Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Randomly browsing jeans on AE and this gotta be promo dude in one of the reviews

real life it's kinda crazy that we can all be in here cracking tf up with all this going on...that gallows humor effect is so real.

...I get it tho, sometimes I laugh just to maintain my sanity in this ****ed up world.
That's really all you can do when you're powerless over these situations. Grieve and lament with those who come into this thread in good faith, clown and dunk on the conspiracy theorists/contrarian trolls.

Sucks that this is becomes a source of entertainment, but thank the idiots who have no ability to discern fact from fiction for that.
Yeah it's downright depressing seeing control of the pandemic within reach then an old foe decides to pop back up and take the spotlight. A good laugh helps sometimes.

yo if some vax-resistant variant pops up in Florida because people want to break spring I just might lose it.

...but yeah, also the random civilian shootings are very bad.
Ya'll think that bald fat 20 year old idiot a part of some vast genius conspiracy?

that's why the Capitol thing still trips me all the way the **** out...they ONE HUNDRED PERCENT caught the United States of America slipping, they could have legitimately captured and killed leading officials in multiple branches of government.

seized power for a fascist game show host and employed martial law to create a Christian ethnostate.

that **** happened. we were maybe on the 13-yard line of something historically wild like that unfolding before our eyes.

and they sent:


like, to be either on the "planning/executing" or "allowing/defending" teams in that is EMBARRASSING.

"control" is an overrated concept, turns out it's really hard to reliably manipulate world events.

of course, now we know the US Capitol is a soft target that can be likely taken by a few hundred trained troops but whatever.
No he could be 20 And be balding like that. I work at a plastic surgery office during the summers. Most of the clients who want hair transplants are between the ages of 20 and 25. If you got bad genes there’s nothing you can do about it. Those guys were always super broke too, paying with four or five credit cards at the same time. When I do the consultations I make sure I grow my hair out pretty long. Those boys see the flowing locks and you can literally see the tears roll down their eyes as I tell them how annoying it is to have to fix it every morning LOL
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I knew a middle eastern guy who pretty much went bald right after graduating from hs...told me he was expecting that to happen since it ran in his family.
No he could be 20 And be balding like that. I work at a plastic surgery office during the summers. Most of the clients who want hair transplants are between the ages of 20 and 25. If you got bad genes there’s nothing you can do about it. Those guys were always super broke too, paying with four or five credit cards at the same time. When I do the consultations I make sure I grow my hair out pretty long. Those boys see the flowing locks and you can literally see the tears roll down their eyes as I tell them how annoying it is to have to fix it every morning LOL

Man that is cold :lol:
Good lord this thread got skimmed down. :lol:

i was looking at the thread and was like...wayment sumn diff. 😂

Lol im glad the foolishness was cleared. Can’t have too many back forths with that type of logic (if you can call it that) bc it’s been proven to be harmful to others.

Discourse is good, but blatant disregard for others and a lack of empathy is wild.
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