Marrying A US citizen to get citizenship?

Dec 31, 2008
My girlfriends best friend is marrying a foreigner (russian) because his green card is about to expire and the only way he can 'renew' it withouthaving a waiting period is to get married...

He offered her 30,000 to do this, the 'wedding' is tomorrow. How illegal is this, and does anybody know any of the rules? (i.e. does she have to livewith him?)
they have to live together for a certain amount of years I believe. Alot of asian people do this.
Damn, she better take it if she needs it. I know a girl that got payed 10k, and my cousin's friend is paying 10k to marry a dude. They should live togetherin case immigration checks on them, but with budget cuts across the board, maybe not, don't quote me on it though.
People do it all the time. A chick from Bulgaria want me to do it for her. She did not offer me money but she said she would help with the bills and she wouldlet me hit it whenever I wanted, however I wanted but she wanted to be free to date too. If my family wouldn't have complete flipped out I would haveconsidered it.
How about Spanish chicks trying to get me to impregnate them.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Damn, she better take it if she needs it. I know a girl that got payed 10k, and my cousin's friend is paying 10k to marry a dude. They should live together in case immigration checks on them, but with budget cuts across the board, maybe not, don't quote me on it though.

talked to her recently? How is she dealing with it?
30 thousands you say? i might have to pimp myself out so some young lady can start a new life here in this great land we call america.
You need to know a bit about each other too because dudes will come knocking on the door w/o announcing and see if you guys are a real couple or not.
my friend did it she got 25k and she likes it because since shes married she gets more back on her taxes. this other girl i know that did it is getting houndedby immigration.
Originally Posted by wj4

You need to know a bit about each other too because dudes will come knocking on the door w/o announcing and see if you guys are a real couple or not.
wj4 is right, you also are facing many years in jail and a huge fine if you get caught....

Originally Posted by scribble253

google marriage fraud, get caught you doing serious time...


"which provides a penalty of five years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine for any "individual who knowingly enters into amarriage for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws."
Yes this is illegal and it happens all the time. I met a guy who was on his way to China to meet a girl who was going to pay him for citizenship.

When they get married, he will have a 2 year temporary green card. During the 2 years or near the end of the 2nd year, they will have to go through aninterview where they have to show that their marriage was not a fraud. i'm not going to get into specifics of how they can show that.. but they'll needto find a good lawyer to handle all that.

Your friend is taking a big risk though. For 30k? if she gets caught, I believe that is a felony...
*reminds me of that one epsiode from Martin.
My cousin was tryin to get me to do this for like
7 stacks
Originally Posted by wj4

You need to know a bit about each other too because dudes will come knocking on the door w/o announcing and see if you guys are a real couple or not.
i know someone who got married (not fraudulent) but immigration checked up on them anyway.... checked for joint accounts.... even came to theirhome. so they do check....

is it really worth it? what happens when you want to get divorced? that costs money too.... and i don;t think it;s instantaneous. don't you have to remainmarried for a minimum number of years?
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