Wow people didn't like Jessica Jones?
I'm probably not the majority. Acting was cringe worthy at times. JJ strength varies from ep to ep. She was cute to look at but character was boring. She wasn't very rationale in most of her actions. Especially capturing someone as dangerous as killgrave???? Maybe take some better precautions. Killgrave's way of making sure he had control of JJ was to have her lesbian kiss? Cmon killgrave, you were a genius most of the show. Now you're just some bro with powers doing silliness?? Have JJ kill one of the ppl there. One of the things she swore she wouldn't ever do again. JJ is supposed to be an investigator. Her way of defeating KG was to just become immune to his powers? Lazy, teenage writing. Show felt too low budget at times. I'll say it again. Powers are inconsistent. Luke Cage survives a bomb with no scratch. A knife to the neck, bends. BUT shotgun blast. Oh no! My head!! :x Fight scenes were trash. I tried hard to like it, if thats worth anything. Killgrave got me to enjoy with his scenes. He's so believable as a mind controlling villian(till the death scene). Like Shane is as the punisher... The rest of the problems stated, takes me out of the world of JJ.. sadly.