martial law Vol. Here we go again and again ......

sgs mm

Feb 2, 2008
"the law temporarily imposed upon an area by state or national military forces when civil authority has broken down or during wartime militaryoperations."

So, I been reading all these threads talking about Martial Law .. Most of the reasons giving are because of the economy so I started thinking about our historyand I just couldn't see it and still can't see it. However, I did see the US imposing this Law upon us if ....

If Obama was to lose to McCain ..

Sorry if this has been talked about ....

I'm just gonna live my life as if nothing was going to happen, not to say anything is going to happen. I honestly have no idea if anything big is gonnahappen, but i'm not gonna sit around and worry about it all day like some Nt'ers seem to be doing.
^^ I agree, I wasn't giving much importance until last night and after the debate. It looks like Obama is on his way to the White House for sure .. So thenI started thinkin, since this look like a sure thing, what happen if for some reason after everything is said and done he looses. I believe it can be worstthan the LA riots when the cops when free .. So therefore Martial Law will be imposed. I think the govt is prepping for just in case ..
^ Yup. Rednecks are gonna be salty if/when Obama wins this. But for some reason, i can't shake the feeling that McCain is gonna win, and all of this hypefor hope/change is gonna be for nothin
Originally Posted by InTheBean

Originally Posted by potus2028

Obama is gonna win the popular vote, and lose the election. I can see it now.

I'd be tight.
i'm pretty sure that's how it's going go down.

people need to fight back if this happens

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by InTheBean

Originally Posted by potus2028

Obama is gonna win the popular vote, and lose the election. I can see it now.

I'd be tight.
i'm pretty sure that's how it's going go down.

people need to fight back if this happens


They didn't ban you due to the whole 10-14 thing? You were one of the main culprits if i remember correctly...could be wrong though
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by InTheBean

Originally Posted by potus2028

Obama is gonna win the popular vote, and lose the election. I can see it now.

I'd be tight.
i'm pretty sure that's how it's going go down.

people need to fight back if this happens

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Word... Start a revolution...[/color]
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by InTheBean

Originally Posted by potus2028

Obama is gonna win the popular vote, and lose the election. I can see it now.

I'd be tight.
i'm pretty sure that's how it's going go down.

people need to fight back if this happens


I agree, if a large amount of electorate votes ignore the state vote.
Originally Posted by InTheBean

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by InTheBean

Originally Posted by potus2028

Obama is gonna win the popular vote, and lose the election. I can see it now.

I'd be tight.
i'm pretty sure that's how it's going go down.

people need to fight back if this happens


They didn't ban you due to the whole 10-14 thing? You were one of the main culprits if i remember correctly...could be wrong though
yes that was me.

i took the L though. it's all good.
Originally Posted by InTheBean

I'm just gonna live my life as if nothing was going to happen, not to say anything is going to happen. I honestly have no idea if anything big is gonna happen, but i'm not gonna sit around and worry about it all day like some Nt'ers seem to be doing.

That's the thinking the US government and all other governments around the world for that matter, want you do... and that is nothing.
The public needs to be more aware of material law, patriot law and many other slick pulls from the gov.
Originally Posted by JAYMATIK

Originally Posted by InTheBean

I'm just gonna live my life as if nothing was going to happen, not to say anything is going to happen. I honestly have no idea if anything big is gonna happen, but i'm not gonna sit around and worry about it all day like some Nt'ers seem to be doing.

That's the thinking the US government and all other governments around the world for that matter, want you do... and that is nothing.

Well what do you want me to do, drop all my school work and all my responsibilities and march up to D.C. and demand information? I'm juss tryna live mylife.
I can see it happening right now as I type ..

There are going to be many like you that will not go out to talk but to take action by any means necessary and the law will be impose and the more you resistthe harder is going to be.
Just because people say they support Obama in public, doesn't mean they'll vote that way. Not everything in this country is a scam. If he loses itsbecause people didn't vote the way they claimed they would.

With that said, regardless of the outcome I think its going to be a closer race than we think.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Just because people say they support Obama in public, doesn't mean they'll vote that way. Not everything in this country is a scam. If he loses its because people didn't vote the way they claimed they would.

With that said, regardless of the outcome I think its going to be a closer race than we think.

Indeed. I tend to forget that other regions feel the same way about Mccain the same way my region feels about Obamma. I cant see how anyone can vote for Mccainthe man doesnt have much to say in regards to political issues. The basis for his debate is attack, attack, attack and that I fear will be his attitude aspresident.
obama aint gon win regardless if hes qualified or a better canidate than mccain because of the color of his skin... this is just my guess/assumption the other nter said he will win the popular vote but not the election i can definitely see that... hopefully im wrong though cuz i want obama to win...
I swear if Obama loses, thos McCain supporters are going to come out and start saying .. "That Barack was one helluva guy." and crap.. I really hopehe wins and will be safe... but the way America is, everything still feels Shady. There should be no reason Obama shouldn't win.
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