Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

This press conference... Susan Collins said nothing per the usual, and then Jared Golden comes in and immediately calls for an assault rifle ban. Good man. Too bad the sick ****s in the GQP like Collins won't let that happen.
problem with a massacre/mass killing like this is it is being treated that it's being attributed to mental health. it has been a long running excuse since the 90s. it has been the known excuse by gun supporters. it's always mental health. how bout solving both and treating//institutionalizing the crazies and at the same time banning and limiting the access to guns. instead, we see these politicians allowing kids to own guns. goodness america.
Also where were all these “good guys with guns”!?

****ing joke!

Guy on the right was shot 5 times trying to distract the shooter while the youth bowlers escaped from the back. Miraculously survived and is in stable condition. Guy on the left is his nephew who posted an update of his uncle on FB. Peep the shirt :lol: :smh:
It's times like these when I often think what the Fox News and FB warriors would be saying about these seemingly monthly murders if the shooters leaned democrat, foreign male. Or god forbid female.

As it stands over and over these are done by white, often "Christian", men who are Trump-loving, Fox News worshiping, gun hording people - who are not "mentally ill." They are angry men who feel, and are often told, they are getting screwed in life and being slowly replaced. It's literally the definition of a Fox customer.
problem with a massacre/mass killing like this is it is being treated that it's being attributed to mental health. it has been a long running excuse since the 90s. it has been the known excuse by gun supporters. it's always mental health. how bout solving both and treating//institutionalizing the crazies and at the same time banning and limiting the access to guns. instead, we see these politicians allowing kids to own guns. goodness america.

Since the late 60s…. Just exploded since the 90s
What a jobber, just kill yourself, no need to kill all your bar friends.

Dude prolly lost it after he got fired from his job and took it out on everyone like a coward.
Clearly, we need to take action to put an end to these Mass shootings. Should we consider implementing stricter penalties for unlicensed or unregistered firearms? Absolutely!

Nevertheless, until we can ensure the safety of all, I struggle to support the idea of eliminating legal gun ownership. Unfortunately, the more these incidents occur, the more individuals feel compelled to arm themselves.
You don't even have to acknowledge the possibility. It will never happen.
You're likely correct; many individuals sacrificed their lives for those freedoms. Although amending the constitution is nothing new, entirely eradicating one of the most fundamental rights should be nearly insurmountable.
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