MASSIVE RESTOCK ON EASTBAY 4/19 - Couple GS sizes, Mostly Large Sizes (like sz 15).

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I had the breds open on my phone from last night but refreshed at like 7:01 I didn't think it would refresh on its own at all
but they said they let a "select few" on, so I'm wondering if those people will get them, and the ones who snuck in after won't, hence why it won't refresh for us
Don't bring up GM again, no one wants to here same old arguments.

Soleheaven is dead....

On NDC restock, if your ok being salty, go straight for your grails(ahem, bred 1)

Odds are you strike out.

If you wanna be smart, go for these shoes:
MB 4
FR 4
GR 5
FR 5
All the 10s

You are more likely to succeed with these shoes and get numerous items than going after on hard to get one and losing out.
If your on chrome keeps mashing in F5 until u see the refresh circle in your tab not go away but keep spinning, YW
Thanks boss
the page will refresh on its own 
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 503 (Service Unavailable)

lmao finally got through but the full page wouldnt load I couldnt even see any sizes if there were any

"yall super bogus for the publicity stunt...Nobody crashes this hard...NOBODY"

lol, good point.

I'm bout to go back to bed. This was some bullshxt. I kind of figured they did it for attention.

EDIT: It just loaded and only an 8 and 9 is left in Gammas lmfao, and when I click a size it doesn't do anything. Good job SH!!!
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