MARVEL NETFLIX Thread * RIP STAN LEE - Jessica Jones = Final Season


  • Daredevil S1

    Votes: 36 31.3%
  • Daredevil S2

    Votes: 43 37.4%
  • Jessica Jones

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Luke Cage

    Votes: 26 22.6%
  • He Insisted & Bragged That He Was the Iron Fist But Never Really Showed & Whined About It Instead AK

    Votes: 2 1.7%

  • Total voters
Finn Jones probably crying in a hole somewhere wishing he never took the job :lol

The whole world seems to be slandering him
Son is promoting Defenders and hinting at who will how up in S2 of Iron Fist.

I already said they didn't and described what I thought it was. If anything that would be the goal to what Danny becomes.

This is basically an Iron Fist Year One situation given the obvious changes (adding the Hand so heavily). He's earned the mantle of Iron Fist but his training is not complete. 15 years of training does not make you a master. If that were true damn near every person that trained to be the next IF would be a master of kung fu. That's just dumb. In this telling of his origin he dipped on K'un L'un after beating the dragon, this Danny is younger and has a lot of trauma that is being dealt with differently and for show purposes interferes with his ability.

I made that post cuz some of yall just made up your own expectations of the character that are baseless and it's actually due to not knowing anything about the character which I find odd.

idk, dude spent 15 years training his mind and body

loses his emotions constantly. i guess hes not a "master".

but brb channel my chi im good.
Danny gets angry only when it deals with his trauma or revelations about it. Why? Cuz he's in a situation that constantly gonna bring those memories back.

Notice Davos has probably been training just as long if not longer than Danny and was easily angered when discussion led back to the fact that Danny left, left without him, is the Iron Fist and won't return, etc.

Claire brought it up cuz this whole bury your feelings with Zen is garbage and just leads to more anger issues.

Neither of these dudes have figured out the key. That whole centering yourself only works when you also work through your anger by reasoning out solutions and ****.

Danny was out here in this series like he had Bruce Banner problems cuz he has yet to deal with his serious childhood trauma.

He's not a master. Again it makes no sense to say training 15 years makes you a master. Neither is 20. All the ppl trying to be the Iron Fist train from childhood as well.

The way yall being stubborn about this I guess they did need to show a flashback in K'un L'un of Danny and dozens of other K'un L'un kids training.

Wait, just to get an idea cause I didn't really go throught he last few pages.

You enjoyed the show?
For the most part yeah.

Quality wise, I really do not see a huge gap between it and the other 3 Netflix series overall.

Granted the fight choreography could've been better (DD did that the best) and the villains could've been better (JJ did that the best) but to me the story and character work was solid and the acting was pretty equal to the rest of the series.

I posted my other thoughts and rated the series a pg or 2 back for when you do catch up.
And that's fine.

I'm coming into the show with zero knowledge of who Iron Fist is so I can't really comment on that.

The fight scenes were horrid. Every move was so .. robotic. There was no flow to it (considering it's martial arts).

Just watch this:

The show breaks nearly every damn rule.

Look at how many cuts there are in this one 35 second fight scene.

The only real interesting character to me in the show was Ward.

Perhaps my expectations were too high considering I loved LC, JJ, and DD and that this was the last character before we got Defenders.
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Something tells me if this scored off the charts good on RT prior to the series, the convos would be much different right now.

It's just the world we live in.
If you don't fit then I'm not talking about you but unfortunately statistics show that media does tell the majority of us how to feel and what to think, on just about everything.

You been caping for this show hard.

Majority of us could care less about the ratings.

I only know of the ratings because of NT.

The show was trash.

Find it funny how some people are so protective of this show.

"Its definitely the worst show of the bunch but its not that bad" wut!?!
Finished it and thought it was great. This is definitely on par with Luke Cage, and slightly under DDS2.

The show started off slow, and what is arguably a bad pilot, however, it continued to grow with esch episode and took off from episode 5. This is easily the best paced marvel Netflix show. Pacing has been a problem with all of them so far and I still believe they should reduce them to 11 but they changed it up a bit and started slow and took off from therr without slowing up. Also, this show doesn't suffer from a bad supporting cast like like those two characters in JJ and sometimes Foggy and Karen. In those areas, I feel that they did better than the other shows. The bad, being dialogue, choreography, although improved later on, and ok acting. The show definitely suffers from a writing standpoint. The dialogue is just bad at times. Danny legit sounds like a teenage boy in certain instances. Choreography can't be defended too much. For a show to be about a character, the kung fu needed to be better. It improved drastically, but I need to see him fight like Orson in that video, no questions. As far as the acting, it's not bad but nobody stood out in that department. Now for characters I cared for from least to most.

Joy - She didn't add anything to the show other than being the reason Harold had to fake his death. I didn't care for her at all and I felt like Ward by himself would've been good enough.

Bakuto, Madame Gao and the Hand - It was cool to see a power struggle between the two. Bakuto is bound to play a bigger role and he had some good fight scenes. I guess as he is also a DD villain. Gao is always appreciated. I like her slightly expanded role here. I liked the Hand in here more than DDS2. I felt like the different factions add neccessary details to the organization. Without it, it'll just he another ordinary evil organization. I liked Bakuto and having a compound to train kids, vs Gao's more ruthless henchmen. Interesting to me. I wonder if Bakuto will pop up in Dedenders or what since he and his squad dipped.

Harold - Typical evil business guy but what made up for it was his arc and connection to the Hand. I believe a different actor could've done the charactet more justice. That whole period from when he came back to life was stupid, and his line at the end while figting Dannu about how he wanted to kill Wendell was too much. Should've left that out.

Davos - He's a great foil to IF. He probably deserves it at this point, but im sure at some point it'll come out as to why he wasn't choosen. His reasoning for wanting to kill Danny is totally justifiable. He feels as if he deserves to be IF and that Danny betrayed them. I look forward to seeing them go at it again.

Claire - She plays the voice of the normal person. Some of her dialogue was a bit much tho. Someone conplained she said Sweet Christmad like 5 times, when it only 2. Like literally twice. Also, someone mentioned that she was fighting Hand members when she wasn't. They were law enforcement. Either way, it was good to see her in a bigger role. Her introduction felt genuine as it makes sense someone who has crossed paths with heroes and almost losing her life. It only feels natural for her to want to defend herself.

Colleenbae - Her inclusion was great as well and didn't expect for her to be apart of the Hand. I feel, unlike Matt and Karen, this relationship between her and Danny is genuine and understandable. I wish she had somewhat more of a side plot but she was still appreciated

Ward - Easilya standout. He probably had the most complete arc out of everyone. For 13 years he had to deal with his pops and keep that long of a secret. And then Danny and the Hand complicates his life.I could see why he was popping them xannies. When he was hit in the head, I was like damn and thought he died. Glad he didn't. With that said, I know he's gonna be back for a season 2 but I wish he wouldn't be. I don't see where they could take him further as a businessman

Danny - Now I think there can be another actor as Danny, but Finn was fine. It was more the writing. He was limited to how he could act out his character. All he could do is portray confusion and anger. I can't blame that on him. Although that stupid shake **** is all him. However, I loved his arc. It is in this sense where I feel as if people are truly nitpicking. I feel as if folks just didnt get the Danny they wanted. He's the only main character in which they somehwat deviated from the comics. They really played up on him being naive and still being a boy. I feel as if this is intentional as Gao calls him out on that at least four times. He's not the calm, wise IF yet and that's evident. He says it himself that he needs to complete his training and learn about what there is to being IF. I feel as if that had been portrayed all throughout the series. He has anger control issues, and doesn't have full control of his chi. Folks say that he's a master but the guy literally completed his journey of becoming the IF and left. That doesn't make you a master. He simply mastered enough of what it took to become the IF. He still needed time to let the anger out and discover more of what there is to being IF, which is apparent by Kabuto showing him how to further utilize his powers. And training doesn't fully prepare you for real life situations. Pretty much all he was prepared for was to defend his post and destroy the Hand. Sucks to have seen he couldn't go to Kun Lun. I look forward to him returning eventually.

As you can see, I enjoyed it a lot. This feels like BVS in a sense but it is what it is. Folks need to chill tho. If you like a show, youre being an apologist or defensive, if you dislike it, you're a hater. Can't even debate opinions without it getting testy. Anyways, I look forward to the Defenders. 8 / 10. /10 system gang in full effect :smokin
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The iron fist we wanted was in that black and white video

I can understand jj and lc not having great fighting abilites or direction

But IF trained his whole life to fight the hand and dude getting washed by tandom security guard #6 in a xray room archive
Something tells me if this scored off the charts good on RT prior to the series, the convos would be much different right now.

It's just the world we live in.
If you don't fit then I'm not talking about you but unfortunately statistics show that media does tell the majority of us how to feel and what to think, on just about everything.

You been caping for this show hard.

Majority of us could care less about the ratings.

I only know of the ratings because of NT.

The show was trash.

Find it funny how some people are so protective of this show.

"Its definitely the worst show of the bunch but its not that bad" wut!?!
Its the same logic when ppl say this is the worst MCU movie but it's nowhere as bad as BvS.

If a player is the worst in the all star West team does that make him a bad player?
As much as I complained about Iron Fist since it came out, it is still light years better than BvS. BvS was a mess in every way. It was an editing disaster. Scenes didn't flow into each other. One note. Not an ounce of personality in that movie. Truly haphazard storytelling and the villain was ten times campier than marvel netflix's most campy character (Diamondback).
So you're saying BvS needs to be extended to 13 hours?

You're quite cruel to your patients...
She was most definitely talking about JJ. It was a blink or miss mention.

Funny how they openly referred to DD, LC at least two times by name throughout the show and not one l Jessica Jones name drop.

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JJ was pretty low key compared to DD and LC

I don't remember her being mentioned or talked about in the news
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I believe the negative reviews are barriers to what people really feel; they are upset that Danny Rand isn't Asian.
I believe the negative reviews are barriers to what people really feel; they are upset that Danny Rand isn't Asian.
Definitely. It's hidden in so many reviews. But also, many don't like the choreography and this IF
I think it's not race but how they wrote Rand's character lol.
For a main protagonist he's kinda trash haha
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