McDonalds in the 1990's appreciation

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

does anyone remember in the late 90s as a NFL promotion (I think) you could actually get a bucket of fries? I remember I was out in Texas and on the menu they actually had "Bucket O'Fries". If you google it, it's like some big urban "legend" but in the area I was at, they actually sold it. It was fries in cup that was a little bit larger than the "super sized" cup.

real talk though...........BK Tacos >>>>>>>>> McDs existance
-The Juice
I live in Texas, and one of my friends told me about this, but I REFUSED to believe him until I was at a McD's in the boonies and I swear they had this!!
Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by wildout4

cant beat 29 cent hamburgers and 39 cent cheeseburgers
wednesdays and sundays

20 pc chicken mcnuggets for $2.99.
FRIED apple pies.
Originally Posted by airmaxwun

The big mac didn't get smaller, they just changed the wrapper to a box which made it seem smaller.

You right. The Big Mac was never that large. It's just the asking price is high for a burger of that size.
Man a quarter pounder meal was 2.99. I used to get 3 dollars for lunch every day and have an extra quarter to cover the 3.24 after tax. Those were the days.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

mmm chicken mcnuggets


(mechanically separated chicken)

like that's gonna change anyones opinion on it

they look good right before i eat em so IDC
I just miss the promotional stuff they used to have. Actual glass mugs and stuffed toys were piff
wasnt a 90's thing... but they REEEEALLLY need to bring back the chicken flatbread sammich
im bout to start a petition
I remember going to a bunch of different McDonalds to get all the different 1992 Dream Team commemorative cups.
Then in 94' when the World Cup was down in SoCal they had all the pins of the different teams!!!!
The burgers probably got a little smaller but a big part of it is you guys have grown up (bigger hands and different tastes). McDonalds in the '90s was already way past the point of lowering their quality to earn massive profits. 
Originally Posted by Nash

I just miss the promotional stuff they used to have. Actual glass mugs and stuffed toys were piff

Agreed.  My friend used to collect all that +%**.
spacejam toys....
flintstones mugs....
hamburgler videos with the rest of mcd crew
why cant it still be like that
the sunday/wednesday burger deals

and i remember all the kids went crazy for those beanie babies or whatever you call them.
The 90's in general is much appreciated. Being a kid and living a care-free lifestyle.

But yes, 29 cent Hamburgers and 39 cent Cheeseburgers are definitely appreciated.
Yes! It was better in the 90s and 80s. The toys, the commercials, the gimmicky burgers.
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