
Originally Posted by WaitWut

Originally Posted by Wesley813

Did I miss something?

OP smashed a fat chick on her period
exactly what i was thinking
Originally Posted by Return Of The Mac

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]i got so much blood on me......i think im ++%%@@[/color]
Male-on-male rape story still sounds plausible
real life...

its obvious, op had sex with a man for the first time, because hes always had weird feelings for men...

the blood is because he got it to hard...
@#@! you op seriously made me go through 4 pages for nothing. You kno ain't %$%* wrong with you !%*#%!%.
Originally Posted by AyoDun

Tbh I've been in the same situation. The best thing you can do is just re-evaluate the situation figure out where it came from and do your best to work on it. Don't make too much of a big deal though in the end everything will work out.
Originally Posted by MrSneakerman

I'm surprised this is still open actually.


I'll be surprised if this thread is still open after the end of the Raiders/Packers game.  
whenever it happens, your supposed to just go to sleep. Wake up do some yoga with a bears' fur on & drink bohemian tea from the grove... & that's the only way
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