Marketing Heads Check in!!! Please :)

I changed my major from marketing to accounting because I thought I could do better in business with an accounting degree.....maybe i should consider switchingback....
im studying advertising and just landed a position with an emerging magazine about a month ago...entertainment (manager/publicist or similar) is where i wantto be at but im working up the ladder...i got lucky and im not really dealing in sales but more creative...i have a staff of copy writers graphic designers andphotographers and i basically work with a team to create and refine an idea and i take it and turn it into a reality with my staff...very cool very funstuff...very glad to be doing this instead of the also trying to extend my reach into the advertising and marketing of the magazine itself...if youcan get in the creative side do that unless you enjoy sales and are a hustler...if you have any questions you can PM me and ill do my best to help...
Marketing major is a waste frank Mucus got it right, since your still in college I would say either double major, or make marketing your minor, marketing =sales, you can get most sales job's without a degree, and as fun as sales can be (when your selling something you believe in) you'll most likely beselling services or products you don't have your heart in, and sales can be a VERY VERY draining profession
Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by odog4eva

I'm a older cat doing marketing work for Microsoft (no, I do not work on the I am PC ads..)

My only advice to you regarding marketing is to get some sort of experience while your in school because once you graduate, it will be hard to get into the industry unless you start off doing some sort of promo/sales bs.

Plus stay out of print advertising..that field is pretty much dying, while online (interactive) advertising is growing.
cool... thanks for the advice... im trying to hunt down internships right now

How is it working for Microsoft... whats the salary like in marketing?
Working for Microsoft is cool. It's pretty much all the same stuff, no matter who your doing marketing work for. It all depends on the peopleyou work with.

Good luck on the internships. I couldn't secure one in college so I ended up doing some bia work my first year out of collegeand eventually networked myway into media planning with Microsoft. Salaries are pretty decent. You start really low, maybe about $30,000-$40,000, and eventually you'll hit 40-50after your first one-two years. A manager level gets about $70,000..and you can keep moving up to director status which will be over $100,000. I'm in Sanfrancisco, so it might vary wherever you live.

Like other people are saying, sales is definetely the place to be, if you wanna get your paper up. It's really hard work, but if you're good, your jobeventually becomes more about managing your clients and keeping them happy instead of trying to make a sale all the time like cell phone/car salespeople. Thisis a great position if you like to meet new people everyday and work outside the office. The hours are typically longer since you usually have to treat yourclients to a night of fun.

If you stay on the buying/planning side, then you get to work with the sales and make decisions on what to buy. Sales people also throw gifts at you a lot tobutter you up into spending money with them.

And then there's also the creative side which is more for the artsy people who have graphic design degrees and stuff. I know they get pretty good $$, so ifyour into that, you might want to explore that as well.
Im majoring in Marketing and e-Commerce.. which i've heard is a pretty solid combination.

Internet marketing, e-business solutions etc.. is sort of booming.

I am also doing a communications paper.. I thought i'd enjoy it, but its sort of getting boring to me.. However, i've seen what employees work on @Clemenger BBDO and that really is of interest to me, maybe one day i'll work at an agency of some sort, that would be a dream.
I majored in Advertising and stupid me I never did a internship during college and when I graduated I interviewed with a ad agency for a internship positionbut never went through
Right now I do industrial market research and it's pretty good. I love the people I work with, the pay is good, and the growthopportunities are endless. I'm planning to go back to school to get my MBA and take marketing classes and see what happens from there.
OP: I'm in the same boat as you with marketing but I'm and entrepreneurship major/marketing minor.

I interned at Comcast for 2 years doing direct sales (door to door) and as much as people hate it's awesome $$$. Because of that internship I'm lookinginto the sales field, but it's something you have to be good at. If you're the type of person who works well with people and has good communicationskills...I'd def tell you to look into sales. And if your school offers it look into a personal selling class if you don't have experience
I'm currently in Entertainment Marketing.

This industry is VERY small especially when you live in a city like NYC. Networking goes a long way. Also, online mkting is also GREAT to get experience in.Print media is nearly done.
Graduated with a marketing degree this past December. Stupid me didn't do any internships during school. Actually I ccouldn't because I was workingpart-time as a teller with a bank. Now that I'm done, I haven't pursued any marketing jobs. I'm interviewing for full-time personal bankerpositions right now. I will eventually though.
i want to get into product brand management and retail management....

im still in high school, have marketing this semester....
can you pm me on what paths, or courses to take??
Originally Posted by soltheman

First serious post?

In all honesty, I'd recommend Entertainment Marketing, and try to shoot towards international television/media.

American Television is growing more and more popular daily, especially in Latin America. Within the next couple years everyone will be watching MTV down there. Believe that.
Kinda late they already do......
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