Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

If you're gonna get a gun because you were being bullied why are you not looking for the bullies and shooting up innocent people smh.

I think these twerps have some sort of delusion that it's them vs everyone else because they're having a hard time in school, getting bullied or what not. Like it's the end of the world because they're unpopular and they assume that's how it will be forever so they try and go out in a blaze.

If only they knew how insignificant high school is.

Then on Tuesday -- hours before the shooting -- "a different teacher in a different classroom saw some behavior that they felt was concerning, and they brought the child down to an office, had a meeting with school officials, called in the parents, and ultimately it was determined that he could go back into class."

:wow: whole lot of failure there by many adults. Waiting for those updates about the parents now too
Teachers are in a tough spot. You yank the kid out of class or get him suspended for what sounds like vague "concerning behavior" and suddenly you're the bad guy and have to deal with the backlash from the parents. Or you just brush it off as a teenager being a punk and he does this. Like damn that administration must be devastated. That's a heavy load to bear. How could you know? Too much discretion.

I'll be interested to know if anyone alerted police or the school about him playing with guns or making those IG threats.
Teachers are in a tough spot. You yank the kid out of class or get him suspended for what sounds like vague "concerning behavior" and suddenly you're the bad guy and have to deal with the backlash from the parents. Or you just brush it off as a teenager being a punk and he does this. Like damn that administration must be devastated. That's a heavy load to bear. How could you know? Too much discretion.

I'll be interested to know if anyone alerted police or the school about him playing with guns or making those IG threats.

Kids have been suspended/expelled trivial things like hair/clothing.

Certain kids have complexion for the protection.
Teachers are in a tough spot. You yank the kid out of class or get him suspended for what sounds like vague "concerning behavior" and suddenly you're the bad guy and have to deal with the backlash from the parents. Or you just brush it off as a teenager being a punk and he does this. Like damn that administration must be devastated. That's a heavy load to bear. How could you know? Too much discretion.

I'll be interested to know if anyone alerted police or the school about him playing with guns or making those IG threats.
Not to turn this thread in a different direction, but if this kid was a different shade those concerning behaviors would lead straight to juvenile detention and called a thug. There's not a single article I've read about this dumb piece of **** kid and his dumb parents that call them anything close to a thug.
My wife is a teacher and I hear about it daily. I legit get nervous for her because the kids are never wrong. So let the parents tell it.

my boy quit teaching because of this. One student told the parents he’s calling her the n word.

of course he didn’t but she just wanted to get him in trouble because she didn’t like him. Dude never had an issue with anyone else either.

they put a camera in his class and he just quit when the school year was up.

he was worried he’d be in the paper for something he didn’t even do. Don’t blame him.
In addition, the kid has been uncooperative with authorities, which makes me suspect that the parents might have something to do with it.
Unlikely, but not impossible.

Sounding prophetic right about now.
Notice this bs doesn't happen at the schools in the city where we have metal detectors at the doors.

Funny how that works.
Bingo... school security is never even questioned. Even after what that coward did in Parkland.

Also, kids at these schools are much less likely to be on pharmacueticals.
Security in a school will always be a joke because the students simply outnumber everyone else for starters. On top of that, metal detectors are 1 thing, but having actual security personnel is another. A highschool might have 3 resource officers. I don’t expect a teacher to do anything either because wrong or right a parent can cry
Hmmm seems almost a non issue at the airport though...

if youre going to have a disproportional response youre gunna have to fund the changes you wish to see...

TSA checkpoints at all entrances...
Hmmm seems almost a non issue at the airport though...

if youre going to have a disproportional response youre gunna have to fund the changes you wish to see...

TSA checkpoints at all entrances...

We all know that only happened because of 9/11. It's easy for America to mobilize secruity measures to prevent mass murder when the perpertators are not white

I remember how absolute garbage some high school kids were, couldn't pay me enough to teach those fools. Probably grade school and college students wouldn't cause me to go insane.

Maturity wise there is no difference between college and high schoolers until about their senior year. One just has student loans and can legally vote.
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