Max Payne (movie) sucks!

Looks like Vincent Chase did another bad movie
Damn I had high hopes for this. I seen Death Sentence last night with Kevin Bacon, and I was just feeling a whole Max Payne vibe throughout the movie. Whichthen led me to hope for high potential for this.
On CNN under entertainment

EW: Review: 'Max Payne' is really, really bad

Still have to see it though....the game was too thorough
What happened w. Wahlberg and SNL?

I heard someone talking about Max Payne/Wahlberg this was a good line (not verbatim), but dude said "Mark Wahlberg acts as Mark Wahlberg inevery role."
- I'll Blu-ray NetFlix it, regardless...

- Makes me want to dust off that old copy of OG Max Payne PC

- never did get around to playing Max Payne 2
What killed this movie was the studio forcing them to edit it down so it could get a PG13 rating.

I heard it sucked, but at least it was ultra violent and mature and tru to the game, but now not only does it suck but it's full of fluff and bunnies.
I can't believe I watched this movie. I was hoping Luda would dowell but at some points his acting was just
Originally Posted by bud dink

This movie had me in the theatre thinking about the video game just like max payne but with a dog

anybody know what its called??

dam i cant stop watchin your avy son.
Originally Posted by I am Furby

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

after seeing wahlberg get all snooty about his snl skit, i lost a lot of respect for dude ... i dont give a damn what type of training hes had, he acts like he can woop everybody ... ill diddy bop on his forehead

I kind of feel the same way now about him. Funny thing is I couldn't stand the guy for a long time and finally started respecting his acting after 4 Brothers and The Departed, and after the SNL thing I am starting to dislike him again. Too bad about this movie though, although the first trailer looked like hot buttcrack the second one looked pretty dope, even if it totally copied a few scenes from The Matrix and Constantine.
it was just a joke you goofs, he followed up w/ andy samberg the next snl with a skit. Calm down and say hi to your mothers for me.
my boy was telling me when he saw it people were actually LAUGHING at ludacris' acting.
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