Man With no Penis will have one made out of his arm VOL...Wut

Apr 15, 2004

Andrew Wardle hasn’t had an easy life. He was born with a condition called bladder exstrophy, which means his bladder formed on the outside of his body, so his body never bothered forming a penis. He’s dealt with the condition for four decades and is finally ready to have a wang. Wardle’s adventure will be documented by TLC. In a new interview with People, Wardle explains how good he became at hiding his missing unit throughout his life. That doesn’t mean he enjoyed his affliction.

Wardle explains how he fell into a deep, fully understandable depression during his teenage years: “I thought I was going to end up dying from all the drugs. I just didn’t even care.” He was tired of lying and tired of feeling embarrassed about his body. Even as an adult, Wardle would prefer to find his girlfriends online, so he could hide the truth as long as possible. His current girlfriend, known only as “Fedra,” didn’t know his secret until after they cohabitated. Surprisingly, she stuck with him even after her grand awakening.

Very soon, Wardle will undergo a series of four surgeries that doctors say will leave him with a fully functioning penis. [Editorial note: This procedure is called a Radial Forearm Flap Phalloplasty.] How exactly will it work? “They told me they could build a penis out of my arm.” Doctors believe they can build Wardle a penis from the muscle and skin in his arm, which they will graft together “to create a fully functioning penis.”

Wardle hopes the doctors are correct. If things don’t go as planned, Wardle says, “I’m at the age where I really don’t care. Since I hit 40, I don’t care what people think or do.” Betcha his girlfriend has her fingers crossed though

People article and video
I was thinkin like...the more he decides to remove from the arm.... its basically like wachu gonna do pleighboi?
The puns have begun.:rofl:

Wonder if he gets to decide how long it'll be. Will he go Lexington Steele or keep it simple at like 6.5-7"? I'd probably go just above average.
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Having your bladder outside your body
Having no penis.

Jesus christ god
Props to his lady for loving the person. That dude better not ever mess that up. Can't find you a rider like that these days. Hopefully the operation is successful and my man can experience a regular life. Can't imagine the mental duress he has had to endure. That's a strong dude.

It's crazy how much blessed we are to be normal.
U know damn well once he learn how to use that thing he gonna forget everything. She gonna come home from work and see a different ***** getting forearmed everyday.
4 real.

U go from paper print to pipe print u may not be the same guy.

Gonna be like thor wen he got dat hammer.
Like q we he got dat juice
Leroy wen he got dat glow
Hotrod wen he got dat matrix
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He acts like this is gonna solve all his problems. I'll see him in the depression thread
There's guys with penis with problems.
Big penis problems
Small penis problems

Heck the guy with the worlds largest junk has self esteem issues

This man was tired of flicking and licking b
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