Marc Ecko - Barry Bonds 756 Balls Fate is up to you!

Apr 11, 2003
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I think this is really stupid. What a waste of a ball. He's an idiot. Give the ball to a real fan.

Send it to space? get that @#%$ out of here.

thats whats up
This is GENIUS... How much pub is dude gonna get for this??? PRICELESS!!!!

I do think its a disgrace to the game though.. but ehhh whatever..

this should be moved to general
^^^ Barry never tested dirty, it's all "speculation" at this point nothing has been "proven"!!! Barry has ALWAYS been a good hitter since HS and all the way through his days at ASU. If he didn't have that 1 season that he hit 73, people wouldn't even be crying. Had he had a "career" year that year and hit 40-45 and had he not been out basically all of 2005, he would have broken the record ANYWAY!!! Had he reitred the day they "say" he started doing "juice" he would have already had a Hall of Fame career... PERIOD!!!

Hank Aaron was a great player no doubt about it but he also played in a totally different era... When there was no "relief" pitchers, they'd come in a game and what they had they had. The bats they use now are better and the balls are wound tighter not to mention pitchers now throwing harder which of course makes the ball jump off the bat further. I mean if A Rod continues at the pace he's at and doesn't get hurt he will break Bonds' mark without question and he'll go through the same kind of crap Bonds is going through.

Now as far as Ecko buying the ball goes... I've done business with Marc and know him personally and although I disagree with WHY he's doing this, I can't disagree that it's not a bad "business" move. He will get tons of press from this, even more so then he did with his graff video game and his name will be heard by people that would have NEVER heard of him before. He's not a dumb business man by any means.

So lets run down these three choices and be realistic about it...

1. Putting the ball on a rocket and putting it into space... We all know this isn't going to happen and by this even being a choice shows how silly this while thing is. If that was to happen he just lost $750K and he's NOT stupid enough to do that!!!! Yeah he will have got a bunch of press but he has other ways to get it without spending that much money!!!!

2. Branding the ball with an asterisk... If he does this the ball is WORTHLESS... the hall of fame will not want nor take an "altered" ball so as with above, he gets a bunch of press and loses $750K..

3. Donates the ball to the Hall of Fame.... If he does this he 1 gets tons of press, yes people might be thinking he's an a hole for doing all this but his name is still out there in some contoversy just like with his video game. 2. If he does donate it his name will be on the ball for dontating it FOREVER and 3. it's basically a $750K donation which last time i checked is a TAX DEDUCTION!!! $750K is a HUGE write off on the kind of money he has to claim every year!!!!

Which do you think is REALLY going to happen??? He is not a stupid business man!!!! I mean when was the last time you did a "poll" on the internet and after you vote it doesn't list the current results of the poll???

I mean look... here we are doing exactly what he wanted... we are on a SNEAKER forum talking about HIM... It's all hype don't buy into it!!!
You say I'm not The "E"??? You wanna make a bet???
Damn this should def be in the Hall of Fame. But I guess as others have said he's doing it for some publicity or something like that.
"You can take the boy from the island but not the island from the boy. Cause the island stays in you're heart and I'll never forget where I'm from."-Justin
a real fan, i would like to believe that a real ball fan would have no real interest in owning a record ball from a juiced up slugger that hank did without steroids

turn of ur computer and kill urself
Geez kids go bizzerk when ever Barry's name is brought up.
Dude said nothing new
-Lil Lazy
This is a clear case of someone who has a lot of money wanting to be known for something "different" :rolleyes

Stick to what you do :wink:

The home of true champions
If my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle​
I'd have to disagree.

Take a look at the whole league during the late 90s and early 2000s. Pitchers, shortstops, second basemen, etc. were or could have been juiced. It was the sign of the times and its part of baseball history and you move on.

just because other players use steroids to enhance their performance, doesn't make it right for the next player to use them. yes times have changed, but in the record books i feel there should be a " * " , next to bonds record, if he is found guilty after an indictment.

this stunt by marc isn't real surprising, i remember years back when someone posted the (staged)video of him tag'n on the presidents Air Force One. i also find it hard to believe that he's going to arrange to have the ball launched into space, OD.
This was Barry's response in the Chronicle to what Marc is doing...

"He's stupid. He's an idiot," Bonds said, according to the newspaper. "He spent $750,000 on the ball and that's what he's doing with it? What he's doing is stupid."

Enough said!!!!

You say I'm not The "E"??? You wanna make a bet???
Well......just to play devil's advocate....

Barry faced alot of good/great pitchers in his time. I doubt Hank Aaron or Babe Ruth had any of that competition. With fastballs in the 100mph, off spead pitches, curve balls with more...a...curve....hitters have a harder time to just connect with the ball, let alone slam 700+ homeruns. Still, not to say that Barry did the right thing, but it's hard to compare today's hitters to yesterdays one. I give him credit....but he will never be looked at as the greatest/legit player alive, which will be his curse for the rest of his life...
- Fong$tarr

E-mail: [email protected]
Member since: January 26, 2003
what an idiot. He just wants the attention because nobody is buying ecko. wack @#%$ @#%$ :smh:
TeamLakersMember #24
Barry faced alot of good/great pitchers in his time. I doubt Hank Aaron or Babe Ruth had any of that competition. With fastballs in the 100mph, off spead pitches, curve balls with more...a...curve....hitters have a harder time to just connect with the ball, let alone slam 700+ homeruns

very true! but i give the babe more respect than barry and aaron cause babe had to use a lot heavier bat and he drank and smoke like crazy, right in the dugout! the babe's a thug!
^^^^^Yeah.....Babe was in a league of his own. And the even crazier thing....the dude was a pitcher, and good one at that.
- Fong$tarr

E-mail: [email protected]
Member since: January 26, 2003
Today is a totally different time. I definately give the older guys credit but I also believe with all the advances with pitchers throwing harder, relief pitchers and everything else that Bonds still should get the credit he desirves. He had ONE great season and every other year he had an average career year. I don't care how much steriods a person takes, you still gotta put the bat on the ball... PERIOD!!!

If you really want to trip out on Barry's numbers... if you add up all the walks he has, he's walked roughly 6 COMPLETE seasons worth of at bats and he has struck out 3 complete seasons worth of at bats... that to me is crazy...
You say I'm not The "E"??? You wanna make a bet???
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