Marijuana and diabetes.

for those of you suffering from panic attacks after lighting one up most likely it is laced with something else
No, it's most likely not. Who the hell is just giving away stronger, more expensive drugs along with their weed? Not to mention I've seen it happen to people with weed purchased from medicinal dispensaries, who certainly aren't "lacing" their weed with something.

It could be laced with something like rat poison...its not necessarily some other more potent and expensive illicit drug.

But panic attacks could just mean you need to control your intake better or try some different strains....sativas and indicas produce different effects.

Nah. Different people have different mental states and chemistries. Just cause you feel good when you smoke, doesn't mean that everyone will. It isn't for everybody. Marijuana can actually trigger psychotic episodes and bring on schizophrenia in certain people the same way that LSD can.
Why the hell would someone sell bud laced with rat poison? Like I don't get how that would help with sales.

Different people have different reactions. If you had or have marijuana induced panic attacks every time you smoke, or even more than 1 out of 5 times, you do not need to smoke. Medibles could be different, but do not smoke. Your body is reacting that way for a reason.
i keep saying though, we need a "what did you smoke today" thread!
It's a lot more expensive to lace and bad for "business", so no one should be worried about that really.

I have a story about lacing though. Growing up in my early teens, there was this dude around where I lived. He was in the "entrepreneurial" side of things. He was a normal kid in his late teens that got all the girls, always had the latest Jordans and everyone around him loved him.

One day suddenly, he came with a crazed look in his eyes. Talking to himself, dancing and just walking around looking lost. You'd swear he was a fiend.

Since that day he was never the same. I see him around now all fat and dirty sitting outside by himself dressed like we're still in the 90s. Rumor had it that his boy laced him but I don't know how true is to that. But that really made me paranoid about bud, even though i had only tried twice to see how it is before that but could never seem to inhale right :lol: but I never tried it again till about 10 years later. But I still don't know how that happened to him.
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I've seen someone trip off weed that at least 4-5 people hit......**** was weird and we figured it was laced

2 months later they told me he tripped again 
It's a lot more expensive to lace and bad for "business", so no one should be worried about that really.

I have a story about lacing though. Growing up in my early teens, there was this dude around where I lived. He was in the "entrepreneurial" side of things. He was a normal kid in his late teens that got all the girls, always had the latest Jordans and everyone around him loved him.

One day suddenly, he came with a crazed look in his eyes. Talking to himself, dancing and just walking around looking lost. You'd swear he was a fiend.

Since that day he was never the same. I see him around now all fat and dirty sitting outside by himself dressed like we're still in the 90s. Rumor had it that his boy laced him but I don't know how true is to that. But that really made me paranoid about bud, even though i had only tried twice to see how it is before that but could never seem to inhale right :lol: but I never tried it again till about 10 years later. But I still don't know how that happened to him.

Schizophrenia can reveal itself during adolescence. A bad drug experience is often the catalyst for the onset of schizo behavior. This doesn't necessarily mean that he had a bad reaction or laced drugs though. Sometimes it just happens.

I personally don't think that it is a good idea for anyone who has a family history of mental illness to experiment with any drugs, marijuana included.
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Lazy bastards :lol:, exercise as a prescription is healthier (the obvious), but this is interesting nonetheless.
sad to see the pharmaceutical industry has the government still on the payroll. SO they rather push unnecessary poison medications, which has worse side effects than the symptoms of the initial diagnosis. And when we you complain about those side effects, they give you more meds to help with it, but yet carry their own additional side effects.

But yet, illness coping/preventing natural plants are illegal....
Welcome to The Twilight Zone
View media item 416502
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I know for sure once everything is said and done and MJ becomes legal. A whole list of issues outside of the paranoia and becoming scizo will pop up down the line.
Those of you who say that marijuana should be made legal because it is "healthy," disgust me.

Healthy or unhealthy, cannabis or cocaine or heroin or MDMA or whatever, all should be legal.

All of you potheads, who want to broker a seperate peace with the Feds and DEA are loathsome. Every weedhead, who would have heroin and cocaine users put in prison in order to make scoring your pot a a little bit easier are craven.

Americans should either be free to own, consume, sell, make and distribute any and all mind altering substances or we should all be wards of the state and we should be barred from consuming any intoxicants (THC, nicotine or alcohol included).

On this issue, there can honestly be no middle ground.
Those of you who say that marijuana should be made legal because it is "healthy," disgust me.

Healthy or unhealthy, cannabis or cocaine or heroin or MDMA or whatever, all should be legal.

All of you potheads, who want to broker a seperate peace with the Feds and DEA are loathsome. Every weedhead, who would have heroin and cocaine users put in prison in order to make scoring your pot a a little bit easier are craven.

Americans should either be free to own, consume, sell, make and distribute any and all mind altering substances or we should all be wards of the state and we should be barred from consuming any intoxicants (THC, nicotine or alcohol included).

On this issue, there can honestly be no middle ground.

But we already are in the middle ground (with nicotine and alcohol), so we can at least make it a lil more trippy...

but serious tho, I look at it as making a medicine more accessible. There are far more harsh, side effect laden, addictive substances being prescribed by your doctor today, than what mj does.
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The medical applications and safety of cannabis is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy more than those other illicit drugs.

I personally wouldn't mind if they legalized them all, but to say all or nothing here doesn't really make sense when people are using medical cannabis everyday to help them in their lives as they deal with debilitating conditions. Something Heroin, Cocaine, MDMA, Alcohol, Nicotine etc. can't say.
Rex is the classic internet libertarian who loves to argue even with people who essentially agree with him, so no need to take offense when he says you "disgust" him.
Every drug has palliative uses. The problem is that cannabis only advocates are framing the debate in the wrong way.

The response to the DEA and the whole war on drugs is that what you smoke, snort or sniff is none of the government's business. Marijuana advocates are saying "make it legal because it is good for you." Should the DEA agree with that stance and say "yes, cannabis is okay because we deem it good," that actually helps to buttress the rest of the wicked and destructive "war on drugs."

For those who care about human freedom, that would all be a tactical victory and a huge strategic loss. It would affirm what the war on drugs was about from the start, making the drugs of the colored, the poor and the young illicit and making the drugs of the old, the rich and the white legitimized.

A few dorm-room, stoner punks will call this stance extreme but I have to ask how many people must languish in prisons and jails and for how many decades so you can more easily get your next dime bag?
Every drug has palliative uses. The problem is that cannabis only advocates are framing the debate in the wrong way.

The response to the DEA and the whole war on drugs is that what you smoke, snort or sniff is none of the government's business. Marijuana advocates are saying "make it legal because it is good for you." Should the DEA agree with that stance and say "yes, cannabis is okay because we deem it good," that actually helps to buttress the rest of the wicked and destructive "war on drugs."

For those who care about human freedom, that would all be a tactical victory and a huge strategic loss. It would affirm what the war on drugs was about from the start, making the drugs of the colored, the poor and the young illicit and making the drugs of the old, the rich and the white legitimized.

A few dorm-room, stoner punks will call this stance extreme but I have to ask how many people must languish in prisons and jails and for how many decades so you can more easily get your next dime bag?

I completely agree with this stance. The government should have no right to influence what we put in our bodies period.

" It would affirm what the war on drugs was about from the start, making the drugs of the colored, the poor and the young illicit and making the drugs of the old, the rich and the white legitimized."

I think that the real reason that the war on drugs came about was to circumvent the Fourth Amendment and to increase the power of law enforcement in this country. Also: $$$

The war on drugs really ramped up in the 80's under Ronald Reagan. I wouldn't be surprised if the new mandatory minimums and other oppressive and draconian drug laws were passed for the sole purpose of running up drug prices. Remember that these laws were being passed around the same time that the CIA really became involved in heavy drug smuggling out of South America.
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Not a fan of inhaling smoke or smoking in general(never have)
I'd probably eat something tho(never have)
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:lol:. Told y'all Jchambers was trolling. Trolls know trolls. I read page 3 3 times. And I'm high as hell right now. Love reading this thread high. Still can't believe we can actually talk about weed. NT has came a long way. I'm proud to be an NTer for the first time ever. I love you guys, son. :tongue:
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