the sequel. They could literally open the movie with him helping build new buildings, a memorial for those that lost lives, he could be upset with himself, all sorts of angles they could play. We just haven't gotten there yet. Hell, we already saw the reports that the Blu Ray could be over 3 hours with added footage.

The boy scout Superman route is done, and played out. That was the late 70's, early 80's. Today is a completely new generation. I almost guarantee if he came out and was all dorky and four eyed and trippin all over hisself and then Zod came down pissed off and was takin over the White House and **** like that, people would flip out. There really was no way to win. So the best route, imo, was to do what they did. They told the story from today's perspective, and they did it by trying to instill the best values they could, represented wonderfully by Kevin Costner, along with a similar Bruce Wayne Batman Begins discover himself angle. Now we're set in a world where we see actual real life aliens, on Earth, dukin it out. Some bad, another tryin to help. And the real world has to figure out what that's all about.

The first Superman was 2 missle's launched at each coast. That was the "bad guy". The damn US government couldn't rally up some fighters to stop a missile traveling all the way across the country. THAT AIN'T GETTIN IT DONE IN 2013 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Nolan/Snyder tried the same thing as Gotham, introducing a realistic approach to terrorism from some random nutjobs in Batman, dudes from Krypton in Superman. Not totally realistic, no damn aliens are landing in NY tomorrow, but as realistic as possible. That means destruction, deaths, damage, explosions, and the like. They aren't going to fight in Antarctica because Clark Kent asks. :lol

Morrally, backdrop, storyline, action wise, casted, visually, this was the best Superman movie ever made. The only thing it can not top was the original 78 score. That 78 score gives you the shivers it was so good, so iconic. Everything else, MOS is better.

And the sequel will improve on the story, I have no doubt about it.
I do like the og Superman and the subsequent sequel. They were solid, for that time I suppose.

But I am absolutely THRILLED with what MOS is and can be. And I think that's part of the missing piece, is we don't know where it can lead. Batman Begins was very good, solid, but it wasn't until Dark Knight that it elevated Begins. The natural progression, Batman is getting better, but the criminals he must face are getting wiser/stronger too. Any holes that might have been in Begins, can be filled in the sequel and so on.

MOS did all that damage and people are complaining about it, that very well could be the backdrop for the sequel. They could literally open the movie with him helping build new buildings, a memorial for those that lost lives, he could be upset with himself, all sorts of angles they could play. We just haven't gotten there yet. Hell, we already saw the reports that the Blu Ray could be over 3 hours with added footage.

The boy scout Superman route is done, and played out. That was the late 70's, early 80's. Today is a completely new generation. I almost guarantee if he came out and was all dorky and four eyed and trippin all over hisself and then Zod came down pissed off and was takin over the White House and **** like that, people would flip out. There really was no way to win. So the best route, imo, was to do what they did. They told the story from today's perspective, and they did it by trying to instill the best values they could, represented wonderfully by Kevin Costner, along with a similar Bruce Wayne Batman Begins discover himself angle. Now we're set in a world where we see actual real life aliens, on Earth, dukin it out. Some bad, another tryin to help. And the real world has to figure out what that's all about.

The first Superman was 2 missle's launched at each coast. That was the "bad guy". The damn US government couldn't rally up some fighters to stop a missile traveling all the way across the country. THAT AIN'T GETTIN IT DONE IN 2013 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Nolan/Snyder tried the same thing as Gotham, introducing a realistic approach to terrorism from some random nutjobs in Batman, dudes from Krypton in Superman. Not totally realistic, no damn aliens are landing in NY tomorrow, but as realistic as possible. That means destruction, deaths, damage, explosions, and the like. They aren't going to fight in Antarctica because Clark Kent asks. :lol

Morrally, backdrop, storyline, action wise, casted, visually, this was the best Superman movie ever made.
The only thing it can not top was the original 78 score. That 78 score gives you the shivers it was so good, so iconic. Everything else, MOS is better.

And the sequel will improve on the story, I have no doubt about it.

thats like saying the original trilogy of star wars is worse than the new ones, because the new ones had better action, visuals back drop but lacked a certain something. I just think that Nolan's formula worked with Batman. The changing things and making it his own, but I just dont think it worked here. Not saying the movie is garbage. It is entertaining, just not memorable imo.
Yeah, no, that is not even close to what I said.

Star Wars had plenty of action, it also had MUCH better writing, in that it actually HAD writing, the scores were the same, the actors were better in the og because of the writing, the story was much better in the first 3 and we already knew the "history" by the time the prequels came, so no, that is not a similar comparison.

The OG Superman gave you a glimpse at where he came from and how he came to be. A glimpse. The crystals gave us a few answers, that's it.

We SAW this one. Not only explained by Jor El, but seen as well. We saw how Clark grew up and dealt with his life, knowing his powers, not just punting a damn football and running really fast past a train.

Everything in this movie was better than the original, except the score. That is what I said, not just the action. :rolleyes
Buddha -You're definitely right, it is a polarizing movie (it was always going to be anyway with that ending) but it just seems a lot of negativity has snowballed from a select few early reviews and suddenly every armchair critic in the world has come crawling out of the woodwork to chip in their 2 cents.
Of course I'm not saying people aren't entitled to their opinions or that there isn't justified criticism of the movie
, but I don't ever recall this level of scrutiny for any other superhero flick. Then again, that's probably because I'm so wrapped up in MOS, that I'm checking and reading every article, blog post, mention of it I see lol.

But my point about Superman being the superhero that people love to hate more than any other is very real and it has been going on looong before this movie. I remember John Landis' son doing that sickeningly patronizing break down vid on why (according to him) everyone hates Superman, so yeah Superman still gets scrutinized even when he's not particularly in the spotlight. Whatever negative points people might have about the Batman films, they still love him and his bastard prep time ...or Tony Stark and his bastard charisma 

Like I said before, Man of Steel certainly wasn't perfect and believe me, there's plenty about it that I would change personally, but I still think it's a great Superman movie.

I guess Superman gets most of the criticism as he is THE Superhero. People hold him in a totally different regard than the other superheroes.

Pretty much. He is the blueprint to pretty much everything comic related in some way.

I haven't seen the movie yet, I'll be back once I see it.
He definitely gets scrutinized plenty. I mean everyone is looking for the Reeves Clark/Superman in MoS but they weren't looking for a Keaton in BB. I'm sure no one wants a Clooney or Kilmer Batman again so I won't count them. :lol

And really, Nolans Batman isn't really the Bats we know. I mean really, he didn't do much detective work in any of the trilogy films. He used some gadgets like that scanning machine to determine the bullets trajectory or some other mumbo jumbo that pretty much led to nowhere in TDK. Hell the Joker was always one step ahead of him throughout the whole film and that is suppose to be Bats in his prime. Bruce couldn't even deduce who Crane was working for in BB and he couldn't deduce that Bane wasn't working alone in TDKR. He showed some signs but I seriously wouldn't mind seeing a film that is just full of detective work similar to the arc Hush.

It also lacked action if you really think about it. Nolan did a great job filming and the script and everything so it becomes less of a problem but for a Batman film, there could be a bit more action. And the action scenes we got, was kind of confusing. Like the first time Bats comes out and takes out those guys in the docks, I had no idea what the hell was going on. :lol

Bruce wasn't the Bruce we know, they barely showed him as a Socialite Bruce, Nolan got no flack for not showing the charming and charismatic Bruce, he was actually more of a d*ck than the humanitarian playboy we have come to expect. But with Clark, they expect the Reeves version when he wasn't even working in the Daily Planet yet.

I know others will disagree but those are just some comparisons I could think of where Superman hate is just there because he is Superman. I guess Nolans shines better as a director than Snyder do too but some of those problems seems to get a pass with Batman while it becomes a huge problem with Superman.
This man knows.

We are on the same page here. What hurts more is if there was better writing I know Bale would've stepped up for it. It's why I only really got love for TDK (mostly cuz of Heath's performance). I await a better Bat movie. Hopefully the right writer and director come together to really show it can be better than what we just got.

For Supes though, I think this is around the best we'll get. Writing can be better but as far as the scope and epic level of it all, this is the bench mark.
I saw superman today. Wow what a movie. I've only read this page of the thread and it seems like alot of nters didn't like it. I thought it was better than the Avengers. It had this huge epicness to it that a superman movie should have.
My boy said, "NT is hatin' on Man of Steel." I said :| :{

I really liked it. I don't set through the roof expectations though either. What I do feel is that this did a good job of bringing about the story of his origin, which is probably its intentions. If I DO have great expectations, then it's for the next one. To me, this seemed like a setup to really get things going in movie two...Where the real stuff begins.
He definitely gets scrutinized plenty. I mean everyone is looking for the Reeves Clark/Superman in MoS but they weren't looking for a Keaton in BB. I'm sure no one wants a Clooney or Kilmer Batman again so I won't count them. :lol

And really, Nolans Batman isn't really the Bats we know. I mean really, he didn't do much detective work in any of the trilogy films. He used some gadgets like that scanning machine to determine the bullets trajectory or some other mumbo jumbo that pretty much led to nowhere in TDK. Hell the Joker was always one step ahead of him throughout the whole film and that is suppose to be Bats in his prime. Bruce couldn't even deduce who Crane was working for in BB and he couldn't deduce that Bane wasn't working alone in TDKR. He showed some signs but I seriously wouldn't mind seeing a film that is just full of detective work similar to the arc Hush.

It also lacked action if you really think about it. Nolan did a great job filming and the script and everything so it becomes less of a problem but for a Batman film, there could be a bit more action. And the action scenes we got, was kind of confusing. Like the first time Bats comes out and takes out those guys in the docks, I had no idea what the hell was going on. :lol

Bruce wasn't the Bruce we know, they barely showed him as a Socialite Bruce, Nolan got no flack for not showing the charming and charismatic Bruce, he was actually more of a d*ck than the humanitarian playboy we have come to expect. But with Clark, they expect the Reeves version when he wasn't even working in the Daily Planet yet.

I know others will disagree but those are just some comparisons I could think of where Superman hate is just there because he is Superman. I guess Nolans shines better as a director than Snyder do too but some of those problems seems to get a pass with Batman while it becomes a huge problem with Superman.

I agree with the Batman part. Even in Batman Begins, all of the hard science was done by Fox. That scene when Fox was explaining how he created the antidote had Bruce going "am I supposed to understand any of that?" :lol
My boy said, "NT is hatin' on Man of Steel." I said :| :{

I really liked it. I don't set through the roof expectations though either. What I do feel is that this did a good job of bringing about the story of his origin, which is probably its intentions. If I DO have great expectations, then it's for the next one. To me, this seemed like a setup to really get things going in movie two...Where the real stuff begins.

most of the NTers here like the film

about a 75/25 on a positive side

films like this will always have critics nitpitcking and dissecting every little minor details, especially when theyre very close minded to a new reboot.
I do like the og Superman and the subsequent sequel. They were solid, for that time I suppose.

But I am absolutely THRILLED with what MOS is and can be. And I think that's part of the missing piece, is we don't know where it can lead. Batman Begins was very good, solid, but it wasn't until Dark Knight that it elevated Begins. The natural progression, Batman is getting better, but the criminals he must face are getting wiser/stronger too. Any holes that might have been in Begins, can be filled in the sequel and so on.

MOS did all that damage and people are complaining about it, that very well could be the backdrop for the sequel. They could literally open the movie with him helping build new buildings, a memorial for those that lost lives, he could be upset with himself, all sorts of angles they could play. We just haven't gotten there yet. Hell, we already saw the reports that the Blu Ray could be over 3 hours with added footage.

The boy scout Superman route is done, and played out. That was the late 70's, early 80's. Today is a completely new generation. I almost guarantee if he came out and was all dorky and four eyed and trippin all over hisself and then Zod came down pissed off and was takin over the White House and **** like that, people would flip out. There really was no way to win. So the best route, imo, was to do what they did. They told the story from today's perspective, and they did it by trying to instill the best values they could, represented wonderfully by Kevin Costner, along with a similar Bruce Wayne Batman Begins discover himself angle. Now we're set in a world where we see actual real life aliens, on Earth, dukin it out. Some bad, another tryin to help. And the real world has to figure out what that's all about.

The first Superman was 2 missle's launched at each coast. That was the "bad guy". The damn US government couldn't rally up some fighters to stop a missile traveling all the way across the country. THAT AIN'T GETTIN IT DONE IN 2013 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Nolan/Snyder tried the same thing as Gotham, introducing a realistic approach to terrorism from some random nutjobs in Batman, dudes from Krypton in Superman. Not totally realistic, no damn aliens are landing in NY tomorrow, but as realistic as possible. That means destruction, deaths, damage, explosions, and the like. They aren't going to fight in Antarctica because Clark Kent asks. :lol

Morrally, backdrop, storyline, action wise, casted, visually, this was the best Superman movie ever made. The only thing it can not top was the original 78 score. That 78 score gives you the shivers it was so good, so iconic. Everything else, MOS is better.

And the sequel will improve on the story, I have no doubt about it.

I agree. The first part I bolded is why I've said that Luthor is perfect for the sequel. I think it will also will lead to satisfying some of the Donner faithful who wanted to basically see a Superman stand in front of the world and save folks and be a symbol for peace, justice, and the American way :lol. If Snyder and Goyer are smart they'll do what Nolan did after the Joker intro in TDK showing in two minutes how Bats changed the landscape of Gotham. He had dudes scared to to hand-off drug exchanges :lol. It wasn't much but effective enough to get the point across.

MOS was by no means perfect. The identity thing is still a big issue for me. He freakin told the dude at the end that he was from Kansas. WTH was that :lol. The good outweighed the bad for me and there are certain things left open which have me excited for the next film.

The second part I bolded was spot on. In the late 80s and 90s the anti-hero personnas became popular. Spawn, Wolverine, Stone Cold, the release of TDKReturns and Year One etc.. These characters basically blurred the line that Superman had clearly defined. The whole buck authority while still being the good guy was in full effect. The refocus of Batman's character into a more grittier adaptation (BYO and TDKR) hurt the most I believe because he is his counterpoint in DC. Then they tried something drastic and bold to Supes and killed him. It was actually a success. However, the handling of his return left something to be desired. Folks also hate that he has so many powers. I think that speaks for itself.

Unrelated but, I remember as a kid actually liking those Donner films. Then I went back and tried to watch them again when SR came out to refresh my mind with the world and premise that Donner had established and was unable to stomach it. They do not hold up well at all story or action wise in my opinion.
Alright, so I just watched MoS for a second time this morning, and honestly, the movie is MUCH better the second time around. You catch a lot of small things you missed, and there is a lot more cohesion throughout the movie.

For those who are on the fence about whether they like this movie or not, I strongly suggest you watch it a second time. I caught the matinee for $7 :D

In terms of origin movies, I'd give Batman Begins a very slight edge over MoS, followed by Iron Man, Spider Man (Tobey McGuire version), and then Thor.
Just came back from watching, and I enjoyed it for the most part.

Something about Supes and Lois doesn't seem right...and i can now see why some people didn't enjoy the film either.
I def do think this does not deserve such a low score on RT and this movie was better than IM3 forsure
I just saw it today too an I liked it. I can see the similarities of the camera work with Star Trek too (the fast focus in, the way the light 'blinds' you for a second)

I'm happy with this movie, and this is coming from a huge superman fan that watched the Christopher reeve superman movies when I was a kid! LOL

I'm glad supes go up against villains who can do him some damage. Haven't had that since superman IV: the quest for peace. I didn't like superman returns because it showed him go against Luthor. I wanted him to just throw down and that's exactly what they did....
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one problem for future superman movies is that they made him fight his equal in the first movie, when he needs to destroy an entire city just to take down the bad guy in the first movie who almost destroys the world its kind of hard to top that in the second film

it wasnt till the 3rd movie where batman fought his equal in bane
so jenny was not jimmy olsen? she has a different last name than him.

they will probably use jimmy olsen in a key role in a future man of steel movie.

still dont like amy adams as lois lane
one problem for future superman movies is that they made him fight his equal in the first movie, when he needs to destroy an entire city just to take down the bad guy in the first movie who almost destroys the world its kind of hard to top that in the second film

it wasnt till the 3rd movie where batman fought his equal in bane

Bane wasn't really Bats equal, Bane is much stronger even if Bats was on his prime, which he wasn't in TDKR. Batman is human so really any human is his equal.

Superman has plenty of enemy he can go punch for punch with, from the top of my head: Brainiac, Metallo, Darkseid, Doomsday, Bizarro, Lobo, Parasite, Mongul, Gog/Magog, Grundy, Imperiex, etc... Darkseid, Mongul and Imperiex are probably all great for a JLA villain, even Brainiac.

so jenny was not jimmy olsen? she has a different last name than him.

they will probably use jimmy olsen in a key role in a future man of steel movie.

still dont like amy adams as lois lane

Her last name was Olsen though it was pretty pointless to make that character female when her role is so minimal anyways. Should have just stuck to the classic male role.
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Her last name was Olsen though it was pretty pointless to make that character female when her role is so minimal anyways. Should have just stuck to the classic male role.

Again tho, that could be set in motion for future work. Even tho small now, her role may be bigger and more important later. I have to believe these guys were trying to think bigger picture when doing this, so not one detail was done without reason.

Least I hope so. :lol
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