Mavs-Wiz Trade -Butler, Haywood, and Stevenson for Gooden, Howard, Ross and Singleton

Howard isn't as good as he was in previous years, and I enjoy watching Caron play. Not sure how I feel about the deal though.
I like the deal for the Wiz. They're not going anywhere so they should just move Caron now. But they're getting high energy players in Gooden, Singletary, and Ross in return and that can only help a sorry ### team. It also gives McGee more PT. Howard has to start playing again because he's a FA after next season.

So it really doesn't hurt the Wiz to make this deal. I'd be pretty thrilled just to see Stevenson gone.
Hope this happens. I need Josh Howard to start getting better numbers for me
as a Mavs fan i was a huge Howard fan, but he was getting hurt n not the same player. Butler is solid
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

I see no improvement happening for the Mavs while The Wizards are even worse off now.
, wow. No improvement?

I understand people saying we won't compete with the Lakers, but no improvement?
Originally Posted by kingkb34

Wizards officially enter the John Wall sweepstakes with this one.

you guys realize that the Wiz are rebuilding, right? it may look like a D- in terms of player value, but we got some money off the books and we need to tank anyways. Jamison is next to go... anywhere but CLE please.
Mavs win this. They now have two seven footers who will rebound and block shots. Add in another scorer in Butler, !%$! even Stevenson can put up scoring numbers and they now have a potent offense.



Terry's may start at SG. Marion goes to the bench. Butler moves up

THe Mavs have now made it tougher for the Lakers and their quest for another chip
The Wiz do this because all of those former Mavs come off the books next yr. It's not like they were trying to get better on court with this. Plus, I bet they want to clear the team of guys with Gilbert Arenas fiasco residue on them as well.

Love it for the Mavs. They get tougher and Josh was just done in Dallas anyways. He's getting injured a lot, seems disinterested and unfocused when he is here likely due to some of the off the court stuff which had the fans giving up on him too. He needed a change of scenery
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