Man of Steel (Superman Movie Thread) - June 14, 2013 - NEW Trailer pg20

I ask everyone this, what was more "ruthless" "savage" etc? Superman crushing Zod's now human hand and then dropping him into a hole, or snapping his neck with enough force to shake a building and then truly breaking down because of it?

Because I'm sorry, how this can be anticlimactic, but Superman II is still routinely praised since Reeves was the one and only Superman that could fit the bill makes no sense to me.

78 Superman was on again last night, and STILL I don't see how anyone could be down on MOS. That movie was nothing but fluff in 78. The score absolutely saves that movie. If not for that score, that movie would have made 8 dollars in the theatre, it literally was the only thing that captured my attention the entire time.

Lerx is great, and they put him with a freaking moron of a sidekick and a hag of a woman. Lois Lane damn sure ain't hot in that movie compared to Amy Adams. :{
The whole crowd reaction shots, and reporters talking on tv to explain this crazy phenomenon compared to Zod hacking the entire world and announcing that he is here for one of his people, sorry, MOS wins, easily.
The action, come on. 78 doesn't even qualify as action. :lol

This movie beats out all of that stuff. Crowe and Costner together far outweight what Brando was able to portray. The origins were so much better this time around. Everything was modernized, with us all knowing the older background stuff. (like us not needing to see him be a part of the Daily Planet just yet, we know it will come, as will Jimmy/Jenny Olsen, etc) I don't NEED to see him wear glasses and act a ****** fool, I wanted to see something NEW, and that is what this gave us. And they did it better.

So either ALL Superman movies suck, all of them, 78, 81, Richard Pryor, and that direct to video number 4 variation, as well as Returns, or this jumps to the best of the best of all Superman movies, and then we try to fit it within the last 20 years of comic book movies.

Don't know how people can nit pick MoS so much but not the '78 film. Like when he first saved Lois, that helicopter was dangling on top of the building for a good minute or two and it turns out, Clark was inside the building w/o a clue on what is happening. He comes out, looks up and actually ponders for a second what is going. Instead of just running somewhere to change to his costume and save the day, dude just slowly jogs around looking for a phone booth to change. :lol He even stops at a public phone w/o a booth and thinks about it before moving on until he finds a revolving door where he can change to his costume. :rollin

Even better, that heli was comin down, a helicopter, was falling DOWN from a skyscraper, and where was everybody standing? On the sidewalk, next to the building.......under the helicopter. :rollin :rollin :rollin

So uhhh, guys, if an alien in red and blue doesn't catch that, what was ya'll's plan? :lol

But know what? That scene was AWESOME because what? The music. I STILL, get goosebumps hearing that music at that moment.

Budda, the reason I say ruthless or savage is in response to some of the complaints. Bottom line, it is a better death than Zod was given in 1981. And no, I was not a kid in 1978 thank you very much, I'm not that dang old. :lol
i enjoyed the movie. amy adams was stiff as a louis lane. and the relationship buildup with her and clark was...rushed or underdeveloped. the movie started off great. i think michael shannon and crowe were excellent. i get the use the flashbacks. it allows for brief glimpses in clark's past life in special events that had a lasting impact on him growing up. and in the essence of movie time, i guess it worked/needed to be done.

i feel like the movie could've been written better had nolan been in full control. with writing and directing. but i can't say this movie was ok or bad. it was def good. and i haven't read the source material so i can't fully knock it.

the scene where clark finds the ship and sees his dad. it didn't grab me emotionally as i thought it did. not at the actors fault, but maybe the scene wasn't built well in writing. dude just got the quick rundown and new gucci suit and took off.

i have other thoughts, but im still processing the movie. i def need/want/will see it again to make sense of it.

final thought.

Faora. stand out character in the movie right now. her gangsta was over 9000. she bodied everyone in the movie, including clark, and violated his mom on some disrespectful type ****.

and that faora vs clark fight :{ hit the man of steel with that quickness like
then proceeded to body this dude :x

also id smash :evil...but id die in the process.
Faora. stand out character in the movie right now. her gangsta was over 9000. she bodied everyone in the movie, including clark, and violated his mom on some disrespectful type ****.

and that faora vs clark fight
hit the man of steel with that quickness like
then proceeded to body this dude

also id smash
...but id die in the process.

My exact thoughts. Repped
So glad I didn't see this....

My cousin told me about it last night.

I heard they teasing could they be any more cliche.

Friggin setup braniac or darkseid....

It's not superman vs. iron man/captain america/the hulk in the box's superman vs. the avengers movie.

The avengers teasing thanos is like caviar

Superman teasing lex luthor is like stale bread.

I really wish they could have teased someone else....even mogul or something crazy like superman prime....get some momentum going for this joint.

I know theres gonna be a part 2 but they better come hard....word in the streets is that this movie without the action was bunz.
There was barely a Lex luthor tease. :lol It was just a tanker with LexCorp logo and a LexCorp building that you really won't see unless you freeze frame it.

And nah, I don't think anyone really thought this would bring in a billion in the box office after it is said and done, plenty hoped it would including myself but it was a longshot to even reach $700-$800mil. It was and will always be TDKR vs. Avengers and that will stand until a JLA film comes out.
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It's not so much all of those details and info. It's just that they were slamming each other through buildings for 30+ minutes and getting hit with eye lasers, brushing off missile and other attacks but a very human kill move did the job.

I can see why ppl would want something more than that. Most ppl aren't simply aware that Supes was probably holding back given how much more yellow sun he's absorbed.

Supes wasn't holding back, he still doesn't know the extent of his powers. His real father states that he must keep pushing the limits of his powers in order to see how strong he really is....he was going all out during this fight, but he probably unlocked even more of his power as a result of it.

In regards to the way he killed Zod, I was pretty surprised. However, when you think about it, it really does make sense. The fact that they're being punched "through a building" really means nothing other than that he was punched. Sure, the buildings are doing some measure of damage, but the punch itself is what's most damaging. If Superman's hands hold the power to punch another superpowered being across a couple of football fields, why wouldn't it make sense that those same hands possess the power to snap a superpowered human's neck, if given the proper opportunity?

On a deeper note, I think ending it with a neckbreaking was the best way to end it. Snapping a neck is a cold, and in Superman's case efficient, way of killing someone. It's not flashy, it's not enjoyable, it's simply a means to an end, and very quick at that. He acted out of desperation, having to choose between saving the people of Earth, or killing off the last remaining being of his entire race. Furthermore, it was the first time he directly and intentionally killed someone with his own hands. Snapping Zod's neck in that fashion truly conveyed the desperation of his situation, and the finality of the decision he had to make. A split second to make a choice between two whole worlds. The neck snapping, along with the cry of anguish afterwards, made Superman VERY real to me in a way that Snyder was trying to do the entire movie. I think many of the people who didn't like the movie simply didn't like how real it actually was.
On a deeper note, I think ending it with a neckbreaking was the best way to end it. Snapping a neck is a cold, and in Superman's case efficient, way of killing someone. It's not flashy, it's not enjoyable, it's simply a means to an end, and very quick at that. He acted out of desperation, having to choose between saving the people of Earth, or killing off the last remaining being of his entire race. Furthermore, it was the first time he directly and intentionally killed someone with his own hands. Snapping Zod's neck in that fashion truly conveyed the desperation of his situation, and the finality of the decision he had to make. A split second to make a choice between two whole worlds. The neck snapping, along with the cry of anguish afterwards, made Superman VERY real to me in a way that Snyder was trying to do the entire movie. I think many of the people who didn't like the movie simply didn't like how real it actually was.

Nodding. (in agreement)
Another one of those things you'll miss if you weren't paying attention. It was barely there and if you do not even know how the logo looks, you will likely still miss it even if you are looking right at it.

So glad I didn't see this....

My cousin told me about it last night.

I heard they teasing could they be any more cliche.

Friggin setup braniac or darkseid....

It's not superman vs. iron man/captain america/the hulk in the box's superman vs. the avengers movie.

The avengers teasing thanos is like caviar

Superman teasing lex luthor is like stale bread.

I really wish they could have teased someone else....even mogul or something crazy like superman prime....get some momentum going for this joint.

I know theres gonna be a part 2 but they better come hard....word in the streets is that this movie without the action was bunz.

Any superhero without action is going to be terrible.....that's what people go to see. Put out a superhero comic or movie without action and see how far it goes....

The Avengers Thanos tease and the MoS Lex Luthor tease isn't an apples-to-apples comparison. The Avengers tease is a direct set up to Thanos having a hand in the events of that movie and him being the main villain. The various teasers in MoS are more like easter eggs that let the viewers know that they're actually in the DC universe, not some Superman-only incarnation. There was a Wayne Enterprises satellite as well, but that doesn't mean Bruce Wayne will be appearing as a main character in the next movie, either. They're just setting up the world so that viewers can start to get an idea of what the REAL setting is (at this point, probably the same DC Universe that exists in the comics).

Honestly, I'd highly recommend seeing the movie. That being said, if you're someone who's in love with Christopher Reeve's portrayal and want a happy-go-lucky superman experience, I wouldn't recommend it. It's too honest for all of that.
Supes wasn't holding back, he still doesn't know the extent of his powers. His real father states that he must keep pushing the limits of his powers in order to see how strong he really is....he was going all out during this fight, but he probably unlocked even more of his power as a result of it.

In regards to the way he killed Zod, I was pretty surprised. However, when you think about it, it really does make sense. The fact that they're being punched "through a building" really means nothing other than that he was punched. Sure, the buildings are doing some measure of damage, but the punch itself is what's most damaging. If Superman's hands hold the power to punch another superpowered being across a couple of football fields, why wouldn't it make sense that those same hands possess the power to snap a superpowered human's neck, if given the proper opportunity?

On a deeper note, I think ending it with a neckbreaking was the best way to end it. Snapping a neck is a cold, and in Superman's case efficient, way of killing someone. It's not flashy, it's not enjoyable, it's simply a means to an end, and very quick at that. He acted out of desperation, having to choose between saving the people of Earth, or killing off the last remaining being of his entire race. Furthermore, it was the first time he directly and intentionally killed someone with his own hands. Snapping Zod's neck in that fashion truly conveyed the desperation of his situation, and the finality of the decision he had to make. A split second to make a choice between two whole worlds. The neck snapping, along with the cry of anguish afterwards, made Superman VERY real to me in a way that Snyder was trying to do the entire movie. I think many of the people who didn't like the movie simply didn't like how real it actually was.

Definitely agree with this opinion. Repped.

Another one of those things you'll miss if you weren't paying attention. It was barely there and if you do not even know how the logo looks, you will likely still miss it even if you are looking right at it.


I watched it in 3D and I really don't have good eyesight to begin with so even though I was really looking for it, I still missed it :{. Repped for the screencap!
How did you guys not love this movie? I felt all excited coming out of it like I was a little kid. The story I would give a B- but the action was like an A+. I didn't find the destruction mindless. That's what would happen if kryptonians go at it. Plus it's not like they would let superman take the fight some where else.
How did you guys not love this movie? I felt all excited coming out of it like I was a little kid. The story I would give a B- but the action was like an A+. I didn't find the destruction mindless. That's what would happen if kryptonians go at it. Plus it's not like they would let superman take the fight some where else.

thats the thing. I like my movies to have a tighter story/script. Thats the diff for me, between liking a movie and loving a movie.
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The movie was enjoyable to watch, but I wasn't really a big fan of the writing. One of my gripes was the scene where Clark learns about his history and 10 minutes later he's ready to become Superman? I feel like they rushed certain points of the film. Still entertaining to watch and was definitely better than the Rotten Tomatoes rating.
So glad I didn't see this....

My cousin told me about it last night.

I heard they teasing could they be any more cliche.

Friggin setup braniac or darkseid....

It's not superman vs. iron man/captain america/the hulk in the box's superman vs. the avengers movie.

The avengers teasing thanos is like caviar

Superman teasing lex luthor is like stale bread.

I really wish they could have teased someone else....even mogul or something crazy like superman prime....get some momentum going for this joint.

I know theres gonna be a part 2 but they better come hard....word in the streets is that this movie without the action was bunz.

Any superhero without action is going to be terrible.....that's what people go to see. Put out a superhero comic or movie without action and see how far it goes....

The Avengers Thanos tease and the MoS Lex Luthor tease isn't an apples-to-apples comparison. The Avengers tease is a direct set up to Thanos having a hand in the events of that movie and him being the main villain. The various teasers in MoS are more like easter eggs that let the viewers know that they're actually in the DC universe, not some Superman-only incarnation. There was a Wayne Enterprises satellite as well, but that doesn't mean Bruce Wayne will be appearing as a main character in the next movie, either. They're just setting up the world so that viewers can start to get an idea of what the REAL setting is (at this point, probably the same DC Universe that exists in the comics).

Honestly, I'd highly recommend seeing the movie. That being said, if you're someone who's in love with Christopher Reeve's portrayal and want a happy-go-lucky superman experience, I wouldn't recommend it. It's too honest for all of that.

Yea but action doesn't necessarily make it a good movie. It's gotta have a good story, good dialogue, good acting to benefit the action and vice versa.

I think you guys just don't understand. For DC to rival what marvel is making they needed to pick up the pace. People know the goddamn world many superman movies do they need to set up the "world"? everybody and their mothers probably knows about Zod and the others.

TDK was able to capitalize on having a somewhat decent history of movies beforehand. Superman....def not. They don't need to reinvent the wheel, they need to give people more bang for their buck.

Even as semi mediocre Thor, Captain America, the Hulk series, and some Iron Man movies were....they built off of each other in what would culminate as the Avengers. DC failed with this one....they could have done some awesome things with this movie but they went too slow with it. I mean I didn't see the movie but I've been reading synopsis of it from multiple places and honestly they should have started the movie with him at the daily planet and had flashbacks of him growing up, facing some villains and have him fight the parasite and/or metallo and some other b-grade villains to setup darkseid or brainiac in the 2nd movie. This would have helped to solve the problem people say they had, of the movie jumping around too much, or the feeling like things were rushed.

People don't wanna see another superman origin movie they wanna see some good story, with some good action, with some good villians that they don't necessarily need to know who they are....if the villians are done right...people will leave the movie researching who they are.

Given that you say lexcorp is just an easter makes this movie that much more forgetable. Comic book movies NEED to have teasers for upcoming's just proper comic book etiquette.
^ ^ ^
You haven't seen the film though. :lol And not many knows Zods origins or what his purpose was other than to invade earth.

And you just said that you were disappointed that Luthor was a teaser and then when it is just an Easter Egg it becomes less interesting?

And teasers are needed in a comic book films now? That is just something Marvel does. Nolans Batverse didn't have it, Joker card at the end of BB was also an Easter Egg. XMen series didn't have it, X3 had teaser of Prof X alive but really didn't follow up on it. SipderMan franchise, Blade, etc... didn't have it. This isn't the norm, it is something Marvel started to connect it together with the other films.

And point is, you haven't seen the film so how can you hate it already? :rollin We all know you hate Superman so just come out and say that.
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Yea but action doesn't necessarily make it a good movie. It's gotta have a good story, good dialogue, good acting to benefit the action and vice versa.

I think you guys just don't understand. For DC to rival what marvel is making they needed to pick up the pace. People know the goddamn world many superman movies do they need to set up the "world"? everybody and their mothers probably knows about Zod and the others.

TDK was able to capitalize on having a somewhat decent history of movies beforehand. Superman....def not. They don't need to reinvent the wheel, they need to give people more bang for their buck.

Even as semi mediocre Thor, Captain America, the Hulk series, and some Iron Man movies were....they built off of each other in what would culminate as the Avengers. DC failed with this one....they could have done some awesome things with this movie but they went too slow with it. I mean I didn't see the movie but I've been reading synopsis of it from multiple places and honestly they should have started the movie with him at the daily planet and had flashbacks of him growing up, facing some villains and have him fight the parasite and/or metallo and some other b-grade villains to setup darkseid or brainiac in the 2nd movie. This would have helped to solve the problem people say they had, of the movie jumping around too much, or the feeling like things were rushed.

People don't wanna see another superman origin movie they wanna see some good story, with some good action, with some good villians that they don't necessarily need to know who they are....if the villians are done right...people will leave the movie researching who they are.

Given that you say lexcorp is just an easter makes this movie that much more forgetable. Comic book movies NEED to have teasers for upcoming's just proper comic book etiquette.

People know SOME of the story of Superman, yes, but many DON'T know the story of General Zod. It would have been a complete disaster if they'd just jumped into everything like they'd already set it up. They started completely fresh with this movie, so they HAVE to set it up. Just because it's been done a few times before DOESN'T mean they can just pick up where those left off...this is a REBOOT.

Starting off at the Daily Planet would have been utterly stupid. It would have required a massive amount of flashbacks and then they would have had to speed the story up much more than they did with this movie. They can set up Brainiac just fine with the foundation they've laid with this movie, depending on which way they play him. Due to the in depth backstory they provided on Krypton, they could easily do any number of things to make him the villain in the next movie, and perhaps Darkseid afterward. How are you going to diss this movie from when you haven't even SEEN it?

And how are easter eggs making movies "forgettable" now? That makes zero sense. Comic book movies don't NEED to have teasers for anything--when did that became a law of superhero movie making? That's a Marvel gimmick and it's fine by me if it stays a Marvel gimmick. Hell, they didn't even do a teaser at all after the IM3 credits, unless you count counseling with the Hulk as a major development.
and what does that mean?

I think it just means that Snyder is letting us know that we're in the DC Universe, not like in Nolan's Batman where Batman and his villains were the only DC characters. It means that from the jump, they want the audience to know that anyone can show up at any time.
and what does that mean?

I think it just means that Snyder is letting us know that we're in the DC Universe, not like in Nolan's Batman where Batman and his villains were the only DC characters. It means that from the jump, they want the audience to know that anyone can show up at any time.

This is pretty much what this film is as well, not just a Superman origin story but also a new world open to plenty of posibilities with other metas in the world.


"THE DARK KNIGHT films do not exist in the same universe. Zack [Snyder] has gone on record. The fact that we have Wayne Industries on the satellite, Bruce Wayne exists in this universe. Lex Luthor exists in this universe. Other metahumans do exist in this universe, so the hope is, depending on how the film does, that we'll be able to roll into some other films."
One of my gripes was the scene where Clark learns about his history and 10 minutes later he's ready to become Superman? I feel like they rushed certain points of the film.

10 minutes? Bruh, he was leading up to that moment his ENTIRE life. That's what all the Costner flashbacks were about. Choosing what kind of man he wanted to be. Helping random strangers with his powers but keeping it secret because the world "wouldn't be ready" for him.

His whole life led up to those 10 minutes. That's where he learned who he was, why he was there, and where he came from. Then he puts on his homeworld suit, and off he went.

Had Zod not comin down with a ruckus, he may have kept quiet even longer, but his hand was forced.

Gif reminded me that I was going to post this last week but was afraid it'll spawn a long and drawn out debate once again. :lol Oh well.


LOL nice.

faora > vegeta tho.


Another one of those things you'll miss if you weren't paying attention. It was barely there and if you do not even know how the logo looks, you will likely still miss it even if you are looking right at it.


:eek any screen caps of that lexcorp truck?
Didn't need to see it...predicted it would be bunz...twas bunz.

I heard the same thing from 20 dif people, read about 15 reviews of the movie from a jumble of sites.

Ya'll just wanna save superman by any means necessary.

The Wolverine > Superman. Get your sig bets in.
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